Hi there, first time poster, long time follower of the site.
First off, I am a former finasteride user that stopped in 2011. I had horrible side effects. Depression, suicidality, no libido, impotence, loss of job, etc. One the course of a year or so I tried clomid and AI and in regained my potency and sperm. My T level was around 5nmol (8-28 normal) at that time. I was only 27 at the time. My T level went up to about a 15nmol/L and I felt stronger, Gained muscle and weight but never felt well.
I eventually had three kids, and kinda stopped thinking about Post finasteride syndrome. I actually would say I made a 80% recovery except my libido never came back fully. However, I always suspected my T levels were out of whack
Anyway, fast forward to 2020, I got some recent ED, and the mental doubt and suspicion and radar went off, so I blamed most on PFS, and got recent blood work
Total T 9nmol (9-28)
Estradiol-22 (11-44)
SHBG 23 (16-56nmol/L)
Bio available .6 (2.5-18nmol/L)
LH 1
FSH 1.8
T3 4.5 (2.6-5.8)
T4 14 (9-19)
prolactin–mid normal
One month later, T dropped to 4.4nmol (9-28 normal)
Clearly I’ve been secondary hypogonadic for quite some time. But, I felt I was doing relatively ok…the mental part is definitely a part of all of this
Started Androgel 5g, for last week and now Bioavailable is mid normal, total T back to about 9-10nmol/L but still obviously quite low.
My question is this…since Ive been doing relatively ok for the last several years–libido maybe 4/10 what it used to be years and years ago, erections fine, lack of morning erections though…will a guided TRT program for life help me even further to feel even better then I was before?
I know the Androgel is probably not the best route and am seeing someone who uses injections this Thursday…
I kind of hate that I need to go on TRT bc it tells me that I didn’t fully recover from PFS, however, if I felt ok for all these years with such low numbers, does it stand to reason I will feel even better once I get into a normal age matched range of hormones?
I know @samguy19 has experience here… @KSman seems to be well versed also…any help would be awesome