my brother is 19 and a fitness instructor and is at university studying sports science and nutrition,so its not lyk he wd giv me bad shit.
i am 17 and been training for a year now. I just bought off one of my brothers mates, 5mg dianabol tabs, enough for a 4-6 week cycle. i was gonig to take 20mg a-day…i (obviously) just dont want to get anyside effects,lol.
My brother bought me milk thistle tht i take twice a-day,he also told me, ‘make sure you take no more than 4 a-day!’
i Started a cycle yesterday, took 3 tabs b4 wrkout as thts wen my bro was wrkin upda gym and got them. Now i am kinda scared mate :(. if i do 4-6 weeks wat will it do. maybe take a lesser dosage? or what? i always been quite skinny… a year ago i could bench 35kg…now i can bench 90…bt its stopping there and i just want to do ONE cycle… and get the bulk on to give me a boost and something to build on. Would one cycle really harm me?
please give me any tips or advice on the matter. cheers…
If you making little to no progress steroids will NOT make any difference. They speed up progress, they don’t create it from nothing.
Your training age and actual age are a little low to begin AAS. Only those who are very gifted should entertain AAS use at 17, and even then it would create some issues for them later.
Dbol only will provide very little gains, and will still cause the same amount (if not more) of damage to your system as a “real” cycle.
I suggest you stop taking them now. If you have only just started this course I doubt you have done any permanent damage. I know it sucks and you want to do them NOW, but just wait until you have some decent lifting numbers first.
I suggest you hit at LEAST a 140kg bench before you start AAS.
Oh and BTW you will most likely develop gyno without any Anti-Es.
whats gyno?
I aint an idiot that will not take peoples advice, this is why this forum is here, this is why i posted on here to get feedback from people who know there stuff.
If people say dont so it, i wont do it and learn frm the experienced guys, thats what its all about.
I have only taken 3 pills, so 15mg last night, this wont do anything to me atall will it if i dont take anymore now.?
cheers b.t.w. mate
Dbol is pretty good at causing bitch tits, even at 20mg over 4-6 weeks. You may get away with it, but that’s besides the point. Once the breast growth has started, it’s tricky and sometimes impossible to get rid of without surgery.
Symptoms like gyno are controlled by taking anti-aromatases like arimidex(anastrozole) or femara(letrozole). Some people attempt to control gyno with tamoxifen but this is silly for a few reasons.
Anyway, according to your last post you are taking none of these - make sure you read up on them for when you do finally cycle (in a couple of years at least!)
Yep you’re right it won’t do any damage if you stop now.
nice one buddy
i am smiling now.
People lyk u take the fear away and put it into appreciation.
i am gonig to wait afew years and try and use up all my natural hormone first.
good luck on your gains. Av a good future.
peace out.
You don’t need d-bol. There are pro-hormones now that have much less side effects and that are probably as effective. You may not gain as much water weight however than from d-bol.
AFAIK, the best prohormones now with the least side-effects are epistane and 3-AD.
I’ve taken epistane several time and I like it much better than d-bol. d-bol shuts you down more, which is a significant drawback at your age, and is also far more toxic.
If you decide to take epistane, I suggest you take ZMA along with it. It will help keep your testosterone and it’s very cheap - 10$ a month max -. Take milk thistle also.
my brother is 19 and a fitness instructor and is at university studying sports science and nutrition,so its not lyk he wd giv me bad shit.
i am 17 and been training for a year now. I just bought off one of my brothers mates, 5mg dianabol tabs, enough for a 4-6 week cycle. i was gonig to take 20mg a-day…i (obviously) just dont want to get anyside effects,lol.
My brother bought me milk thistle tht i take twice a-day,he also told me, ‘make sure you take no more than 4 a-day!’
i Started a cycle yesterday, took 3 tabs b4 wrkout as thts wen my bro was wrkin upda gym and got them. Now i am kinda scared mate :(. if i do 4-6 weeks wat will it do. maybe take a lesser dosage? or what? i always been quite skinny… a year ago i could bench 35kg…now i can bench 90…bt its stopping there and i just want to do ONE cycle… and get the bulk on to give me a boost and something to build on. Would one cycle really harm me?
please give me any tips or advice on the matter. cheers…[/quote]
Your way too young for steroids. IMO it would be a waste for you to take them now especially a worthless dbol only cycle. I wouldn’t even try prohomones yet. Give your self at least another 5 years before you go that route. If you can’t put on muscle at your age naturally, then something is not right with your training and diet.
my brother is 19 and a fitness instructor and is at university studying sports science and nutrition,so its not lyk he wd giv me bad shit.
i am 17 and been training for a year now. I just bought off one of my brothers mates, 5mg dianabol tabs, enough for a 4-6 week cycle. i was gonig to take 20mg a-day…i (obviously) just dont want to get anyside effects,lol.
My brother bought me milk thistle tht i take twice a-day,he also told me, ‘make sure you take no more than 4 a-day!’
i Started a cycle yesterday, took 3 tabs b4 wrkout as thts wen my bro was wrkin upda gym and got them. Now i am kinda scared mate :(. if i do 4-6 weeks wat will it do. maybe take a lesser dosage? or what? i always been quite skinny… a year ago i could bench 35kg…now i can bench 90…bt its stopping there and i just want to do ONE cycle… and get the bulk on to give me a boost and something to build on. Would one cycle really harm me?
please give me any tips or advice on the matter. cheers…
Your way too young for steroids. IMO it would be a waste for you to take them now especially a worthless dbol only cycle. I wouldn’t even try prohomones yet. Give your self at least another 5 years before you go that route. If you can’t put on muscle at your age naturally, then something is not right with your training and diet.
