Hey guys, long time no talk. But I wanted to ask for suggestions for an work. I feel like I’m doing well over all at being active and getting exercise, but recently someone told me something that stuck with me: I have a good chest but really weak abs. So I’ve been trying to target that and doing a lot more core work. But I wanted to show my picture here and ask for opinions on how that can be improved. Please let me know!!
If you want to see abs you need to drop bodyfat. They are there just covered in a layer of fat.
How do you define weak abs?
Heavy loaded carries and overhead pressing
I think your abs match your overall development everywhere.
I also think you need more development everywhere, particularly in the shoulders/traps.
To counter everything I just said, if your opinion of your physique changes based on what other people say about it - you should probably start lifting some weights in the mental gym, too.
Your title is misleading…
I am assuming your concern is the appearance of your abs and less then your actual core strength.
The only ab training i do is squat, press, and rows. If you want to see your abs, then lose weight. You already look like you weigh 160 so…I would probably focus on getting as strong as you can in the big four and rows, and then you will have big shoulders, big back and chest and your abs will look better not being surrounded with a small body
Your abs seem to be your most developed muscle group, as far as i can tell from a picture that hides your arms, legs, shoulders and back.