I haven’t actually taken the test, but after thoroughly going through the neurotype article I concluded that I’m a mix of type 2b and 3. And as such I should train like 2b, 4 days per week. So what about hitting a body part 2-3 times a week? Considering the nature of workout of 2b, it is unified viz., ppl, bro split, movement split, upper lower.
The reason why I’m asking is, previously I have followed a basic 5x5 3day full body program for 1.5 years, and in that had to squat 3x a week which grew my legs like anything, but didn’t had that kind of frequency with the upper body due to poor programming.
So I was wondering if there’s a way it can be implemented including your neurotype methods. I have prepared 3 routines based on my understanding,
3 day full body (squat, V & H Push-Pull, Hinge, Lunge. 6 movements, no isolations, 1 heavy except on OHP day +deadlift 1x5)
4 day Upper Lower ( Bench Squat Deadlift OHP. 8 excercise per session, I heavy followed by isolations)
4 day lift based split( Chest[Bench]/Triceps, Back[Deadlift], Biceps, Legs[Squat], Shoulders [OHP]/Traps. 8 excercise per session, I heavy followed by isolations).
I know you have stopped online coaching, but please critique on these and give your valuable suggestions as I want to use this lockdown period to learn this and be ready when the gym reopens. Also suggest a home workout template too, including dumbbells and pull-up bar.