[quote]Sloth wrote:
[quote]MaximusB wrote:
You guys are seeing the trees but not the forest.
Illegal aliens don’t just come to work, as they claim, but they have kids, they get sick, and get arrested, etc. Their cost is ALOT more than their contribution. These people also send a good portion of their money back to their home country, which takes away from recycling it back into our economy.
Do people really think that taxing minimum wage workers will outweigh all of that ^^^?[/quote]
So, basically they wanted to incentivize MORE illegal immigration. Everytime any sort of amnesty is passed it basically says, “See? Get here and stick it out long enough for the next round of amnesty.”
Edit: Gotta love the libertarian fools and their “competitive” labor. Yeah, that labor working for $4 bucks an hour will support the politicians who promise more education and healthcare dollars. And if they can’t vote, their multitude of sons and daughters will. “Hey, let’s replace ourselves with throngs of uneducated, unskilled labor. Surely, it’d be great for a small government movement!” Umm, no.[/quote]
Um, have you seen California? Do you pay attention? 4 of the 11 million illegal aliens reside here, so the remaining 49 states cover the other 7 million. Half the kids in schools here do not even speak English! The “stick it out long enough and wait til amnesty comes” is EXACTLY the strategy being used with illegal aliens. They play a good game of chess. The set up a strong pro-illegal alien lobby here. You have all sorts of legal organizations to protect them (La Raza, MALDEF, LULAC, Brown Berets, MECHA Movement, etc.), once they get here, they take advantage of our birthright citizenship flaws and get welfare for their kids (for up to 18 yrs here in Cali, you think that is also a coincidence?) You have free education for schooling K-12, and now there is a movement to subsidize in-state tuition for illegal alien kids here (the statewide California DREAM Act). Latinos votely very largely Democratic because they don’t make enough money to make it worth their while to vote Republican.
Did Meg Whitman’s housekeeper get deported? Nope. She even used fake documents to secure a false SSN, and she STILL isn’t being deported. A convicted MS-13 gangmember Edwin Ramos killed 3 people (a father and 2 young boys), who is here illegally, and STILL won’t be deported.
Everyone is scared to upset the illegal alien lovers, as if to say fuck you to all the tax paying citizens. What does it take?
You really think all that is accidental^^^? Why do I have to subsidize all that bullshit^^^?
Half of our $29 Billion deficit (yes you read that correctly) comes from the costs associated with illegal immigration, and do you think anyone is going to address that? The governor here wants to raise taxes, he has no chance, NO CHANCE IN HELL for that to happen, so you will see $29 Billion in cuts. If you think the shit in Wisconsin was bad, what will happen here will be that on ROIDZ.
We need 3 things, public worker pension reform, deport all illegal aliens, and reform the prison system. If we could do all that, we could fix our problems with no tax hike. But you won’t because we have a governor and state legislature (except for some Republicans) who will pull their pants down to the highest bidder. No one wants to live in reality here, and while I would not blame the entire problem in my state on illegal aliens, it is a HUGE fucking problem that no one will even look at.