Not sure you know this, but JW has a template for this type of workout, you know, like SST, and BBB.
It’s called the “I ain’t doing jack shit” template.
Not sure you know this, but JW has a template for this type of workout, you know, like SST, and BBB.
It’s called the “I ain’t doing jack shit” template.
Yes that is where i took the idea from,thank you for mentioning it. I will try to do this only if i must though but when you cant make the time it
s a good option.
did some dynamic warm up (jump rope, shoulder dislocation, bands)
during all the warm up and work sets i did face pulls and ab roller wheel (empty bar,30kg,35kg,40kg)
Set 1 45kgx3 reps
Set 2 50kg x 3 reps
Set 3 57,5kg x 8 reps
FSL 5sets of 8 reps @ 45kg, and during these sets i also did 3 sets of 10 reps 1 arm tricep push down, 5 sets of side planks 20 sec per side and 3 sets of 10 reps lateral raises, and i did as a finisher front raises 20kg plate x 10, 15kg x 10, 10kg x10, 5kg x 15 and 2,5kg x 20 reps one after another nonstop
I always try to balance OHP with an opposite move, like lat pull downs, but chins would work as well. With BP, I do rows.
Face pulls and band pull aparts are also a regular part of my routine. For me, with a weak back, it helps keep me as balanced as I can get.
Food for thought, not criticism.
C1W3D1 squats
Dynamic warm up
Warm up empty bar,40,60,70,80kg
Set 1 85kg x5reps
Set 2 100kg x 3 reps
Set 3 110kg x 5 reps
Fsl 5sets of 8 @ 85kg,did some ab wheel supersets 5 sets of 10 reps
Was thinking about what @The_Myth told me yesterday and i wondered which excersice would you consider opposite of back squats,rdls?lunges? Front squats?
Jim has said he does push ups in between or pull ups. I wouldn’t worry too much about that honestly. Just get the squat work done and do something in between. When I ran 531 I would do dumbbell or tbar karwoski shrugs or lilly shrugs.
I don’t think squats or deads have an opposing move. I typically will do opposite BBB, so dead lift after squats, squat after deadz. Then, on squat day, I’ll do something like leg press, leg curls, extensions. On deadz, I do hypers and hanging leg raises. You can also do RDL’s, GHR’s, or Good Mornings.
Neither really set up well for an opposing movement like OHP and BP do. I actually thought about that when I was writing it.
I have to say I never found that. I’ve genrallly done best with some kind of squat after deadlifting, although I prefer something like a good morning to a DL variation after squats yourself days.
Set 1 82kgx5
Set 2 93kgx3
Set 3 105kg x 5
C1w3d3 bench
Set1 60kg x 5 rep
Set2 70kg x 3 reps
Set3 80kg x 5 reps
Js1 90kg x 5
Js2 95kg x 1
Js3 100kg x 2
Js4 110kg x 1
I did face pulls and lat pulldown between each set
Fsl 5 sets 8 reps @ 60kg did cgbp,with dumbbell rows 10 each hand and 30“ planks between each set
Warmup , did face pulls between each set (20kg,30kg,40kg)
Set 1 47,5kg x 5
Set 2 55kg x 3
Set 3 60kg x 5
Js1 65kg x 2
Js2 70kg x 1
Js 3 72,5kg x 1 (previus pr)
Js 4 75kg x 1 (new pr)
Js 5 80kg failed (should’ve went with 77,5kg :P)
FSL 5sets of 8 reps @47,5kg , did rdls and side bends bewteen each set.
I tried to do Z presses but man that shit is hard, my legs were firing up with empty bar did 2 sets of 10 just to see how it felt.
and finally did some fluff lateral raises and tricep pushdown 3 sets of 10 reps easy and left
C2W1D1 Bench press
Did some bench, doctor said to stay away 2 weeks from squat dl to heal my back, gonna do upper work for the time being hoping it goes away fast
warmup and lots of rows and facepulls between every set
Set 1 56kg x5reps
Set 2 65kg x5 reps
Set 3 75kg x 10reps
FSL 5 sets of 8 reps @ 56kg, did some rows and planks
What happened? I’ll admit I’m always sceptical when doctors say that kind of thing when you’re not properly messed up. Not all doctors obviously, but the average ones don’t seem to have a great understanding of training and associated injuries and how to rehab them.
It would be great to see you back, I really enjoyed this log with us being in relatively similar positions.
i’m not even close to be gone! i stopped doing dls/squat last week my back is feeling a lot better, doc said it was nothing just to rest a bit, i’ve been hitting my core and my glutes hard since i was able to do it with no pain, also kept doing upper body.
i’m also very excited because my little brother started this week the gym, so i gave him some videos of rippetoe and started him on stronglifts 5x5 and explained him to the best of my abilities how to put what he saw into practice. he’s the closest to a training partner i have
this monday i’m gonna start to squat see how the back feels, so i’ll be updating my log very soon i hope
thanks for the interest!
Good. Paused front squats are second to none for building back strength IMO. Abs too, actually. They aren’t pleasant, but they work.
this week the back felt 100% again, tried some moderate weight and no pain at all, i also started doing pullups ( i can only do 1 at the time but i do 1 between every rep) and my back is definitely feeling them, i’m gonna keep them see if i can keep progressing on that too. i will resume the program next week.
I’m looking forward to it, are you starting where you left off or going back a week or two?
probably gonna go back a couple weeks
C2W1D1 Squats, everything felt great no pain whatsoever, also thanks to @Alpha video i think i finally understood the push the floor queue on the deadlift so i’m super excited about dl work on thursday.
Warmup -
Set 1 75kg x 5 reps
Set 2 85kg x 5 reps
Set 3 100kg x 10 reps
FSL 5sets of 8 reps @75kg
My brother is still doing the 5x5 program, i want him to progress as slow as possible so he can keep putting more weights, today was
Squat 40kg 5x5
Bench 37.5kg 5x5
T-Row 37,5kg 5x5
We do pullups between every rep, and in the end he wanted to do some arms so today we did triceps: dips, skullcrushers and tricep pushdown