Added 3month test results. Since results I have increased test cyp to 150mg. Continued with .25 arimidex EOD. I also dropped the ball on the iodine thing but last night I checked temp before bed- 97.1degrees. This morning it was 96.8degrees. Starting Iodine on Tuesday. Seems like the Test is working great for me based on how I feel. The added benefit of hitting insane lifting numbers is nice too.
Estradiol down from 33 to 23.
Test Total up from 308 to 609.
Hemoglobin still 15.8
Hemocrit up from 45.8 to 46.2
These were the only updated tests performed.
So just got some test results back and my doctor suggested beginning TRT, which I accepted.
Current prescription:
100mg test cyp injections weekly
1mg arimidex every other day
Supplement B-12 daily
Donate blood 2/year as my hemoglobin is on the higher side
He wants me to follow this for 3 months and then come back in for testing.
*I also take EC stack 3x/day to aid in my fat loss goals- not doctor prescribed but he knows.
30yrs old Male
Endomorph/mesomorph body type
Currently very overweight 249lbs, self guess 30%+bf- need to lose about 55lbs of fat.
Still very “muscular and strong”- I still lift regularly and have decent 1RM for being obese.
365 bench, 495 squat, 585 DL
This year I have starting eating clean again (meal prep, macros, the whole 9 yards) and have lost about 15lbs so far. I plan on continuing this for a while until I can at least get back down to my desired weight.
Experience many of the symptoms of low T- depression was the major one- hence the large weight gain.
Lab results:
SHBG…16…0-50 nmol/L
Albumin…4.3…3.6-5.1 g/dL
Estradiol…33…<39 pg/mL
Test Total…308…250-1100 ng/dL
Calculated Free Test…8.63
B12…240…200-1100 pg/mL
Prolactin…9.8…2-18 ng/mL
FSH…7.7…1.6-8 mIU/mL
LH…6.6…1.5-99.3 mIU/mL
Hemoblobin A1C…4.9…<5.7%
THS w/ Reflex to FT…2.3…4-4.5 mIU/L
Just any general thoughts as this is completely new to me- looking for validation I guess of the current prescription?
Should I be taking anything else? Should I be asking for anything else to optimize my workouts/fat loss?
I do not want to get any “bigger” as I am already a pretty large guy (even when at low BF), but I would like to take advantage of the benefits of being on test legally and if I can take anything else that would aid in this I would be open to it (ie- getting leaner).
edit- added additional lab tests