Goddamit this thread should be made some sort of sticky!!
Anyone else with me?
Goddamit this thread should be made some sort of sticky!!
Anyone else with me?
[quote]Headhunter wrote:
Goddamit this thread should be made some sort of sticky!!
Anyone else with me?[/quote]
And hung on the fridge.
[quote]KNB wrote:
RhodeIslander wrote:
New issue. I’ve been injecting once every 2 weeks for over a month. I notice lack of energy 3 days prior to my shot due date. The day of the shot I’m done, depressed…
nyone else notice this?
Anyone else notice the math problem here…?
Regardless of which T ester you are using, your life can only really suck injecting every 14 days. It takes your body about 3 or 4 days to peak on the T shots, and then fades out 7-9 days later.
Why are you not injecting at least once a week, if not every 3-1/2 days? I’m guessing you don’t understand half-lives of Test and that’s okay, but if you are doing your own shots you’re not doing yourself any favors by waiting so long between injections.
My doc prescribed me 100mg every 3-1/2 days and that works for me. I also give myself an HCG shot the day before the T shot to keep my nads happy, and my doc also put me on 2mg/adex a week too.
Needless to say, my doc rocks. If you can make smaller more frequent injections, do yourself the favor and improve the quality of your life.
EDIT: I initially missed you were doing your own injections.[/quote]
One Ml intramusular every 2 weeks. Thats 200 mg total dose.
I’m using a 3ml 21g 1.5" needle.
Thats my Dr’s doseage recommendations.
So, 1/2 Mil weekly? Seems logical.
When you say HGC shot keeps Nads happy? What does that mean? I know they will atrophy, does this help? My doctor is slow to come up with solutions. Difficult to find Dr’s with this level of knowledge, and how do you find a good one? Call and say"Hey, what do ya know about TRT and HGC? Just curious.
Thanks to all for the help!
God know I’m not gettting help anywhere alse!
[quote]Headhunter wrote:
Goddamit this thread should be made some sort of sticky!!
Anyone else with me?[/quote]
How do we request that?
KNB how long have you been at your current regimen, and how do you like it? Also, how much HCG?
[quote]RhodeIslander wrote:
Headhunter wrote:
Goddamit this thread should be made some sort of sticky!!
Anyone else with me?
How do we request that?[/quote]
If we have enough guys. PM others here as well, to see if enough support gets created. Its how we brought back the Over 35 section.
[quote]bigdawg011 wrote:
KNB how long have you been at your current regimen, and how do you like it? Also, how much HCG?[/quote]
I have been on HRT since March, 2006 and have been prescribed 200mg/week of T Cyp. I am also prescribed Adex 2mg/week and 250iu of HCG the day before my shots. I have noticed since the HCG my belly fat has reduced slightly, and the boys have dropped back down. The boys used to be rather “dry” and that has gone away too.
With a 200mg/week dosage, my TT on my blood tests stay around 1000, and I feel pretty good there although I feel better with more… My doc says,“no.” If the laws weren’t so tight, I’d rather be at 1500 T or above but gotta stay legal, right? PM me if you want specifics.
Seems like the Test is doing its job in a big way. The lab lost my Free Test numbers, so my Dr did not have them to discuss but here is what I got today.
Glucose 112
Creatinine 0.9
Cholesterol 167 was 226 before TRT
Triglyceride 189 was 260’s before TRT 313 4 years ago.
LDL 96.2
Estradiol 74 This is way high!
I’ll post Test numbers with the next blood test.
My last test was 17.4 Whatever that means?
I will be changing my injections to 1/2 ML weekly and see if this help the way I feel.
I asked to be refered to a Male hormone specialist as she was reluctant to do anything about the Estradiol numbers.
I’ll keep you updated.
How is everyone else doing?
If you doctor won’t discuss an AI for your Estrogen levels, do what everybody else does, get your own. I’m sure you already know about body fat and Estrogen production, so I won’t repeat it again here. You have to do what’s right for you and your life, not the one a uncooperative doctor says you should have.
Good luck man, we’re all here for you.
What do you know about Liquidex?
Is it as good as Arimidex?
[quote]RhodeIslander wrote:
What do you know about Liquidex?
Is it as good as Arimidex?[/quote]
Same thing, different format.
[quote]KSman wrote:
RhodeIslander wrote:
What do you know about Liquidex?
