Hello everyone, I am 35 yrs old, I have been having symptoms of Low T for years, tired all the time, depressed, anxiety, belly fat, lose of strength etc., my doctor has prescribed me a variety of anti-depressant medications over the years and NONE seemed to help at all, all I got was junk in my body I didnt need and side effects of them. Needless to say I never stayed on any of them for too long before giving up and thinking well this is just who I am.
this past Feb I joined a gym with a friend of mine and noticed how long it was taking for me to see any results or lack there of, he is actually the one who told me about low T, I had never known of this problem and things have just been getting worse for me, depression is bad, lack of caring about anything is bad, fatigue is horrible. So I called my doctor and told him I wanted blood work done, my total T came in at 317 which per the charts is in the normal range however from charts I have found it is normal for an 85yr old man. The funny thing is ( not that this is a funny issue) I have been telling my wife for years I feel like an 80yr old man.
anyway he prescribed Androgel 1.62 for me, 1 pump each shoulder daily. I did this for 3 weeks. Now I also have 2 little girls and a wife so the thought of even the remote chance of transfer was playing hell on me, not to mention I was feeling worse on the Androgel then before.
I called the doctor after 3 weeks or so and told him I felt worse and needed to know what to do and also that I think for me and my situation shots may be better, due to the whole transfer issue. after a week of calling and bs I got them to call in shots and went to get new blood work, it had gone down to 307. Not sure if its worth mentioning or not but that test was at 10:45 am the previous test I had that was 317 was 1:45 pm. it is my understanding that T naturally goes down as the day progresses so I can only assume that had I tested again at 1:45pm the 307 would have been even lower still. I was not aware until reading the test myself that T levels should be checked between 8-10am since T is highest in the morning.
I am now 5 days with 100mg shot of cyp which I was scheduled to be taking weekly ( after my request, I dont want crahses) the doctor originally prescribed biweekly. I still feel NOTHING. I am super tired even after a good night sleep, not that any of them are really that good but after 7-8 hrs of sleep I would think I should be feeling better.
I talked to another doctor in the office who I am going to be switching too who says he does 200mg shots weekly, and retests 6 days after the 4th shot, so basically right before the 5 week shot he wants to check levels. I have an appt with him Friday.
My questions or concerns are is it normal not to feel any better at all after over a month of treatment? I started the Androgel on 7-12-13.
None of my blood tests checked free T or estrogen levels. I am worried that the E levels may be high which is working against the T. is this possibly what is happening? Wouldnt my levels have to go up with injections since its directly put into my body as opposed to absorbed?
This is just so frustrating cause it almost seems like I know more then the doctors and thats just from reading the internet. I have an appt with an Endo but thats not till end of Sept. I am wondering if I should just go to a BIO Identical Hormone replacement clinic although I dont imagine they are covered under insurance?
any thoughts or similar experiences would be greatly appreciated as I am starting to think I am in the percentage of guys that fixing T levels does not fix.
-age - 35
-height - 5’11"
-weight - 210lbs
-describe body and facial hair - thin, not very thick at all, never has been
-describe where you carry fat and how changed - belly, chest, neck
-health conditions, symptoms [history] - tired, depressed, exhausted, fatigue quickly, weaker, lose muscle mass, weakening legs etc.
-Rx and OTC drugs, any hair loss drugs or prostate drugs ever - NO
-lab results with ranges
latest labs, my doc will only check testosterone levels, I have tried to get others, I will post labs from original as they did have some other work done.
TT - 963 range 250-1100 ng/dl
FT - 269.9 range 35.0-155 pg/nl
-describe diet [some create substantial damage with starvation diets] - wide variety, breakfast bars in the morning, yogurts, chicken, pastas, apples, shakes, steaks.
-describe training [some ruin there hormones by over training] - when i was going was doing 4-5 times a week, weight lifting and running
-testes ache, ever, with a fever? - YES NO FEVER that I ever noticed
-how have morning wood and nocturnal erections changed - do not have them all the time. sometimes