There are a lot of reports about growing anti-Muslim sentiment in the United States and other places…or is it just made to look that way? Interesting article:
[quote]Gkhan wrote:
There are a lot of reports about growing anti-Muslim sentiment in the United States and other places…or is it just made to look that way? Interesting article:
Just like everywhere else violence against Muslims is primarily committed by other Muslims.
You’re far more likely to get violence from a culturally similar person who is okay with initiating violent crime than you are from an culturally dissimilar person who has rejected violent crime as a means for conflict resolution.
[quote]pushharder wrote:
Churchill was anti-Muslim. For good reason.[/quote]
Yep and the crusades happened as a reaction to centuries of Muslim brutality and attempts at the invasion of Europe.
Islam is the most brutal ideology the world has ever seen.
[quote]TooHuman wrote:
[quote]pushharder wrote:
Churchill was anti-Muslim. For good reason.[/quote]
Yep and the crusades happened as a reaction to centuries of Muslim brutality and attempts at the invasion of Europe.
Islam is the most brutal ideology the world has ever seen.[/quote]
Not really, the very first crusade was really about culling the hordes of European knights, which were much more of a nuisance for the average man and the church than Muslims could ever hope to be.
Read the speech of the pope kicking of the crusades, he pretty much spells it out.
[quote]TooHuman wrote:
[quote]Gkhan wrote:
There are a lot of reports about growing anti-Muslim sentiment in the United States and other places…or is it just made to look that way? Interesting article:
Just like everywhere else violence against Muslims is primarily committed by other Muslims.
You’re far more likely to get violence from a culturally similar person who is okay with initiating violent crime than you are from an culturally dissimilar person who has rejected violent crime as a means for conflict resolution.[/quote]
I hear what you are saying, but to use this Mosque attack as an example of growing anti-Muslim sentiment in the US is clearly wrong. Godwin’s law be damned, it’s like Hitler blaming the Reich-stag fire on the Communists, or justifying the invasion of Poland because of a false flag attack on Germany.
According to statistics the Jewish people are the most discriminated against than any other sector of people.
But I won’t hold my breath waiting for Obama to speak out for the Jews.
[quote]orion wrote:
[quote]TooHuman wrote:
[quote]pushharder wrote:
Churchill was anti-Muslim. For good reason.[/quote]
Yep and the crusades happened as a reaction to centuries of Muslim brutality and attempts at the invasion of Europe.
Islam is the most brutal ideology the world has ever seen.[/quote]
Not really, the very first crusade was really about culling the hordes of European knights, which were much more of a nuisance for the average man and the church than Muslims could ever hope to be.
Read the speech of the pope kicking of the crusades, he pretty much spells it out.
Possibly, but Muslims had already conquered Spain, had pretty much taken over the Mediterranean, pushed European or Christian influences out of the whole Middle East, and were persecuting Christians in Egypt, Lebanon and other places.
Plus, you miss the whole fact that the Crusades were also started to help the Byzantine Empire. The Seljuks were knocking on the door in modern day Turkey which was then a Christian territory. Emperor Alexios I Komnenos pleaded with Pope Urban to send his Empire help. Alexious thought the Crusaders were merely auxiliaries and it lead to a great divide between the Crusaders & The Byzantines culminating in the sacking of Constantinople by Crusaders centuries later in 1204.
Enough said.
[quote]pushharder wrote:
Churchill was anti-Muslim. For good reason.[/quote]
Err…No. Quite the opposite.
Like almost all Victorian and Edwardian era British, Churchill was to a significant degree obsessed with islam, and their supposed cultural, spiritual and martial superiority.
There was quite a number of rich, well educated British who converted to islam or loyally served umma interests in some capacity. Harry St John Philby aka Sheikh Abdullah, father of the famous Soviet spy Kim Philby was one of the more prominent ones, enthusiastically embracing Saudi values, including the one about taking female slaves.
Also, the commander of the Jordanian Arab Legion, Sir John Glubb aka Glubb Pasha who commanded the tentative push into the West Bank in 1948 war had a son who converted to islam and was a prominent Palestinian activist.
TE Lawrence and other Arab apologists are too numerous to mention…
The tragic legacy of this Victorian British Islamophilia is still visible in Sudan/South Sudan and Nigeria - wherever possible the British colonial rule blatantly favored and relied on muslim “traditional chiefs” over “uppity” local Christians. In Nigeria the British backed muslim Hausa and Furlani at the expense of Christian Igbos.
The reality is that despite all our imperfections; one has greater freedom AND SAFETY to Live and Practice their religion than anyplace else in the World.
And that’s no exaggeration.
[quote]ZEB wrote:
According to statistics the Jewish people are the most discriminated against than any other sector of people.
But I won’t hold my breath waiting for Obama to speak out for the Jews.
I just read that the most discriminated/oppressed religion in the world is christianity.
About the U.S being anti-muslim I don’t think being anti-anything that is dumb is a bad thing. I am also against the christian equivalent of radical muslim or even the ‘‘moderate’’. But at least christianity doesn’t affect my life in a bad way as much in 2016.
True, and most of the ISIS and al-Qaeda propaganda out there about anti-Muslim sentiment in the US (including the latest one with Trump) sounds like self for filled prophesy . By using terror, they hope they can in fact bring about the sentiment they talk about. Truly sick individuals.
It’s a good to be anti-something when the thing is dumb.