[quote]eic wrote:
Testy1 wrote:
BTW doesn’t Brazil have one of the highest murder rates in the world? Sounds like you need to start policing “your” group.
Okay, this shit is getting ridiculous. Assuming the OP is talking about Islam, the key you guys are missing is that the Muslim extremists ARE KILLING IN THE NAME OF ISLAM and purport to do so FOR ISLAM!
I live in Nebraska. If a Nebraska guy started killing people, I have no duty to publicly speak out against it. But if a Nebraska guy started killing people and said that he was doing it because Nebraska Cornhusker fans are the greatest in the world and all other college football fans should bow down before them, I would feel obliged to step forward and say, “Look, this guy’s a nut. No one else feels this way. Sorry college football fans.”
Do you guys get it now? You look ridiculous when you say, “Humans are killing others. Maybe you should police THAT group!” Humans aren’t killing in the name of humans as a “movement.”
The fact that some people in a larger group are doing things ON BEHALF OF that group should make others in that group step up and say something. If they don’t, the rest of the world is free to assume that they tacitly approve and should be able to make this assumption without being labeled a bigot. Case closed. End of story.[/quote]
Again, that is not what what the OP is arguing. His words were that it is your responsibility to “police” them, not merely “say something”. He wrote, and I quote “instead of just trying to excuse yourself and try to dissociate of those people.”
Can you see the difference? Good.
The situation would be different if, say the “rogue” individuals were committing the mischief on said group’s dime or that they were publically elected. In that case, it does seem appropriate to, not only distance one’s self vocally, but also militate against what is done in the name of one’s country/ideology/religion. With me so far? Let’s move one.
The shepherd in the outskirts of Baghdad has probably not heard of the US grassroots movement opposing the bombing and invasion of his country before it even began. He may be tempted to give in to bigotry, and assume that Americans do not speak up or commit acts of civil disobedience to protest what’s done in their name. Furthermore, the only Americans he’s interacted with were shooting bullets as he was chasing one of his sheep that escaped from the herd.
He may have heard first-hand horrific accounts of post-invasion Abu-Ghraib, Mahmoudiya, Fallujah, etc. Does that make him a bigot? I’ll say yes. Even though said horrors were committed in the name of Americans and on their dime, assuming tacit complicity remains idiotic.
For all we know, Warlock’s interaction with Muslims could be limited to a school bully or a criminal who decided that hurting innocents in the name of Islam is an effective way to spread it around. He may be looking through his local paper expecting to find a wave of caped Muslims swooping Toronto night to fight crime. He may be amalgamating nationalistic and independentist struggles with religious ones.
Could Muslims do more in order to root out the evil extremists?
In certain countries, yes! From the Saudis exporting Wahabism with their petro-dollars to Waziristan and the haven it provides for Al-Qaeda, you can lay the blame on those. But to associate all Muslims with them is pure bigotry. Most Muslims live in the (secular) republic of Indonesia anyway.
Radical Islamism is on the rise, there is no denying that. Bigotry is not only morally reprehensible but it is also feeding the movement. If you have an Asian fetish, and a Japanese women is raped, do you go out shouting that you do not tacitly approve of the act?
Do you take it upon yourself to stop people in the street and ask them if they’re about to rape an Asian girl in an effort to “police” them? If you’re a Christian and some pastor starts burning Harry Potter books, do you stop him? Would I assume that you tacitly approve of a pastor preaching against homosexuality just because you happen to share the same faith?
A crime is a crime, and the responsibility is shared by all of us to stop those who transgress the law. If you are going to assume that a person is tacitly approving a crime when you haven’t even bothered asking him/her, then you are bad-faithed to start with. And singling out a group in doing so, makes you a bigot. There’s no going around it!