I went to the doctor today and got new test results. If someone would please scan over them and let me know what you think I would be very appreciative.
Not all labs were taken the first time like I would have liked. I have slowly learned what to ask my doctor for as I read on this site and learn from people like Ksman. My Doctor is also learning and open for suggestions.
I listed all labs taken I thought that might be relevant. All other labs Cholesterol, sodium etc… were in normal range except the ones listed below.
My starting labs were:
Total Test 288.58
E2 Estradiol 42.6
Free Test N/A
% Free Test N/A
LH 7.2
FSH 11.7
BUN 23 (6 - 23)
LDL 126
I originally mentioned Test+AI+HCG to my doctor. He seemed unsure so I didn’t press. We mutually agreed to try testosterone alone for two months. I told him I wanted to self inject 50mg (Watsons Test 200mg/ml) 2x/wk (100mg/wk total). I used a 29g 1/2 needle and injected into my upper outer thighs on Sun. and Thur mornings for approx two months.
My NEW results are:
Total Test 239.12 ???
E2 Estradiol 9.3 ???
Free Test 61.1 (47 - 244)
% Free Test 2.6 (1.6 - 2.9)
SHBG 19 (13-71)
BUN 24 (6 - 23)
LDL 136
When he came in the room he said Wow! and had thought he gave me Arimidex. As he glanced down at his computer he said “I didn’t give you an AI did I!!”. I told him nope. He said to up my test dose to 70mg 2x/wk. I was playing around with some equations and I am assuming 70 will put me around 300+ at this rate.
I asked about HCG (since it will increase Test and E2) and gave him facts about testes shutting down, stopping Pregnenolone production etc… He agreed but he said he was having a hard time finding somewhere to buy HCG. He said he would get back with me in a few days hopefully with a place to get it. Evidently it’s not common in pharmacy’s?? He said he would start me at 250iu EOD as suggested on here.
Any suggestions would very much be appreciated, especially how my E2 got so low? and my test didn’t go anywhere??
I also didn’t take any supplements over the last two months. As close to a supplement as I took was ON Whey natural as part of my morning breakfast shake.