-Antonio Rogerio Nogueira vs. Phil Davis: I’m going with Davis…i think his overall athleticism will cause a lot of problems for Lil Nog. i’ve never been all that impressed with the Nog brothers on their feet anyway (despite the claim that they train with the Cuban boxing team), and i think he might have been through too many wars.
-Dan Hardy vs. Anthony Johnson: no idea…both guys NEED to win, or get cut. well, Hardy might not because he’s a Brit, but Rumble has pissed off the UFC brass quite a few times. if Hardy protects his chin and uses a well-rounded attack, then i think he can wear Johnson down. but if Rumble only has to defend Hardy’s boxing, then he kick the shit out of his legs and pick him up and slam him into stuff…
-DaMarques Johnson vs. Amir Sadollah: i think Amir’s got this one…i really like to wach him fight, and i hope he’s heard my drunken ramblings and got a good S&C coach to help out his power…
-Leonard Garcia vs. Chan Sung Jung: Garcia will prolly get the UD again…the judges love his style, and i don’t see him making a big enough mistake that the zombie can capitolize on.
Amir looked good tonight… his muay thai is about the best in the UFC. i do think he over relies on it a bit, and should try to integrate it more into a MMA style. still he got a win, and is pretty damn successful, so i’m kind of nit-picking…
i didn’t realize Demarques took the fight on 2 weeks notice…he was clearly gassed at the beginning on the 2nd. he looked good in the 1st, but he must have really had to cut alot of weight, or let himself get out of shape prior to this…
Jesus…Rumble looked massive compared to Hardy. i will give Hardy credit for having improved BJJ, but otherwise, he looked like shit. Rumble was not only bigger and stronger, but faster and more versatile. and didn’t gas.
while i thought Johnson didn’t do as much as i thought he could, he showed he could go 3 rounds with a top contender, and win.
i think Davis is quite talented, but he clearly had not trained vs a soutpaw for this fight. i couldn’t figure out why he was missing his takedowns at first, until realized he was trying a double on a dang lefty… and pawing at him, instead of a jab. weird…
Rogerio, like his brother, holds his hands by his belt and is heralded as a great boxer, which i cannot understand.
this card started off good, but kinda petered out…
i think Davis is quite talented, but he clearly had not trained vs a soutpaw for this fight. i couldn’t figure out why he was missing his takedowns at first, until realized he was trying a double on a dang lefty… and pawing at him, instead of a jab. weird…
Rogerio, like his brother, holds his hands by his belt and is heralded as a great boxer, which i cannot understand.
this card started off good, but kinda petered out…[/quote]
Lil Nog clearly won the stand up portions of the bout. 30-27???
Amir looked good tonight… his muay thai is about the best in the UFC. i do think he over relies on it a bit, and should try to integrate it more into a MMA style. still he got a win, and is pretty damn successful, so i’m kind of nit-picking…
i didn’t realize Demarques took the fight on 2 weeks notice…he was clearly gassed at the beginning on the 2nd. he looked good in the 1st, but he must have really had to cut alot of weight, or let himself get out of shape prior to this…[/quote]
Amir is very technical but best Muay Thai in the UFC… NO!!!
Jesus…Rumble looked massive compared to Hardy. i will give Hardy credit for having improved BJJ, but otherwise, he looked like shit. Rumble was not only bigger and stronger, but faster and more versatile. and didn’t gas.
while i thought Johnson didn’t do as much as i thought he could, he showed he could go 3 rounds with a top contender, and win.[/quote]
Dan Hardy is/was a paper contender at best. He should fight a lower tier fighter next, like Amir.
well, i didn’t see the Korean Zombie getting the Twister…shit, i thought it was illegal. as far as i knew, it is still illegal in BJJ comeptitions.
nice, though… too bad Garcia didn’t hold out for another second.[/quote]
Meh more and more competitions are making neck and spine cranks illegal but there are still plenty out there where they aren’t illegal. I believe they’re legal at grapplers quest as well.
well, i didn’t see the Korean Zombie getting the Twister…shit, i thought it was illegal. as far as i knew, it is still illegal in BJJ comeptitions.
nice, though… too bad Garcia didn’t hold out for another second.[/quote]
Meh more and more competitions are making neck and spine cranks illegal but there are still plenty out there where they aren’t illegal. I believe they’re legal at grapplers quest as well. [/quote]
Sad, it’s that kind of shit that make sports less real, more and more prohibition.
i think Davis is quite talented, but he clearly had not trained vs a soutpaw for this fight. i couldn’t figure out why he was missing his takedowns at first, until realized he was trying a double on a dang lefty… and pawing at him, instead of a jab. weird…
Rogerio, like his brother, holds his hands by his belt and is heralded as a great boxer, which i cannot understand.
