TRT Long Game - How Long Can You Be On For?

M 48, 170lbs, Test Cypionate Injections 2 x week 0.43mg/ml / injection. 2 Years+.

I’m interested in learning from those who have been on TRT for a long time and plan on TRT for life. I don’t really see myself coming off of TRT unless I have to so I’m wondering:

  • Is there a timeline as to how long a man can be on TRT?
  • The longer you are on TRT, what side effects or issues start presenting (physical and / or mental)?
  • Is life expectancy really shorter on TRT and if so, why is that?

Thank you for your insights / observations and your time.

me 1+ year or so. i been on various doses between 120-200mg.
my HCT goes up quite high with higher doses. I always had high libido + no ED issues regardless of T dose. my e2 is like 60ng/dl but i got no issues with that either.
i think it all is dose dependent. with 200mg i start to get a bit edgy/anxious with time. i was feeling the best at 150mg long term I think.

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As long as you want to feel good and be healthy and decrease your risk of dying. If you can picture an old frail man hunched needing a cane to walk, that’s not going to be me.

I’m on Jatenzo, oral T gel capsules @ 237mg twice daily and I never plan on coming off.

There’s a mountain of evidence normalizing testosterone, decreases your risk of dying, especially in emergency situations (ER) and people with high testosterone recover from surgery and physicals therapy faster.

High testosterone decreases your risk of developing prostate cancer by 53%, later in life.

Life expectancy is shorter off TRT or with lower than normal testosterone.

I’m 40 and have been on TRT for 8 years. I have no intention of ever coming off. I know a few guys that have been on TRT for 20+ years. They are probably the healthiest older guys that I know.


whats your fertility plan

TRT is a treatment plan for hypogonadism. It’s not a cure. You stay on indefinitely.

If done appropriately most users don’t have any side effects. It can take new guys some time to find the protocol that gets them to that safe place. Outliers will have issues with hematocrit, E2, possibly lipids etc.

No. If you abuse it yes aka running too high dose. Done properly it can actually be beneficial over detrimental for longevity.


I appreciate the articles you link with your posts. :+1:

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No. I know guys on TRT for 30 years.

I’m not aware of side effects related to being on testosterone for extended periods of time.


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I have been on TRT for 18 years and currently am 62 years old.
I also take HCG 200iu 3 x a week, and peptides to balance things out.

  1. As others have said, there is no timeline. It is to be used for life.
  2. I’ve only experienced testicular atrophy while being on an appropriate dose, which doesn’t affect my well-being or mental or physical function.
  3. Did you read or hear that it does shorten lifespan?

I’m going for life

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I’m in for the long game now.

Its returned my life. I’d have killed myself by now if I hadnt done this. Genuinely.

When I’m older and kids have gone I may try creams instead of injections as it’ll be easier if eye sight and a steady hand become an issue in my elderly year’s.

I’m only halfway through life though- so 2nd half has all to play for.

It’s been life changeing for me. If not dead my wife would have left by now without it. I was a shallow shell of myself for three years before starting.

Genetically I’m very similar to my dad, who at 82 has been on trt for over 15 years.

He had an identical twin who died from a massive heart attack at 44. I often wonder if he too had low T like my dad and what affect that may have had on his early demise. He was very athletic and active. Dropped dead jogging.

I’ve been on trt appx 5 years.

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How old are you Roscoe?

44 years old

50yo M been 10 years for me. Dose 160mg T-cyp a week, typically divided (80mg e3.5d). Draw with a 20ga and inj IM with a 27g X 1.5 (3ml syringe) alternating glute medius. Have spectacular labs: HDL top of range; LDL, triglycerides, etc. are low to midrange; Hct likes to creep past 50, so now I donate 2 times a year, typically. Ferritin dropped to 15 from donating too often (been donating for 30+ years), so I am now taking beef spleen and liver to get ferritin up (currently 40, want to reach 80+). Trough T levels are ~600-700, free T and E are midrange, and I feel great. T cyp is the only med, no AI, no HcG.

Had an echocardiogram done (I work in the field) and my heart is in great shape: no enlargement and EF is normal (wasn’t told actual %).

When I was going to the gym, I had great results: I was there 5 days a week, lifted moderate weight in the 8 to 12 rep range. Sadly the virus hit and it has been 3 years since I was consistent. Instead, I started riding my bike 15-20 miles a ride, once or twice a week. I went from 185 lbs to 160. Went from 17%BF to 13%, but the rest was muscle. Decided it is time to get back into the gym, so we shall see how fast the gains come back (I’m in no rush, getting too old to risk injury). Holiday treats pushed me back to the 17%BF range, another reason to hit the weights.

For 9 years libido was high normal, but this last year has seen a drop to what I would call normal. I have also taken on a new job, maybe the process of learning has distracted me. Perhaps a jump to 180 might get me back there, but I’ll have to check with the missus and get her opinion first :wink:.

As for inj. sites, I have tried quads (V lat), but get bruising there. I have tried abdomen SQ, but again, bruising and nodules as I don’t have much to work with, so I just stick with the tried and true.

Hope my story helps. Definitely a whole lot more resources out there today than 10 years ago.


Good to know. Thank you that makes me feel like I’ve made the right decision.

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Thank you… and the links.

Thank you for the story… helpful.

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I feel your story… there are similarities in mine and TRT has helped; both mental and physical. Thank you for sharing.