Urologist Yelled at Me for Not Wanting to Take Clomid

Here down for DG technique (I used same 27g gauge setup as you):


Going back through your history you really could benefit from finding a local PCP/men’s clinic who cares about you and isn’t trying to sell you a bunch of stuff. Your dosing may be too high and perhaps 70-80 mg/week test ester or less (once weekly injection may be something to consider) after discussion with provider. Or discuss pulsing exogenous T with nasal gel or other methods. If you have other endocrine issues going on of course exogenous T isn’t going to address all of that…thyroid/GH/IGF-1/etc.

I also have experienced similar issues to what you describe (insomnia, headaches, tinnitus) while using testosterone and the sleep was a big deal.

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