this card started off good, but kinda petered out…[/quote]
Sadly, The Nog Bros have stupid Dorea as a coach and they think they are great boxers and totally forgot about their bjj
i think Davis is quite talented, but he clearly had not trained vs a soutpaw for this fight. i couldn’t figure out why he was missing his takedowns at first, until realized he was trying a double on a dang lefty… and pawing at him, instead of a jab. weird…
Rogerio, like his brother, holds his hands by his belt and is heralded as a great boxer, which i cannot understand.
this card started off good, but kinda petered out…[/quote]
Lil Nog clearly won the stand up portions of the bout. 30-27??? [/quote]
i figured Nog had the 1st round, and Davis had the 2nd and 3rd…shoulda been 29-28, IMO…
Amir looked good tonight… his muay thai is about the best in the UFC. i do think he over relies on it a bit, and should try to integrate it more into a MMA style. still he got a win, and is pretty damn successful, so i’m kind of nit-picking…
i didn’t realize Demarques took the fight on 2 weeks notice…he was clearly gassed at the beginning on the 2nd. he looked good in the 1st, but he must have really had to cut alot of weight, or let himself get out of shape prior to this…[/quote]
Amir is very technical but best Muay Thai in the UFC… NO!!![/quote]
Amir looked good tonight… his muay thai is about the best in the UFC. i do think he over relies on it a bit, and should try to integrate it more into a MMA style. still he got a win, and is pretty damn successful, so i’m kind of nit-picking…
i didn’t realize Demarques took the fight on 2 weeks notice…he was clearly gassed at the beginning on the 2nd. he looked good in the 1st, but he must have really had to cut alot of weight, or let himself get out of shape prior to this…[/quote]
Amir is very technical but best Muay Thai in the UFC… NO!!![/quote]
who, then?[/quote]
I’m pretty sure Alves would demolish Sadollah, in MMA fight and in muay thai fight. Shogun is considered to have solid muay thai base too.
E: Having written the message AS and Tyson Griffin came to mind too. You can argue if Silva is still fighting in MT style since he is mixing it up with whatever the cool looking shit he can find, but then again, most of it isn’t banned in MT competitions and who the fuck actually thinks you can make it in MMA if you are only doing MT in MMA fight, you won’t make it and you are gonna be GnP’d to death or choked out.
Alves ? Alves who? He hasn’t been the same since GSP raped him.
Amir is too unorthodoxed for him. Alves is a straight up text book fighter with basic combos at best. Amir is too dynamic to fall into a ‘you hit me, I hit you’ style of fight.
That’s the problem with MMA stand up, everyone knows the same moves and runs through the same routines. SOmeone like Amir is a little more unpredictable and his walk through style makes it harder for guys to settle and find a rhythm. Alves relies on rhythm. I don’t see him beating Amir.
Amir looked good tonight… his muay thai is about the best in the UFC. i do think he over relies on it a bit, and should try to integrate it more into a MMA style. still he got a win, and is pretty damn successful, so i’m kind of nit-picking…
i didn’t realize Demarques took the fight on 2 weeks notice…he was clearly gassed at the beginning on the 2nd. he looked good in the 1st, but he must have really had to cut alot of weight, or let himself get out of shape prior to this…[/quote]
Amir is very technical but best Muay Thai in the UFC… NO!!![/quote]
who, then?[/quote]
I’m pretty sure Alves would demolish Sadollah, in MMA fight and in muay thai fight. Shogun is considered to have solid muay thai base too.
E: Having written the message AS and Tyson Griffin came to mind too. You can argue if Silva is still fighting in MT style since he is mixing it up with whatever the cool looking shit he can find, but then again, most of it isn’t banned in MT competitions and who the fuck actually thinks you can make it in MMA if you are only doing MT in MMA fight, you won’t make it and you are gonna be GnP’d to death or choked out.[/quote]
i disagree…while i think all those fighters are better overall MMA fighters, i don’t think their MT is as crisp as Amir’s. however, he’s a MMA fighter, so i guess it doesn’t matter…
Are you guys serious about Amir’s standup. I don’t mean to say you’re wrong, and am impressed myself (Persians representin, wooah) but it’s not like he’s been great standup guys, or good fighters for that matter. Am I wrong on this?
PS: I have a gander. The Korean Zombie is going to be tested and caught for weed smoking. Serves him right for watching Eddie Bravo vids.
[quote]rundymc wrote:
Are you guys serious about Amir’s standup. I don’t mean to say you’re wrong, and am impressed myself (Persians representin, wooah) but it’s not like he’s been great standup guys, or good fighters for that matter. Am I wrong on this?
PS: I have a gander. The Korean Zombie is going to be tested and caught for weed smoking. Serves him right for watching Eddie Bravo vids.[/quote]
Is that last part a joke?.. wondering if I’m slow :P. But you’re right with eddie lol… half of 10th planet at least the west coast half is a bunch of pot heads.