Unlearning Everything Traditional


Floor press-
105 x 60

100# plate BOR x 15, 113.5 x 13
Superset w/ barbell hack squat- 212.5 x 10

Friday- sharp pain in upper right back, hurts to take deep breath thru nose. Lower back is fine.

One arm lateral-
11# + handle x 21ea. x 21ea.

Saturday gym BW 188 yikes, but I’m getting meaty, so it is what it is.

Feeling beat up still-

170 x 20
205 x 11

Hyperextenstion barbell pulls to neck-
65 x 10
85 x 10
95 x 1
105 x 5
All strict

Farmers implements shrugs
55# ea. x 20

Neck curls-
50# x 50

This didn’t help the upper back pain. Last night was hell. But still no lower back pain.

Taking off today.

Trying to consume more calories too because I don’t want to loose anymore weight, but I don’t want any gut ethier, adding more PB and whole milk, things like that.

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Had to improvise due to the upper back. My next weight for high rep floor press is 106, but I can’t be pushing out 60reps today, so I did 2 sets of 35. This was perfect.

I did the same approach for hammer curls.

Floor press-
106 x 35
106 x 35

Hammer curls-
50 + bar x 25
50 + bar x 25

I’ve been drinking some oat meal whole milk based shakes, around 800 calories. Been doing this for a month and still got under 190# BW.

I still go by using calories for fuel not for recovery, the goal is need to be training harder and harder as I increase calories, which I feel I’m doing. I’m as lean as I want to get, I don’t want to look like Rocky 4, hell no! I want saucy, spicy, beefy muscle now.

Yesterday my shake was 1,000 calories I think with strawberries (I had them in the house) because I could feel my body burning so much.

Today I had about 600ish calories of Natural chunk PB and celery pre workout, and 600ish calorie shake post workout.



Floor press-
Too set - 194.5 x 3

Still need to take that easy due to upper back.

Barbell skull crushers-
70 x 46

100# plate side bends x 37ea. x20ea. (114)


Back is about healed! Lower back is fine!

103 x 91

Barbell curls-
103 x 14

One arm laterals-
11+handle x 22ea. x22ea.

New exercise- behind the back shrugs with hammer bar- 50+ bar x 25, x40

I like those shrugs!


Thursday 8/18/23

Damn my lats were sore today, it was those shrugs.

Floor press-
131 x 40

172.5 x 40 DOH, regripped at 31.
Dead lifts-
250 x few DOH
280 x 7 DOH
every rep was regripped, reset.

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I usually don’t train on Friday due to being busy with work and family but had a chance today.

I also am going to do some new things.

I have two hammer curl bars and in the past I used them for farmers deadlifts, but I NEVER wore a belt. I was one of those anti belt dudes, after all these years, yes I’ve constructed the internal belt, but with being 45 now, what’s the point in holding back……

Overhead presses-
103 x 16

Farmers deads
100+bars ea.hand x 5 belt
120+bars ea.hand x1 belt

I was just getting a feel for the belt here as I was sore from yesterdays deads. This was good recovery!

Barbell curls- 78 x 37

Memory lane- I competed in strongman weighing about 185# and I was not muscled (I am sorta now), but I carried 300an arm with no fuking belt in contest and trained up to 280 an arm no belt.

They used to call me “The Sleeper”!!!



140 x 50
Pressed on/off the shoulders.


Floor press-
106 x 60
195 x 4

Played around with one arm rows with the hammer curl bar, this could be interesting….

Upright rows hammer bar-
50 + bar x 31 PR
85 + bar x 4

Things are going good and for the last 1.5 weeks I’ve been eating raw garlic, I just noticed my lingering strenum pain is finally gone. The combo of garlic and hack squats might be helping.

I got the garlic idea from this guy. I did lots of very heavy daily lifting back in the day and experimenting, hell this high stuff has been an experiment and it’s a success but I never did the muscle building and eating stuff back in the day.

Here’s where I learned about raw garlic-


Da Boogs!

Monday 8/21/23

Farmers deadlift (hammer curl bars)-
top set 160ea. arm (320) x 3 w/belt.

This was very easy, just getting a feel still, going to slowly work up. I will say that using these hammer curl bars are WAY harder than the real farmers implements. I promise anyone who is picking up 250an arm with the real implements will find 200an arm with the hammer curls bars awkward as a mofo.

I was never a good weight lifter but my supporting grip was top notch, if I could pick up the weight, I’d win just about any farmers hold event, in which I did. I can remember the first time I ever did one in a contest, the weight was 265an arm and I has such anxiety on whether I could even lift them, as I knew that’s all I NEEDED to do, it was the longest pull ever, and I strained my entire back lifting it, but held it for well over a minute and blew everyone away!

Barbell curls -
96 x 18

one-arm lateral raises -
11# +handle x 23ea. x23ea.

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Tuesday 8/22/23

Barbell Hack squats-
top set 216 x 20

Lats were fried!!!

Barbell skull crushers-
65 x 55 (killed a PR)

Neck curls with teeth-
22# x 70 (finally!) 27.5 x 20

Eating a big clove of RAW garlic a day with honey chaser, I feel amazing and having great affects in training stamina and hitting rep PRs and not even feeling beat up anymore.

I will take a day off from the garlic here and there, I won’t eat it every single day of the week as I’m feeling good at least doing it every other day. Doing it everyday does build up a burning in my mouth for several hours, it’s not bad or anything, but I’m not over doing anything especially if I’m getting results as is.


