[quote]Rud wrote:
buffd_samurai wrote:
Rud wrote:
just would like some others thoughts, no this isnt an unresearched wannabe oral-only cycle thread.
For someone who would just like to speed up their gains a little because of injury putting them out of action for a while hows 10 -15mg daily of dianabol for 8 weeks with nolvadex on hand and a proper PCT at the end (as research shows sometimes use of this oral over 10 days can reduce test levels by 30/40%)?
this wouldn’t be a full blown out cycle expecting 20 pounds of weight, but more so just to help with strength, recovery and protein synthesis - much like a supplement.
my questions are
has anybody tried this? (10-20mg daily dianabol)
what could I expect?
Ive been lifting for 2 years , diets very good, aged 21 - but an injury has kept me from progressing in size for quite a while, and this summer i dont want to look small again.
Thanks for any help
heres an article you may want to read - and initially gave me the idea for this…
Actually, low dose dbol is something I have done and done often for exactly the purpose of a more potent “supplement”. For me, taking as little as 10 mg/day provides a noticeable “boost” to my training and recovery…but it’s obviously not alot.
Best time for this type of use in my opinion (which mirrors alot of other opinions actually) is to take the dbol before or after training. I find this often does as good a job (actually, better for me) than taking Surge though post nutrition is very important. Surge + dbol after training is really a potent combo as far as recovery is concerned.
I’m happy to read that you are not someone who thinks this type of protocol will put on 20 lbs of size and increase your poundages dramatically. No, this type of protocol will NOT increase your weight significantly nor massively increase any of your training poundages, but you won’t have as many workouts where you feel particularly “drained” and your pumps will get better.
I also find that I can loosen up my diet a little (NOT ALOT!!!) when using dbol in this “supplement” manner. It makes it easier for me to stay tighter.
However, and this is the most important, I will agree with everyone else on this post who say you really don’t have enough years of training under your belt to really benefit much from this protocol.
Thanks for this response, what I was looking for
I’ll wait it out as far as touching anabolics, but its good to know how your low dosage dianabol went as far as pumps etc, how long did you do this for ? and did you do any PCT?
Its something i’d consider down the line, when im recovered and ready!
Everyone reacts differently to these substances. There are generalities that can be gleaned from the technical information, but in the end all our physiologies react in very unique ways.
For me, taking that low of a dosage as a supplement (i.e. not every single day of the year) on training days did not require any PCT afterwards. Now, this is different than my experiment of using the low dosage every day for about a month…even low dosages caused my natural system to slowly shutdown.
It was quite different though with non-frequent use (nope, believe it or not I don’t train every single day!) . Basically I found that I never really shutdown at all (natural test that is). How do I know all this? I take bloodtests quite liberally throughout all of my cycles. I literally can’t stand doing something and not getting real quantitative feedback. Maybe it’s the engineer in me…or most likely the nerd in me.