I’m looking to make an anavar dissolved solution. 50mg per dropper. I’m looking to really burn body fat and be more lean and shredded.
How much should I take daily and for how long can I take it? I’m 6 foot 8 about 250 lbs maybe 23% bf
Not too concerned about getting bigger just burn fat and much more lean.
Anyone have a formula for the suspension too? Thank you everyone
Anabolic steroids build muscle. That’s what “anabolic” mean.
Burning fat is done with caloric deficit and cardio. For your goals you dont need var, it doesn’t do anything to help you with this.
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23% bf
Bruh, lean out like a regular person first. If you can’t cut natty, you shan’t cut enhanced.
With good genetics Anavar helps to spare muscle in a calorie deficit. The only way it might help burn fat is if you gained some muscle, which would raise your basal metabolic rate.
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0 mg per day for 6-8 weeks. Repeat as necessary during your calorie deficit/fat loss phase.
Save the oxandrolone for the people with visible ab veins who want to trash their trig/hdl-c ratios.
Good luck!
Two examples for you:
This makes more sense. I was sceptical of your normal range comment. Let me be as clear as I can, your trig/hdl-c ratio is bad. That ratio is best reflection of lipid particle counts you could determine with nmr test. You aren’t doing yourself any favors walking around like that for 6 months at a time.
If your Doc isnt worried with these numbers then he doesnt care about your health. What were your pre oxandrolone lipids?
Now does this mean you are giving yourself CVD? I dont know. But …
Happy Anniversary @blshaw
@Casey_d sweet lord my man. You must have at least three things going on here. You don’t seem to have the genetics for keto (low carb). Your bloodwork responds very poorly to oxandrolone. Your only modestly elevated TT is masked by your probable very low SHBG while your fT is sky high given your Test dose. Your blood work looks horrendous. If you value your health you’ll pull the oxandrolone, get your testosterone back down to actual TRT levels and you …
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