Ditto on the “way too young” comment.
Dbol only cycle “worthless”? Totally depends on your goals.
If you want to be a pro-bodybuilder or have their size, a Dbol cycle won’t get you there. If your goal is general increases in strength, better recuperation from training, general physique improvement (i.e. looks), then a Dbol cycle COULD get you there. It most likely WILL get you there if your physiology responds to the substance and if your training, diet, and rest are optimized for YOU and no one else.
I respond well to lower dosages and one compound only cycles. You and others might not. If you really do embark on cycles (and again, you really shouldn’t at your age and training experience level. 1 year of training? Come on man…you need to put in more work than that before graduating to steroids), keep in mind that most things you read on boards like this and general “steroid” books are for the “average” user…and note that there really isn’t anyone who is the “average” user.
Your to young for AAS.You should focus on your diet and trianing.Once you dail them in you should start to see results naturally.Save the AAS for later in life when your at you natural limit.good luck.
[quote]pughy100 wrote:
nice one buddy
i am smiling now.
People lyk u take the fear away and put it into appreciation.
i am gonig to wait afew years and try and use up all my natural hormone first.
good luck on your gains. Av a good future.
peace out. [/quote]
No problem. Congrats on being mature enough to wait, I know it sucks.
Ignore the guy talking about prohormones - they usually cause MORE damage, are MORE expensive, and are LESS effective. lol.
[quote]Shotgun wrote:
You don’t need d-bol. There are pro-hormones now that have much less side effects and that are probably as effective. You may not gain as much water weight however than from d-bol.
AFAIK, the best prohormones now with the least side-effects are epistane and 3-AD.
I’ve taken epistane several time and I like it much better than d-bol. d-bol shuts you down more, which is a significant drawback at your age, and is also far more toxic.
If you decide to take epistane, I suggest you take ZMA along with it. It will help keep your testosterone and it’s very cheap - 10$ a month max -. Take milk thistle also.[/quote]
Don’t ever make a fucking post like this in here again.
If you ever fucking recommend a steroid to a 17 year old in this forum I swear I will make your life hell in this forum. You irresponsible piece of shit. Do some fucking research and come back here when you think you might be able to give someone some decent advice.
[quote]Shotgun wrote:
You don’t need d-bol. There are pro-hormones now that have much less side effects and that are probably as effective. You may not gain as much water weight however than from d-bol.
AFAIK, the best prohormones now with the least side-effects are epistane and 3-AD.
I’ve taken epistane several time and I like it much better than d-bol. d-bol shuts you down more, which is a significant drawback at your age, and is also far more toxic.
If you decide to take epistane, I suggest you take ZMA along with it. It will help keep your testosterone and it’s very cheap - 10$ a month max -. Take milk thistle also.[/quote]
[quote]Shotgun wrote:
You don’t need d-bol. There are pro-hormones now that have much less side effects and that are probably as effective. You may not gain as much water weight however than from d-bol.
AFAIK, the best prohormones now with the least side-effects are epistane and 3-AD.
I’ve taken epistane several time and I like it much better than d-bol. d-bol shuts you down more, which is a significant drawback at your age, and is also far more toxic.
If you decide to take epistane, I suggest you take ZMA along with it. It will help keep your testosterone and it’s very cheap - 10$ a month max -. Take milk thistle also.[/quote]
Ill completley agree that this was bad advice as well.
i have stopped. well…i never realy started lyk i said. i only took it for one day.
I weigh about 80kg and BMI is at 12%.
i havent touched a sweet for months and chocolate…last tym was a little bit on easter :o
I feel proud, especially when i see my mates all eating stuff and wen we go out they eat kebabs and the usual crap. however i dnt… i eat a chicken breast,lettuce and rice/cous cous or pasta.
i wake up…
7a.m take pure protein shake (27g)
rolled oats (porridge)
maybe a slice of peanut butter toast.
10a.m usn muscle fuel grow shake (43g)
also containing sumat lyk 40g carbs
and bcaa’s nd glutamine tht they include.
maybe some pancakes (the ones you toast)
cus they have alot of calories bt next to no fat.
(sumat ronnie coleman ate as a teenager i read in his biography).
1p.m fruit. wholemeal bread,rolls,nuts, maybe chicken if i can at work some pasta, basically carb fillings.
4p.m pasta/egg noodles,TUNA, pure protein shake (27g) along with phd creatine (5g) just finished my loading phase though and a COFFEE.
5:30 p.m : WORKOUT.
IMMEDIATLY AFTER WORKOUT: the same USN muscle grow shake as posted above.
8p.m 1 or 2 chicken breast,lettuce(salads) and rice/pasta e.t.c then sumat just before bed at about 10p.m.
ANY tweaks that you guys advise me to make for the better would be very appreciated. I know tht this is gonig away frm anabolics now but hey .
Feel free to slap me down on anything i am doing wrong, hey…its the only way to learn right.
cheers guys. i will post my workout routines aswell…
day1: shoulders (delts), abs
day2: back,bi’s
day3: chest,tri’s, ab’s
day4: rest (football training)
day5: shoulder (delts), abs
day6: football match.
day7 back,bi’s or rest depending on how draining the footy match was.
NOTE: i play football at quite a high level,so i just count this as my cardio. i never do cardio at the gym, may only do the farmers walk and thts it. (day4 :rest)<<this mostly football training.
added onto my post above…I am taking met-rx T-booster, nautal herb booster. it isnt as potent as USN’s but i am only 17 so testosterone is high anyway…so this just gives me a added boost