Unlearned = Learned More

Tuesday 2/27/24

Heavy Plate RDLs / Shrug and hold with the T handle-
100 x10 (no shrug)
150 x10 (no shrug)
200 x10 1-shrug hold
250 x10 (forgot to shrug)
275 x1 1-shrug hold
300 x5 (PR) 2-shrugs hold (Vid)

Weight wall sits-
200 x50sec. (PR)

dumbell front raises-
13.5x30ea. x30ea.

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Wednesday 2/28/24

Floor Press-
165 x21 PR
Wider than normal, so thats good still hitting a PR.

Behind the back dead lift, hookgrip-
430x1 PR

Calf raises with barbell on shoulders-
115 x70

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Thursday 2/29/24

One arm press with hammer bar, palm out-
20+bar x10ea.
40+bar x10ea.
51+bar x2ea.
61+bar x2ea. PR

Farmers Deadlift with hammer bars (vid so you can see how awkward this is)
440x1 (Vid)

Super wide grip barbell curls-
50# x60


Thanks for sharing the videos. I’ve been reading your log for awhile, and it helps to see what these lifts actually look like.

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Thanks LoRez.

partial TUT pushups-
30 extra wide, 30 slightly over shoulder width, 15,10,2 narrow width.
I couldn’t even get 30 on the last. I also used dumbells for more ROM on the last two positions.

Ladder/wall wide grip presses-
120x12, 126x10 (PR)

Heavy plate RDLs-
305x6,1 (PR)

Barbell skull crushers-
65 x60reps (PR)

Absolutely drained, upper back aching, etc.
Stocked up on Dave’s breads, all different kinds, and jars of PB.


Floor press, glute raised-
240x1 (PR)

Tired as hell, sore shoulders and still nailed a PR.


Barbell curls-
127x7 (PR)


Monday 3/4/24

Heavy Plate BORs
Decided to do more of a traditional pyramid, but only 1-set at top weight.
125x20 (15# PR)
150x12 (40# PR)
200x7 rest paused every two, except last (PR weight)

T handle shrugs-

Bent over rear laterals-
15s x 36
23.5+handles x21


Tuesday 3/5/24

Short on time today, even felt tired and achy, started doing behind the back deads off the cuff, ended up with a PR.

Behind the back Deads-
440x1 (PR)

hammer curls-
44+bar x42


The 440 behind the back Deadlift PR created some lower back issues throughout the night and today, which behind the back is not supposed to do that…I guess being a “top chook” horsecoc’in the big weights will not be in my cards, I just don’t have the natural frame for it, too many back bombs with under 500, but I won’t stop.

Just figured I’d log that, as I did my rehab with plate RDLs and will bounce back quickly!

Lessons learned:

For now, do not make a 40# jump to my top lift, so if I had to do over again, 400 was easy, go 420, see how that feels, if it is my max for that day, so be it.

Behind the back reps: I noticed while doing those last night with up to 360 (I wasn’t even touching the floor), this was interesting. I’m going to start doing reps in this lift like that. I think it’s going to be a great muscle builder, again not touching the floor, this will be like a reverse RDL.

Wednesday 3/6/24

Floor press-
137 x36

95 x76reps


Thursday 3/7/24

One arm press with hammer bar, palm facing side-
20+bar x15ea.
30+bar x15ea.
40+bar x16,3 left, x18right
(PR for right)

105 x100reps (Vid)

Back feels way better after dem squats.

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Barbell curls-
115 x14 (PR)

Saturday 3/9/24
Floor press-
172.5 x18 (PR)

Heavy plate RDLs-
just did sets of 1-3reps up to-
310 x3 total reps (PR)

This fixed my back. This is also getting to a weight where I need to just start to budge it on the first rep, then lift it and maybe do 2-3reps, but I’m happy with singles here going forward. Safety first.

Behind the back shrugs-
170 x30 ALL OUT!!

Sunday 3/10/24

HEavy plate BORs.
Going to trick the MINDSET here to get more reps-
100 x13
125 x10
150 x1
175 x1
201.25 x1
140 x16 (PR)

Barbell skull crushers-
99 x18 (PR)


Monday 3/11/24

Wall/ladder standing incline wide grip press-
109 x17 (miss loaded, was supposed to be 114)
136 x6 (PR)

T handle loading pin dead lifts-
205 xfew
310 xfew
370 x1
415 x1
440 x1
470 x1 (PR for this lift).


