Why do you feel you need the adex? There’s nothing wrong with holding water; it’s transient after all. I’m sure people will argue the point but I’ve been told, anecdotally, that you’ll get better results if you don’t worry about the water. I’ve had nothing but problems with even low doses of adex.
The joint pain is awful. Unfortunately, it’s the only thing that nukes my nipples. At your weight and fat percentage (especially 5 cycles in) water retention should be low on your list of priorities.
To answer your question though, if you split it up just keep track of your dosage over a week or some other fixed time interval. .25 eod means 1mg/8 days. The dosing won’t be perfectly consistent day to day, but it’ll average out. If by capsule you mean it’s powdered then put it in solution with water in a syringe and dose a you wish.
[quote]incredulous wrote:
Why do you feel you need the adex? There’s nothing wrong with holding water; it’s transient after all. I’m sure people will argue the point but I’ve been told, anecdotally, that you’ll get better results if you don’t worry about the water.
Let’s please not start eschewing AI’s while using AAS on this board. The knowledge level has already gone down with the departure of some of the older and more prominent posters here, and it would be a shame to see it continue.
Bro Science/Anecdote alert: At only 200 mg/week of Test Cyp for my TRT plus HCG, my E2 levels were almost over the Quest range WHILE TAKING AROMASIN (25 mg/week in divided doses). I was irritable, moody, and put on fat despite no change in diet from commecning the hcg. I am not alone.
[quote]jimbopv123 wrote:
i just wanna know how in the name of god have u done 5 cycles without ever knowing of adex[/quote]
Never really had the need for it during my previous cycles.
I’d usually run Nolva when I get itchy nips. A friend of mine suggested to try ADEX this time around but the only I can get my hands on are the capsules.
[quote]incredulous wrote:
Why do you feel you need the adex? There’s nothing wrong with holding water; it’s transient after all. I’m sure people will argue the point but I’ve been told, anecdotally, that you’ll get better results if you don’t worry about the water.
Let’s please not start eschewing AI’s while using AAS on this board. The knowledge level has already gone down with the departure of some of the older and more prominent posters here, and it would be a shame to see it continue.
Bro Science/Anecdote alert: At only 200 mg/week of Test Cyp for my TRT plus HCG, my E2 levels were almost over the Quest range WHILE TAKING AROMASIN (25 mg/week in divided doses). I was irritable, moody, and put on fat despite no change in diet from commecning the hcg. I am not alone.
AI’s don’t just address water retention.[/quote]
Assuming you could even measure it, how many times above normal would your testosterone and DHT levels be on a cycle? If you’re an athlete and not a bodybuilder there are many reasons to use no AI. Everyone is different, and this is especially true when it comes to drug metabolism.
[quote]VTBalla34 wrote:
I hope he answers and wasn’t just doing a knowledge-drop drive-by.[/quote]
LOL, what is up with all the AI haters posting on here lately? Guarantee an AAS newbie has seen it and ran with it smh.
I think the OP question is a good one. How consistent does AI dosing need to be? If you get the right amount in a week can you get away with taking it monday and thursday?
[quote]Hilldog wrote:
I think the OP question is a good one. How consistent does AI dosing need to be? If you get the right amount in a week can you get away with taking it monday and thursday?[/quote]
I take my Aromasin for my TRT every Mon/Thu and I seem to do just fine. I would probably do Adex 3x/week though, because the effects don’t seem to last as long.
Weird because the half life of Adex is a bit longer than that of Aromasin, IIRC. But that is just plasma concentrations, and not actual effective time due to their mechanisms of action. Aromasin basically kills the aromatase enzyme and your body has to make more, which is not an instanteous process. Adex mechanism of action just inhibits its production (I think, I could be wrong I haven’t looked at it in a while) which means you still have some in your body floating around
my last cycle I decided to see how little AI I could get away with, taking a lower and lower dose of aromasin. I figured because I wasn’t bloating that it was all good, and for the last few weeks I didn’t even bother taking my AI.
BIG FUCKING MISTAKE. High E hit me like a truck, ruining my sex drive and mood for like a month!
Water bloat is the least of your worries from high E. Take your AIs kids.
[quote]rds63799 wrote:
my last cycle I decided to see how little AI I could get away with, taking a lower and lower dose of aromasin. I figured because I wasn’t bloating that it was all good, and for the last few weeks I didn’t even bother taking my AI.
BIG FUCKING MISTAKE. High E hit me like a truck, ruining my sex drive and mood for like a month!
Water bloat is the least of your worries from high E. Take your AIs kids.[/quote]
This is a true point. E just keeps building and building in your system and then BAMM ur screwwed. Just curious how long did it take you to get estrogen back under control once it got like that?
[quote]VTBalla34 wrote:
I hope he answers and wasn’t just doing a knowledge-drop drive-by.[/quote]
Increased strength via CNS mechanisms (aggression), increased nitrogen retention, increased appetite, much lower chance of injury.
There are definitely reasons not to use an AI. Most of them are irrelevant to the guy who just wants to look sexy though.[/quote]
What is your source for the “CNS mechanisms” improved by high estrogen? I am unaware of any link between CNS activity and estrogen, so I am curious to research that further.
Similarly, how does estrogen increase your nitrogen retention?
The lowered chance of injury I assume you mean by keeping the joints lubcirated? Well, that is why you don’t drive estrogen into the ground, but MANAGE it at more acceptable levels. Nobody talks about getting injured in their everyday lives, and we have estrogen in us at all times, so why would you not want to maintain that level while on cycle?
[quote]VTBalla34 wrote:
I hope he answers and wasn’t just doing a knowledge-drop drive-by.[/quote]
Increased strength via CNS mechanisms (aggression), increased nitrogen retention, increased appetite, much lower chance of injury.
There are definitely reasons not to use an AI. Most of them are irrelevant to the guy who just wants to look sexy though.[/quote]
I don’t think having high estrogen will will greatly increase any of that and even make it beneficial. The cons of high estrogen GREATLY outweigh those so called positive effects of high estrogen.
I would agree that IF you can avoid it, there is no reason for an AI EXCEPT within the last 2 weeks or so before you begin PCT. An example cycle would be Weeks 1-10 Test, Weeks 8-10 armidex. Testosterone and estrogen then lower together and recover to baseline levels with PCT. If you don’t need to put extra chemicals in your body, then don’t.
Your BF% will be a large determinant of your need for an AI (the other being your dose of androgens). Another reason for being lean before going on cycle (among many others). Within reason it is nice to avoid an AI if it results in higher levels of IGF-1 and minimal estrogenic related side effects.
This being said, most people who aren’t very intune with their bodies should run an AI for the duration and play with the dose to find what suits them best. I believe armidex to be a safer choice, but aromasin to be more effective. For blood-lipid levels and estrone versus estradiol control respectively.