Trying to Get My Wife Pregnant

Me and my Wife have been trying to get pregnant for about a year. Can anyone give some advice on how to get things moving. I’ve read a lot about HCG. But I don’t have a lot of knowledge with it. Thanks.

  1. Get your sperm count checked. If your sperm count is normal, you don’t need HCG. If it’s low, 500iu HCG 2-3 times weekly to get a boost will help.
  2. Ensure she is tracking her cycle and knows when she is ovulating
  3. It’s not just the guy’s problem. If her hormones are off, such as being deficient in progesterone, that can cause issues
  4. If she recently stopped taking birth control or recently removed an IUD, it can take several months until she’s ovulating again.

Thanks man. I see a lot of men taking the HCG with Test E. Is that something I’d have to do?

Injectable T is for TRT. HCG is for fertility.

I would keep takin the T and add HCG when you want to become fertile and as needed. Follow Danny’s suggestions above and you dont really have to modify your TRT dose just because you start HCG.


What are you taking now?

Great. Thanks a lot.

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750/week test E and 400/week Tren E

Oh. Yeah probably going to need some HCG and maybe FSH for that one, that’s a little more than TRT :sweat_smile:. Start with sperm analysis and HCG, see where you end up. You can add FSH which will more than likely increase sperm count more than just HCG, but it’s quite expensive and unnecessary in a lot of cases. It will do the trick if HCG isn’t cutting it though.

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Ummmmm… Really?

Maybe come off your cycle for awhile and just do TRT with HCG until you get it done? You’re not planning on staying on cycle of test and tren and getting her pregnant, are you?

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Nooo, I plan on coming off.

Oder it before he closes?

How about using pharmaceutical grade products?

Basic question. You’re going in through the the front door, not the back door, right?


Hey guys, me and my wife are expecting our 3rd baby. I’ve been on HCG 500 iu every 3 days and test E l I plan on coming off the HCG within the next couple of weeks… is that something that I can just stop?


Congratulations man!

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Thank you bro, is it okay if I just stop taking it?

Yes no need to taper or anything.

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Thank you

What was your dose for the Test E when you conceived, and how long had you been on it total? That would be good to know! Thanks!