Two Interesting Headlines Today

“Pentagon Sources: Iraqi Rebels Can’t Be Defeated”

“Bush Military Records Destroyed”

[quote]NEW YORK (Reuters) - The Pentagon says military records related to President Bush’s service in the National Guard more than 30 years ago were inadvertently destroyed, The New York Times reported on Friday.[/quote].

The Iraqi resistance has been seriously misunderstimated, as Bush would say. Instead of 5000 rebels, the number is closer to 20,000 according to your article…

Time after time the Bush administration has been getting it wrong, misunderestimating, and goofing up their assessments. It’s getting ridiculous, this seems to happen on a weekly basis with Team Bush.

Someone recently challenged me to back up my comment that the majority of fighters in Iraq are not foriegners or terrorists. Here ya go:

[quote]The developing intelligence picture of the insurgency contrasts with the commonly stated view in the Bush administration that the fighting is fueled by foreign warriors intent on creating an Islamic state.

``We’re not at the forefront of a jihadist war here,‘’ said a U.S. military official in Baghdad, speaking on condition of anonymity. [/quote]

As far as the miltary accidently destroying Bush’s military records GEE, WHO’D A THUNK IT COULD HAPPEN? OOPSIE!

Actually I am sure it was an honest mistake. Not really, though.

Well, if they were destroyed they can’t be leaked… sigh. Smells fishy…


Were you this concerned about President Clintions medical records? He was the only modern day President to not reveal his medical records… Gee, I wonder why?

But…that didn’t bother you did it? No…you are partisan and that is that!

[quote]ZEB wrote:

Were you this concerned about President Clintions medical records? He was the only modern day President to not reveal his medical records. Gee, I wonder why?

But…that didn’t bother you did it? No…you are partisan and that is that![/quote]

zebbie, please try to explain in some coherant fashion how or why Clinton’s medical records has anything whatsoever to do with the “accidental” destruction of georgieboy’s service records.

Just more of your typical red herring “yeah but Clinton got a blowjob” style of defending the indefensible…


It seems difficult for you to understand…pity, but I will explain it.

Bush’s records disapearing-not good! Clintons records not being revealed-not good!

Clinton lying under oath-not good! Bush lying (I know you think he is a liar so pick one)-not good!

Um, do you understand yet? Politicians lie, and records disapear, or do not get revealed. It happens on both sides. Only a partisan political hack would not see this…


It could equally have been the act of someone who wanted to make it look fishy. Find that there’s something there, destroy them, make it appear like nothing happened. Do I think that’s the case, probably not, but it has just as much validity as the unsupported conclusion that Bush did it.

Secondly, “misunderestimating” isn’t as wrong as you make it sound. First, you underestimate something. So, you thought there were 500. You find out you were wrong, there’s actually 750. You could say that you “mis-underestimated.” Technically, I think it would be a correct use of a prefix, but it sounds weird. Like “we had drunk all of the beer” is correct, but sounds wrong.

Vroom, Lumpy and the rest of you liberals, everytime you start jumping to conclusions without the supporting facts, you look that much more partisan and out of touch. You suffer from the same thing that made Farenheit 911 such a miserable failure as a “documentary.” You find some facts which follow in line with the answer you want to get, and so you use them as proof for an already assumed conclusion. It’s sickening.

Calling your conclusions “facts” or “news” is like calling Ann Coulter’s “Treason” a history book. Both are partisan based and would never stand up to scrutiny.

A- for effort, D+ for logic and in depth thought…

I think you are jumping to conclusions…


It seems difficult for you to understand…pity, but I will explain it…

Bush’s records disapearing-not good! Clintons records not being revealed-not good!

Clinton lying under oath-not good! Bush lying (I know you think he is a liar so pick one)-not good!

Um, do you understand yet? Politicians lie, and records disapear, or do not get revealed. It happens on both sides. Only a partisan political hack would not see this."

Politicians do lie, you’re absolutely correct. Personally, I don’t like any of them.

However, Clinton got his dick sucked and puffed pot a few times. Bush is getting a couple hundred of us, and a couple thousand of them killed.

Politicians do lie; the matter at hand is an issue of importance. Clinton did lie, and I’m sure that would mean a lot more if Clinton started wars, and lied to us. Bush lied to us, and our little boys and girls are getting to die because of it. Bush is a chickenhawk. The time came for him to do his part in a war, and he got to stay home, and protect Texas cough. He didn’t even do that.


