Man, so the issue is, I just wing stuff when I’m short on equipment. I operate off the principle of “what would really suck right now” and go with that.
So with adjustable dumbbells, the big thing they’re good for is pre-fatigue. This is an example of a workout I did with some powerblocks
Start with the lowest weight, do some reps, go up, do some reps, etc, until you get to the topset, do as many reps as you can from there, then MATCH those reps all the way back down again. Makes a little weight go a long way.
That works for pressing overhead and you could do DB benching as well. You got resistance bands too, so what you can do is hold the end of the band in each hand, wrap the band around your back, and then bench like that to add resistance. It’s like a backwards slingshot. You can also dropset that way too, where you press with the band until you can’t, then ditch the band and press out again.
You can do the dropsets for DB rows too to hammer the back.
Chins, there’s so many ways to do them, especially with a weighted vest. Dips give you that option too.
You’re a bit limited on leg work, but there’s always lunges. I hear goblet squats are a thing. I never did them. Picking up that sandbag is basically deads/stones. I like tabata sandbag picks if you want to make them suck
So that’s throwing a lot of stuff at the wall. If I wanted to structure it, I’d go with my usual one trick pony approach.
4 days (1 for press, 1 for bench, 2 lower body days)
Press day is DB pressing with dropsets and whatever craziness you can come up with to make it suck
Use dips for assistance work. If you wanted to, you could do dip and chin supersets. Classic.
Fill in some bodybuilding work with the dumbbells (curls, raises, whatever). Could do some band pushdowns too.
Db benching (make it suck)
Dips and rows for assistance stuff
Bodybuilding work
I’d make the lunge my primary movement. Go for step PRs or dropsets or something. Make your legs ache. Lunges are honestly awesome.
Get some ab work in with the ab wheel.
Finish the day with the sandbag. Doesn’t have to be tabata, but picking it up a bunch of times with fry your hamstrings and back.