US should not attack Iraq

My God, there are some nutcases on this board. George Bush analagous to Hitler – BWAHAHAHAHAHA! The “warmongering” Americans? Are these guys serious? Did I miss something? These guys must be watching too much of our B Roll Rejected TV that they import over there. Americans just blindly accept what they are told? These guys must never have met any Americans, or ever read any American history. Well, if we’re going to be warmongers, we may as well get something out of it. Let’s invade the EU and force all their citizenry to go to a real dentist! While we’re at it, let’s bomb them with tons of deodorant, and then force them all to pay less than 50% income tax! Then we can drop a book titled “Europe from Pre-History to the Present: The Land of Neverending War and Death”, let them read about the following chapters: Nazis and the Holocaust: How to Let Things Get out of control, Drag the World In to Bail Us Out, and then Pretend that it didn’t happen, the British Empire Around the World, The Conquistadores: How to Kill off Entire Civilizations in a Generation, The Crusades, The Inquisition, The Exodus of the Jews, Europe in Sub-Saharan Africa: White Man’s Burden, The Thirty Years War, Persecution of the Huguenots, The Guillotine and its Many Wonderful Uses, Neanderthals: how to Co-exist, Genocide in the Balkans and How to Ignore It, European Guide for Humane Treatment of People with Diseases, How to Appease a Dictator, Gunpowder is NOT for Fireworks, Europe and Power: Masters of the Ruthless Landgrab, How to Kill Millions of Russian Peasants and have your Neighbors Quiver in Fear and Beg Protection from their Allies Across the Sea, Religious Persecution: Why Transubstantiation IS Important Enough to Butcher Babies For!, and Crucifiction: the Superior Execution Choice. We must insure that they read the Conclusion of this excellent book, which is titled “How to be the progenitor of the most violence, darkness, repression, destruction, and untimely murderous death of any group of humans ever, then take a few years off and look down your nose, insult, and degrade other people for suggesting the use of violence, even if it is to save lives!” (Trust me, it’s an informative chapter, filled with all sorts of wonderfully informative hypocrisy!) HAHAHAHA!