Type 3 and Arms?

Hello Coach. I am currently training a few times a week with a full body routine. 1 upper pull, 1 upper push and 1 lower body exercise per day. Basically focusing on bodybuilding pump work and MMC stuff. What would you say is the best way to add arm work? How many sets and what type programming? A few sets of the same stuff I am using for other body parts? Rest-Pause, drop sets or mechanical drop sets?

Honestly it doesn’t matter much. When using isolation work for arm the main principle is to create a large amount of muscle fatigue with each set. Especially with type 3, who produce more cortisol, you can’t really afford to accumulate fatigue through a large volume of work.

So any of the methods you mentioned will work.But so will any typical “bodybuilding” method:

Extended sets
Rest/Pause (single, double, death-by) Post-failure isometric hold
Post-failure assisted eccentrics
Post-failure iso hold + assist eccentrics Full reps + partial reps
Drop set (single, double, death-by) Mechanical drop set
Mechanical drop set with intensifier Myo-reps

Tempo intensifiers
Tempo contrast (slow/slow/fast/fast/slow/slow, etc.)
Slow concentric
Slow eccentric
Superslow reps (concentric and eccentric)
Tempo drop set (superslow --) slow eccentric --) normal/cheated reps)

Normally you also have “superset techniques” but in your case they won’t be the most appropriate.

I KNOW that as a type 3, this answer will not satisfy you. You need me to give you the most precise answer possible, to remove any doubt. But that is my best answer.

At each workout select 1 biceps and 1 triceps exercises. You can use a very simple progression model:

Week 1: 4 sets of 10-12
Week 2: 3 sets of 8-10
Week 3: 2 sets of 6-8 and 1 set of a “tempo intensifier” method
Week 4: 2 sets of 6-8 and 1 set of an “extended set” method

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You certainly know how to appease the masses, according to their needs! So much food for thought! Merci Coach.

I understand people… could have an awesome politician

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