Hello -
I am starting the Velocity Diet, tomorrow - Saturday, May 13, 2023.
I am excited about it.
I am 51.
A lifter and a former athlete.
Tons of injuries since I was 48.
I am injured now - I am sciatic and have a back issue.
Under a Dr’s and Physical Therapist’s care.
My head is in the right place -
I am not asking for advice about the diet unless off course I directly ask for it - I am just taking the opportunity to log on this forum.
Thank you.
Welcome to T-Nation.
Appreciate it! Thank you.
day 1 velocity diet
morning shake etc
mid afternoon shake etc
ate dinner @ 3pm
- skinless chicken thighs raw carrots and sauteed potatoes.
roughly 1500 calories thus far.
going to bed early
in my bedroom by 8pm
one more shake left for me today etc…
my calories will be about 1700 to 1800 for the day.
post script - gardened a bit today. good workout tonight.
on my last shake as off 730pm. i had a little nap as well.
liking the fish oil and the curcumin etc…
be well
Good luck!
good morning this morning slept in
yesterday worked out well.
i didn’t have the shake or anything besides black coffee until noon today.
worked out a bit
mobility, yoga and some kb’s this morning.
sciatica is still painful but manageable.
i will probably hit the punching bag and lift a little - a bit later on.
good morning so far
1 two scoop shake down
2 fish oil
and 2 curcumin.
be well. i will check in later.
calories and food intake so far
noon first shake
2 fish oil
145pm after workouts -
2 cans of tuna with a tablespoon of olive oil
sauteed carrots and sauteed potatoes
1023 calories so far.
i feel very full and satisfied which is a good thing.
macros are -
28% fat
18% carbs
54% protein
129 grams of protein so far
i like eating my healthy meal mid day…i find it is easier on me.
i also like “popping” 6 of the fish oil capsules as well. 2 with each protein drink and the meal etc…
also i would probably take two cucumin at night as well as in the morning.
all in all a good program so far.
we will see what the work week brings tomorrow.
packing my healthy meal with me - tomorrow - and enough protein powder for 3 shakes as well as the fish oil and supplements…i get home fairly late.
I like reading the different ways folks are making this work for them. Nicely done
Day 3 Velocity Diet.
My workouts have been pretty good.
It helps.
I am good with only 1400 to 1800 calories a day. I do get hungry but I am good with it. I need something like this. I would like to go for a couple of months actually.
I would like to double up on the curcumin and the fish oil actually.
I am going to do just that.
Looking forward to my healthy meal everyday etc.
Today so far.
Some exercise , yoga, kettle-bells, meditation in the morning.
Two fish oil
Two curcumin
One double scoop shake.
Wish I bought all chocolate. I do not like the vanilla! I am going to mix the vanilla with the chocolate etc.
Be well.
I will check in later.
Nice meal at 1145am. Woke up at 6am
I feel very full at 2pm.
2.5 cups of homemade chicken.
2 cup shake.
2 fish oil.
2 curcumin.
We’ll see.
The work week with the v diet will be a challenge.
We’ll see.
2 delicious shakes left and zero calorie drinks.
Grateful for black coffee, tea and crystal light!!
Be well.
shakes down etc…
going to try to eat my meal later on in the day tomorrow
consumed 1700 calories today - lots of protein -
macros - 16 % fat
18% carbs
66% protein…
After the V-Diet is done - i can see my self eating a keto diet kind of food plan like this. i feel good.
lots of carbs are not good for me - it is obviously why my weight has ballooned up so much etc…especially being injured etc.
be well.
Thanks for posting your log. Following!
Hey Zen! Welcome. I started a little over a week ago. In it with you, dude!
Day 4 - V-Diet.
Appreciate “camper” right there with ya!!
Going well today.
Spaced out the shakes closer together.
No solid food yet which is a good thing.
I would love to wait to get home to eat.
But that is not until 730pm or so
It is now close to 330pm.
But working on it.
Like I said I feel good.
3 shakes down since I woke up this morning at 530am.
BTW - I wouldn’t mind putting a sprinkle of coffee grounds in the mix.
I also mixed the vanilla with the chocolate. Much better etc.
Be well.
Ate at 530pm - good healthy meal - vegan dishes plus pickled beets and another shake and two low fat protein bars.
another shake at 8pm
just under 2000 calories today - doing all right - worked hard.
For the shakes, I can offer this… There are two syrups that are money in the bank… Salted caramel by Jordan’s Skinny Syrups (to go with a vanilla shake plus the espresso shot) and DaVinci’s Cherry syrup (to go with the chocolate shake). Both have zero sugar. One thing that’s helped me to combat all of the sweet stuff, is doing a chocolate shake with the salted caramel syrup.
Both syrups are easy to find on Amazon.
My go to in the morning is pulling a double shot of espresso and throwing it into a vanilla shake with the salted caramel syrup.
Trust me when I say the shakes start to actually taste pretty good after the first week. That whole “re-wiring your taste buds” claim is legit. I drank a straight up chocolate shake just now without adding any syrups, and I’m all “Damn! Tastes pretty close to McDonald’s shake”.
On Day 1, I wouldn’t have said that. haha
day 5 V-Diet
i feel good!
clothes are fitting better - i feel more comfortable etc.
one shake down at 1230pm. nothing before that - just water.
i had a tooth pulled today, so i didn’t consume anything other than water etc…which is probably very good for the V-Diet!
just had some cool - luke warm - coffee - all good.
like i said doing allright.
you good people be well…i will log later.
healthy meal at 4pm
will have shakes later
1700 calories today - i like v diet. doing well
Be well, brother. Heal quickly!
day 6 v diet
boy when life happens - life happens…pretty rough day but i am all-right. but a tough day. stressed ate once - my calories were still below 2000 calories.
i will log better tomorrow.
be well.
hope tomorrow is better
day 7 V-Diet
1 full week
better day today
it always is
i forget that - when i am in “it”
pretty disciplined - stayed with the program 85 percent this week! lol - very true
two belt loops tighter with my belt - pretty damn good.
under 1800 calories today
my healthy meal was a big Mediterranean salad with falafel
3 shakes
be well
it is worth it
day 8 v diet
meditation and working out on my porch and the garage today.
my sciatica is manageable after 3 and a half months of absolute pain…terrible stuff.
i am basically back at full duty at work - which is nice. but i do walk around with a terrible hunch and then it loosens up…i guess - loosen is the right word to use and then i can walk upright and even jog etc…mornings are the worse and the shower.
but i am psyched i can enjoy the day again…
it was pretty brutal. i am thankful though.
in any event - fed my kid some really good oatmeal
i had a good shake with some coffee grounds and a black coffee plus the fish oil and curcumin etc.
be well.
i will check in later.
another shake…healthy meal. no carbs. raw vegetables. mac and cheese and some chorizo…too much to do today but cook.
shakes the rest of the day.
day 9 v diet
doing allright
nice workouts today
3 shakes
healthy meals
taking care of myself and my son
like i said - doing allright
1 shake to go then going to bed
be well
Boy i am an ugly f#$%! Damn!! Believe it or not the girls used to love me!!!