Tuesday 3/12/24

Floor press-
137 x41 (PR)

Super wide grip barbell curls-
empty bar 45# x80

Dudes, I’m luving these wide grip curls, not only do they hit the biceps differently they blast the friking traps. Here’s a golden tidbit on light curls, maybe you all know this, IDK, the only muscle person I view for tips is The Stick Del Hagen. Here it is, when doing the light high rep curls, stay in forward flat back position, damn that is NICE!!!


Wednesday 3/13/24

One arm press w/ hammer bar, palm out-
20+bar x10ea.
30+bar x10ea.
42+bar x10ea.
62+bar x1ea. (PR)

Halt Deadlift hookgrip to knees-
220 x4
270 x4
320 x5
370 x1
390 x1
410 x1 (vid)


Thursday 3/14/24

Floor Press, glute raised-
205 x3
215 x2
225 x2
235 x1
245 x1 (PR)
I’m liking this volume of doing doubles and only 10# jumps.

Loading Pin Dead Lift-
310 x1 w/shrug
365 x1 w/shrug
415 x1
450 x1
480 x1 (Vid)


Friday 3/15/24

Heavy Plate RDLs-
up to- 315 x 2 (PR)

Barbell curls-
128 x 8 (PR)

Saturday GYM
BW 202# (gaining 1/2# a week it looks like, thats about what you want to keep it muscle and no fat).

Weighted wide grip pullups-
25# x2 and 4-5partials
35# x only partials

Elevated Zercher from rack-
275 x1 (PR)
Adjusted my technique, I don’t get set by wrapping the elbows under the bar, I stand up and take a deep breath and in one motion, get down wrap the elbows as fast as I can and lift (learned that one from Sticky Ricky).

Elevated behind the back deads from rack-
405 x2 (Rep PR)
455 x1 (PR) EASY!

Dumbell fyles-
up to 80s x2 (PR for reps)

Sunday 3/17/24

Barbell skull crushers-
67 x 61reps (PR)

Loading Pin Dead lifts-
up to 490 x1 (PR)

Here’s a great muscle snack-
Dave’s Killer bagel smothered in Natty chunk PB, covered with broken “HARD” sourdough pretzels!!!


Monday 3/18/24

wall/ladder wide grip standing incline presses-
127 x11, 137 x7 (PRs)

Conventional Halt Dead Lift, to knees-
220 x4
270 x3
320 x3
370 x2
400 x1
420 x1 paused at knee

Wide grip barbell curls-
50 x70reps

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Tuesday 3/19/24

Wasn’t too motivated today for dead lifting, but that all changed…

Heavy Plate BORs-
100 x20 (heres a golden tidbit with using plates, you can do upper and lower rows).
125 x13
175 x1
203 x1 (PR weight)
150 x14 (PR reps)

Behind the back deads, hookgrip, decided to do reps and get into the MINDSET listening to RICKY…
220 x4
270 x3
320 x3
370 x1
390 x1
410 x3 PR, YES YES YES… (VID)

one arm side laterals-
New weight #1-
14.5+handle x25ea., x26ea.

DaCharmingAlbino, check out the vid, listen to the backtrack, this isn’t groundbreaking, but I was jacked up. You can hear RICKY in the background. He is the greatest training partner!!!

Dead Lifts EVERYDAY!!!


Buganhagen’s (Rick the Stick) existence is one of the strongest arguments for shutting your brain off when you lift, but I think you have to be built out of the same stuff as him to get to his level.

I admire it, but can’t emulate it. I tend more towards Mike Tuscherer-type demeanor on my lifts…

I did a lot of shutting off my brain in my twenties in strongman, however back then my only interest was carrying the heaviest super yoke I could in which I got up to 850 for 10-15feet weighing only 180# and no belt (the no belt thing was stupid).

In contest I was the lightest in my class and the only person who carried 720 without any drops 60’ (was a lot back then and being in the 200 class, we didn’t have a 175).

Back then I was proud to be a sleeper. Now I just want jackness. I can’t look back at stupid I was not doing more muscle building and use that as rage.

I also was doing bottoms up yoke squats before they were ever an event in strongman. I would lift 600 from a partial squat before a carry, another mindset trick. The partial squat boasted my performance.

Wednesday 3/20/24

Floor press-
120 x32 warmup
175 x20 (PR)

Loading Pin Deadlift-
210 xfew w/shrug
315 x1 w/shrug x4
420 x1
455 x1
475 x1
500 x1 PR (Vid)

Wide grip barbell curls-
55 x60reps