Currently I’m thinking of how “social order” came to exist. This essay ( Twilight Of The Psychopaths (August 21, 2008) ) makes it pretty clear, now that I’m coupling it with my diagnostic training. Psychopathy is genetic. This affliction is a very small percentage of born humans. My point, is that the overwhelming majority of people are sane. With the nature of psychopathy, sane people can be easily manipulated and fall prey.
How it works
1.a few psychopaths organize and come up with a plan
2.those psychopaths manipulate (by inducing shame and guilt) the general population
3.for mass of non psychopaths to carry out orders
4.after generations the general population will not question the orders of psychopaths and may even idealize them
I suppose it works across the board with all social aspects from religion to politics (like hey are divided anyway right?)
Description of Psychopathy
Lack of a conscience in conjunction with a weak ability to defer gratification and/or control aggressive desires, often leads to antisocial behaviors. Psychopathy does not necessarily lead itself to criminal and violent behavior. Instead, psychopaths high in social cognition may be able to redirect their antisocial desires in a different, non-criminal manner.[citation needed]
Psychopaths (and others on the pathological narcissism scale) low in social cognition are more prone to violence against others, failure in occupational settings, and problems maintaining relationships. All psychopaths differ in their impulse control abilities, and overall desires. Psychopaths high in the pathological narcissism scale are more equipped to succeed, but pathological narcissism does not in any way guarantee success.
Grandiose sense of self-worth
Superficial charm
Criminal versatility
Reckless disregard for the safety of self or others
Impulse control problems
Inability to tolerate boredom
Pathological narcissism
Pathological lying
Shallow affect
Aggressive or violent tendencies, repeated physical fights or assaults on others
Lack of empathy
Lack of remorse, indifferent to or rationalizes having hurt or mistreated others
A sense of extreme entitlement
* Lack of or diminished levels of anxiety/nervousness and other emotions
Promiscuous sexual behavior, sexually deviant lifestyle
Poor judgment, failure to learn from experience
Lack of personal insight
Failure to follow any life plan
Abuse of drugs including alcohol
Inability to distinguish right from wrong