Unusual question...

A polite late 20s looking Indian gentleman approached me in the gym yesterday and asked me in a thick accent: “How can I get to look like Brendan Frasure in George of the Jungle?”

What does one say to something like this?


he was probably trying some of his snake charming tactics on you.

hey that is ODD

Lol. That’s funny. What did you tell him? Is he from another country that doesn’t know too much about our macho culture? lol!

I told him to quit eating candy and drinking coke and work out his whole body and eat protein with every meal.

The protein’s going to be a problem for him though since he told me his religion prevents him from eating most if not all meat. Oh well. I guess that’s why you don’t see too many buff hindus.


First of all, I just want to say that you guys should be a bit more culture sensitive and instead of making fun of someone who is different, try helping them out.
Second, being a vegetarian, which is what most hindus are, he can always turn to other protein sources such as beans, in all their types, lentil, chick peas, etc. I am not a hindu, but I tend to eat those types of foods once a week for variety.

Tell him to grow tall, star in a bunch of crappy movies where he plays a guy who’s weird for some reason or a neanderthal and wear some caveman outfit and swing from vines. That’s the only way I can think of.

[quote]faisal wrote:
First of all, I just want to say that you guys should be a bit more culture sensitive and instead of making fun of someone who is different, try helping them out.

Are you saying that being stupid is part of that guy’s culture? You insensitive prick.

If he really was a vegitarian and was going to eat more beans for the additional protein I’d suggest he chose a “better” (pronounced any other) gym.
Atmosphere is important in a gym. Breathable atmosphere is even more important.

be more sensative? what? jmb did give him some help, but that doesn’t take away from the fact that the comment deserved to be laughed at :slight_smile:

HA HA HA brendan frasure