Using Fat Loss Complex-Circuits as Deloading/Recovery Week?

Here’s what I’m asking. . .

I do a 5 day split, training my ass off for 3 weeks, then on the 4th week, I lift pretty light to recover (deloading). Then go back to lifting hard again. (Don’t wanna bore you with the entire workout program, but basically am doing 3 to 5 sets of 5, with the last set usually to failure, hitting a different body part 5 days a week).

I’m not bulking right now, and I’m not in calorie deficit. I’m eating maintenance calories on the Anabolic Diet right now.

Improving body composition is the ultimate goal, and the diet has been working great.

Anyways, my question is if I do a circuit training fat loss workout (such as this. . . Strength Training, Bodybuilding & Online Supplement Store - T NATION) for my “down week” would this allow for recovery, since these workouts don’t entail lifting to failure?

Basically I’m looking for opinions on doing this type of circuit training as a deloading week. Good idea?

Crossfit is all the answer you need.