Wednesday 8/23/23

95 x 111

100# plate BOR-
100 x 19, 110 x 19

No garlic today.

Thursday 8/24/23

Garlic today.

Floor press-
132 x 35

Hammer curls-
57.5 x 24
57.5 x 24

The hammer curls felt the most productive ever, I was careful on the cheating, there was cheating but not as bad as in the past and my arms saw instant growth.

Comparing the Garlic day vs no day, well after skipping a day the garlic went down good and there was no burning happening at all afterwards, but the garlic breath.

The workouts however, the days I eat raw garlic I’m fuking jacked-up during the training, I normally don’t grunt and act a fool, but that’s been happening on the raw garlic days, very interesting!

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Good stuff coming up here and informing-


Overhead presssing
95 x 20, 106 x 10 load and lift.

100# plate side bends x35ea x23ea (116)

Gym BW 188 and thicker

175 x 20
210 x 11 belt

Farmers deads real implement-
190 an arm x 6 belt
215 an arm x 2 belt
Easy stuff, getting a feel again for heaviness.

Shrugs with empty implements 55# ea x 40, x30

Ok here is the info part, I was on the go after this workout, I only ate a little post workout, then about 2 hours later I stopped by the store and got a quart of whole milk and a builder bar and slammed it down, 890 calories.

Here’s the important part, as I’ve never done this type of meathead crap, lol. Instead of the cookie cutter mindset of using this as recovery I felt it’s better to utilize this mega calorie consumption, so I drove home and did-

Barbell curls-
104 x 14 reps

Which was my target for progression.

Thats the tip and it was a smart move, gotta be thinking outside the box and being dynamic about this stuff, otherwise one will be just like every other casual meathead!!!

More to come, I’ve trained once today already.



1st workout-
Floor press-
120 x 48
196 x 5

went to run errands, picked up some more milk and builder bar, not a quart, half a quart. Sucking down that much milk is pretty rough, I need to do the oatmeal shake for that many calories.

Workout 2-
upright rows hammer bar-
57.5 x 26

one arm rows with the hammer bar-
57.5 x 6ea. side (still getting a feel for these).

I was never a croc row fan,but doing these with the hammer bar are very effective, the plates won’t limit ROM, and no need to be concerned about too light of weight via limited dumbell and using straps, that bar won’t roll like a bell.


120 x 20 DOH
175 x 42 DOH, regripped at rep 33.

220 x few
260 x few
290 x 3

Doing 3 reps with 300 isn’t doing a damn thing, but the after that pre-fatigue 40 repper is key. I could feel growth after that set.

Barbell skull crushers-
reverse grip (NEW) 45# bar x 21
Regular grip - 86 x 26

The reverse grip will be something to throw in.

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overhead presses-
86 x 27 nonstop reps, 108 x 11 load and lift.

Barbell curls-
60 x 64

one laterals-
11# x 24ea. x24ea.

Well my hamstrings were not sore today.


Now my hams are getting sore.

105 x 92

Hamstrings are sore as MOFO!!!

I just discovered the best way to consume peaches (I hate eating them), blend them with oatmeal, vanilla whey, plain yogert and whole milk, HOLY SHIT is that DELICIOUSNESS!!!

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Thursday 8/31/23

Floor press-
109 x 60

Barbell curls-
99 x 15


Friday 9-1-23

Upright rows-
52.5 + bar x 31


140 x 60

Reverse grip skull crushers-
50 x 31

Hammer curls-
50 + bar x 41


Accidentally clicked on this log. Got hit with some Zappa. Cannot complain.

Yeah, Training, Zappa and Geetars!!!

Floor Press-
132 x 37

Croc rows w/ hammer bar-
50+bar still getting the feel, top set- 13reps ea. easy enough and felt good.

Neck curls-
44# x 60

Monday 9/4/23

Barbell hack squats-
220 x 15
231 x 15

Barbell curls-
100 x 15

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Barbell skull crushers-
67 x 53 (almost didn’t make it).

100# plate side bends-
x30ea. x29ea. (118 total reps)

one side laterals -
11# x 25ea. x25ea.

My arms shoulders and back are starting to over size my chest, which is good for those parts, but the floor pressing is more of a arm workout, which I’m hooked on.

My theory and it’s slowly working is these high rep floor presses will make my arms like a pair of legs. I just took my squat mindset and applied it to floor presses, simple cretin shit!

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Wednesday 9/6/23

97 x 112

Full Zercher Squats from the floor-
135 x 5

Overhead presses, nonstop wider grip-
98 x 22

First time ever doing Zerchers, those have been on the bucket list since my strongman days, it was “Rick the Stick” that brought those back into my mind, this time to finally tackle. This is truely a fountain of youth movement. When I was a fatazz over a year ago, I doubt I could even get my elbows under that bar. 135 was very, very easy, and it did stretch me out good, my upper abs cramped up a bit, that’s it for a few seconds.

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Thursday 9/7/23

Gotta a treat here!!!

Floor press-
110 x 60

Here’s the treat and I gotta credit Boogs again! I saw him once doing on the bench with his glutes raised presses, so I gave that a test on floor pressing as a way to get full ROM and hell yeah, it damn sure worked!

Glute raised floor press-
197 x 5

100# plate BOR x 20, 126.5 x 5
That was good, will need to do this like every other day and keep adding weight, I want massive, massive lats now!!!

Barbell curls-
65 x 50

I’m eating RAW garlic every day now, it’s easy now, don’t even think about it, notice I haven’t been talking about feeling old and pains!!! Shit works!