Bush did not go to war by himself. He can’t. Congress has to okay it. They did.

So all of you Bush haters out there can thank your congressman for the war - he probably voted for it.

What would you guys do with your time if you didn’t have Bush around to hate? Knit potholders?

“knit potholders” Whahahah good one!

[quote]rainjack wrote:
Congress has to okay it. They did.

Congress okay’d it based primarily on the lies and misinformation they were given by the administration.

So does that make them stupid or just gullible?

[quote]tme wrote:
rainjack wrote:
Congress has to okay it. They did.

Congress okay’d it based primarily on the lies and misinformation they were given by the administration.

So does that make them stupid or just gullible?


I might make them reasonable. Bush’s reasoning was supposed to be very, very urgent truth!

[quote]ZEB wrote:

It seems difficult for you to understand…pity, but I will explain it.

Bush’s records disapearing-not good! Clintons records not being revealed-not good!

Clinton lying under oath-not good! Bush lying (I know you think he is a liar so pick one)-not good!

Um, do you understand yet? Politicians lie, and records disapear, or do not get revealed. It happens on both sides. Only a partisan political hack would not see this…


Newsflash: Clinton isn’t the president any longer.

[quote]rainjack wrote:
Bush did not go to war by himself. He can’t. Congress has to okay it. They did.

So all of you Bush haters out there can thank your congressman for the war - he probably voted for it.

What would you guys do with your time if you didn’t have Bush around to hate? Knit potholders?[/quote]

I just might be a satisfied, comfortable American, rather than ashamed of our simple “leader” and his narrow minded, selfish constituency.


Newsflash back at you: Clinton was President and the comparison was meant to remind others that when he was President he made similar “errors.” It seems anyone who runs for high office makes those same “errors.”

RSU, I know you just want open season on President Bush, but I hate to break this to you- all politicians have a problem with looking bad in front of the voters, so they bend the truth…hide records and sometimes…(are you ready for this?) even lie! Oh my! And not only the republicans lie, (here comes a shocker) the democrats lie too!

Now calm down pal…you will get over it. :slight_smile:

I thought the administration was given bad intel? So now it’s been proven that they actually lied to us and congress to go to war? Hey RSU when are they going to impeach Bush? Did they announce that at the same time they announced that the administration lied?

Hey RSU one more question for ya. Have you ever Lied before?

Vegita ~ Prince of all Sayajins

I’m sorry, but I really find nothing particularly fishy about the fact that the national guard might not have preserved paper records concerning the precise dates and times served of someone from approximately 35 years ago.

If you want me to think this is fishy, show me a overall rate of preservation for these kinds of records that hits at least 95% or so. Color me skeptical until then.

I don’t keep my tax records past 10 years; I doubt you could access my employee records from Raging Waters for the summer after I graduated high school; and I know for a fact the record of the equivalent of a misdemeanor “minor in possession” ticket I received in Utah back in 1994 was destroyed [I was over 18]. The point is that generally records aren’t kept around for normal, unimportant details unless there is a reason to do so.

BB, the problem is the administration sent out a press kit with information already… however, it was incomplete and ill prepared evidently.

Anyway, it could be all bunk, but take a look and see for yourself.

Something else, another headline, that is interesting, is that DeLay is being investigated for misues of funds used to redraw the voting boundaries in Texas.

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If, note I said if, it is true (not if he is found guilty mind you) then it is an indication of something I find troubling. It shows a willingness to “do anything” to win. That is plain and simple corruption.

If you can’t see that type of thing leading into some dangerous directions then you have very big blinders on. Anyway, not claiming to have all the facts or know what is and isn’t true, but I do know power and money are dangerous bedfellows – sometimes shady things are happening.

Uh…he did. Kosovo, 1999. Mass graves, ethnic cleansing, oh the horror (oh, how grossly exaggerated it all was)! You don’t remember? Belgrade was a rubble heap. You don’t remember that video of the missile striking a trainload of innocent people? I’ll never forget it. I don’t recall any antiwar protests, Hollywood mouth-running, Michael Moore exposes and leftist pontificating when that was going down. Anyone know why that might be? Interestingly, we were fighting on behalf of Muslims who are now committing the same crimes we were supposedly protecting them against. Yes, Clinton lied us into that war, make no mistake about it. They still haven’t found the mass graves!