Vegas: gyms?

Going to Las Vegas for a short get-a-away and I’m scared the hotel I’m going to stay at is going to have a lame “fitness facility” with nary a free-weight in site. I’m looking at some actual gyms around that do one-day passes and stuff, but thought I’d fish for anecdotes/sage wisdom from the T-Folk.

I lived in Vegas for a few months and there are quite a few good gyms there. The Gold’s are pretty well equipped as are some other non-chain type gyms. You’ll be fine.

While you’re there, train at the Gold’s on Boulder Highway.
If you are a member at another Gold’s location, make sure you get
your free travel card before you depart…otherwise they charge
a nominal fee of $10 per day. This gym is f#@ing huge. The range
of equipment is awesome, and you practically have the entire
establishment to yourself. Note: BEWARE the taxi drivers. The last
time I was there, I got one of those “SCUM BAG, RIP-OFF ARTISTS!”
Even though I gave him very specific directions, he passed the
place and started circling it with the meter running the whole time.
I informed him that if he didn’t shut off the f#@ing meter,
I would make him regret the day he came to this country!

I was supposed go to Vegas in late October with my Dad, but we
decided to cancel. Flying out of Newark Airport was always a
hassle, but now …FORGET IT! Maybe we’ll reschedule our
trip for the Spring?..GOOD LUCK!!! Joey Z. ::::----::::

Don’t go to the hotel fitness centre - not only are most of them terminally lame, they usually charge as much as a day pass at Gold’s, even if you’re a guest at the hotel. There are 5 Golds in LV - I’ve been to 4 of the 5. The best is the one at 3750 E. Flamingo (I think it’s the same one Joey Z referred to above, it’s on Flamingo just west of Boulder Hwy.) - place is huge and even at 5AM (yeah, I get jet-lagged big time) there’s at least some eye candy! The one at Sahara and Decatur is pretty cool, too. When I was there in July, the day pass had been increased to $15 (it was $10 back in March), but it’s good at all 5 for a full 24 hours - time it right and you can get 2 workouts in for one! Looking forward to hitting the place again in November. The other 2 I’ve been to (the one in Henderson and the one on Lake Mead Blvd) are not as good - they’re the same layout, and they’re less hardcore - if you’re staying on or near the Strip, Flamingo or Sahara/Decatur are a lot closer anyway. There’s also supposed to be a Powerhouse opening somewhere in LV - they had a sales office on Flamingo last time I was there (July.) You’re usually better off renting a car - they’re dirt cheap!