Is it as good as Arimidex?
Same thing, different format.[/quote]
Just ordered Liquidex.
Looking for dosage recommendations.
Comes with a dropper top, and could not find a conversion at the site.
I’m 6’2 310
My Estradiol is 74
I’m on 1/2ml of Cyp weekly
Also, I have read that taking this orally with orange juice kills the taste. True? Suggestions?
As always, thank in advance to all the responded in the past and this request as well. Of course KS is the gold standard of advice and my respect and thanks to you as well.
[quote]RhodeIslander wrote:
KSman wrote:
RhodeIslander wrote:
What do you know about Liquidex?
Is it as good as Arimidex?
Same thing, different format.
Just ordered Liquidex.
Looking for dosage recommendations.
Comes with a dropper top, and could not find a conversion at the site.
I’m 6’2 310
My Estradiol is 74
I’m on 1/2ml of Cyp weekly
Also, I have read that taking this orally with orange juice kills the taste. True? Suggestions?
As always, thank in advance to all the responded in the past and this request as well. Of course KS is the gold standard of advice and my respect and thanks to you as well.[/quote]
The liquid adex I use tastes like cherry cough syrup, just not sweet. And in 1/2 glass of water I can’t taste it anyway. I went from an E2 of 105 to 45 (or 47) in fifteen days using 15 drops day 1, 15 drops day three, and seven drops EOD until day 14, got blood work on day 15. (I don’t remember exactly right now, check my previous posts). But here’s the kicker; I didn’t start “feeling” better until almost a month later. I am sure it took a while for my receptors to clean out, and my body to re-adjust to my new chemistry.
A lot of guys use 5 drops/6 days a week skip one day, but for a man your size, maybe 8 drops 5 days a week, and 5 drops on day six. The best way to tell if your dosage is correct is morning wood. If it goes from sporatic to consistent, your dosage is good or if it goes from regular to sporatic your dosage is too high. Once again it may take weeks for you to notice a difference, or it may be just days everybody is so different with adex.
Life will get better, just be patient. (I know from experience)
[quote]RhodeIslander wrote:
KSman wrote:
RhodeIslander wrote:
What do you know about Liquidex?
Is it as good as Arimidex?
Same thing, different format.
Just ordered Liquidex.
Looking for dosage recommendations.
Comes with a dropper top, and could not find a conversion at the site.
I’m 6’2 310
My Estradiol is 74
I’m on 1/2ml of Cyp weekly
Also, I have read that taking this orally with orange juice kills the taste. True? Suggestions?
As always, thank in advance to all the responded in the past and this request as well. Of course KS is the gold standard of advice and my respect and thanks to you as well.[/quote]
The dropper cap will be .25, .5, .75 and 1.0 ml markings. The product is probably 1mg/ml. That makes things simple. Count the drops per ml, probably 30. You can dose by drops as well.
With your numbers, I would be inclined to start at 1.5 - 2.0 week [edited]. A few are highly sensitive to anastrozole and will require 1/4 or 1/8th of the expected dose to avoid E2 levels that are too low. Many can front load with 1mg then begin their routine dose the next day. Better to dose EOD, ED is fine if that routine suits you.
You will probably feel profoundly better!
KSman, do you mean 1.5-2.0 mg / week?
[quote]bigdawg011 wrote:
KSman, do you mean 1.5-2.0 mg / week?[/quote]
Yes, he does. I do fine on 1.0 mg/week so it’s a variable deal. Once you get into it, you’ll probably be able to adjust your dose simply by how you feel. I can now gauge my E2 levels pretty accurately simply by how my body is reacting… libido/morning wood/emotional state. As always, your mileage may vary.
happydog: how do you know when to adjust up versus down?
Well first day for my weekly shot schedule. I was supposed to do 1/2ml today, but there was enough left on the bottle for 1ml so…
This was the first day for a 23gauge 1 inch instead of the 21 1.5inch. I inject it the shoulder myseld so this was much nicer. No bleeding.
Hoping the Liquidex comes in in a couple of days.
I’ll keep you all posted.
I really like using 25g x1’s. I usually don’t even feel it, but the syringe is slow to load with a pin that small even when the oil is warmed first. (I always warm the bottle)
Good luck !
Liquidex arrived today. No markings on the dropper. I found that 20 drop equals 1ml. I did my first at 1/2ml tonight.
Wish me luck