[quote]BONEZ217 wrote:
guitarlifter wrote:
BONEZ217 wrote:
It would not be a good idea to use any product that may alter hormone production at your age. It would also be a waste of time as your T levels are approaching the highest levels they ever will be.
Guitarlifter: that is horrible advice. Ok so maybe 6 tablets of dianabol (what fucking dosage you moron??) wont harm anyone. But what about 8 or 10? or 24? Where do you suppose a 16 year old should draw the line? You are clearly making too light of the situation of a teenager using hormonal agents. Prematurely ending puberty is not the only risk teenagers face. There is also the risk that someone with a developing endocrine system will permanently damage their endocrine system causing irregular hormone production for the rest of his life. Giving tounge in cheek advice to a grown man is one thing but doing so with an impressionable kid that may just listen to your shit advice is a different matte.
Hold on here. Now let’s not warp what my advice into something completely different from what I stated and then criticize it. If you’re going to criticize something, criticize it for what it is, not something else. I said that it would be fine for the kid to take the six pills because they’re going to do next to nothing as testosterone booster pills and that, even if the pills were steroids, he’d still be fine. The addition of that comment was to point out that the six pills are not going to be able to do any damage even if the company was retarded enough to send him steroids.
You took my words, then somehow extrapolated it all into me suggesting him to start taking steroids, which I never suggested. Again, the topic was six pills, not 8, 10, 12, 24 or more. If the kid had more than 6 pills, say a whole bottle or more, then yes, that could be dangerous IF they were steroids. These pills are not steroids, but typical testosterone boosters which help to boost natural testosterone production in the testes or act upon HBCG to free up more testosterone. A whole bottle of testosterone boosters would not harm an adolescent because the body isn’t going to and can’t overpower its own negative feedback system by overproducing testosterone.
The negative feedback system regulates testosterone levels which is why you would have to force more testosterone into the body than normal via exogenous sources in order to overpower the negative feedback system which could cause damage. Testosterone boosters may be unnecessary, pointless and ineffective for teenagers due to their testosterone levels already being so high and that they might not go any higher from testosterone boosters, but they’re certainly not dangerous. Once again, let’s keep testosterone boosters separate from the topic of exogenous testosterone that will overpower the negative feedback system which can cause a plethora of issues.
I understand and can’t praise you enough that you are a responsible, well-informed steroid user who has done more than considerable amounts of research on all aspects of steroids, ancillaries and the such before you ever took them and that you may be protective of others because you care about others’ well being and want to make a good name for steroids and steroid users. We’re both on the same page there because I have done just as you have done. That’s fantastic, but just realize that, if you reread, I never told the guy to take steroids, and I never would tell any non-adult to take steroids.
You made a tounge in cheek comment to an impressionable youth. I understand you didn’t even remotley suggest for him to use steroids. The point I was making is that people read things like that and say “oh well if 6 dianabol tabs wont hurt a 16 year old and I’m 17 I can probably take 10.” Do you see where I’m going with this. That is the only point I was making. It is not necessary to bring up the relative safety of potentially dangerous and powerful drugs when talking about something as benign as a T booster. Someone who is less educated on the subject may correlate the two.
Excuse me for calling you a moron, it was uncalled for. [/quote]
Yes, I understand your reasoning, and you are right that I didn’t need to mention steroids. It was mistake, and now that there has been a little more clarification and communication between us, I thank you for pointing that out. I guess I have to remember how teenagers can be so extrapolative regardless of their inexperience. And I appreciate the apology.