Hello guys, a little about me. I have been in the gym on and off for about 9 years, I ran my first cycle when I was 23 years old. 9 week cycle of Test Enanthate 400mg/wk, and followed up with nolvadex and clomid. It was the best I have felt in my life, great amount of confidence, strength, fat loss and muscle gain. I can say side effects were hardly noticeable besides a small amount of acne. I never did any other cycles after this one.
I am now almost 31 yo. I was first diagnosed with low testosterone at age 29 with my bloodwork coming back atestrodiol 21.9 pg/mL , testosterone 267 ng/dl, and 13.1 pg/mL free test. My symptoms were depression, low libido, low energy. My trt clinic started me off at 170mg test cyp/ week split into 2 injections sub q. I was also recommended to take hcg incase kids were possibly in my future.
After 3 months of not feeling much change I had my blood work ran again.
Estrodiol 73 pg/mL, Test 769 ng/dl, and Free test at 30.8 pg/mL. Libido seemed to have gotten a little worse, and a little moody. So my doc threw in Anastrazol 1mg/week, and bumped my test dose to 200mg/week split into 2 injections.
3 Months later my next set of labs were…Test 717ng/dl, no free test read, SHBG 11.7 nmol/L, estrodiol 23.4 pg/mL. I did notice a small decrease in depression and over all well being, libido is still not normal, sex does not appeal to me much. Of course lifting 3-6 days per week, I did start noticing some fat loss and muscle gain along with veins running up my arms. Decent strength increase. I still did not feel “good”. I told him about when I was 24 and the cycle I ran, and just how good I felt. The only difference was I was using enanthate and injected intramuscular. So my doc said its rare, but he has had to bump up the test injections on some of his guys, but most do good on 200mg or less/ week. He wanted to bump me up to 300mg/wk and to give that a try, so I did. Again I only noticed a small increase in everything mentioned except libido, still nothing… about 4 weeks into my 300mg protocol, I went a whole week with no injections to see how i would feel. I felt horrible, 0 energy, short tempered, and just miserable feeling. I did some research and found that I have low SHBG, and use to be type 2 diabetic (dont know if they are related) but read that a more frequent injection protocol seemed to do better for these type of people. So I split my injections up to 3 per week, still sub q. Of course my week off threw off my next blood work, but I informed my doc of the small increase that It made. But that I did feel a little better after switching to 3 injections/week. He said that was fine as long as I didn’t mind. He told me to back off the anastrozole to .5mg/wk to see if my libido increased. I tried it for a couple of weeks, no libido change but noticed a little more moodiness than normal, so I went back to 1mg/ wk.
Now he is wanting to try to switch up my ester to enanthate, since I had good luck in the past to see If that may make a difference in me starting to feel normal.
I know I am long winded but wanted to be thorough, as I am just wanting to be back to 100%. Any other labwork that you may need just let me know and I will post it, but could use all of the advice/help from anyone with experience.