Hi fellow lifters, long time lurker + first time poster here. Before anything I do apologize for the lengthy post and any ignorance that can be identified throughout my thought process as I know there’s plenty. This is a highly embarrassing subject and it is affecting my quality of life big time. I have no problem getting girls, but I am having problems performing.
Stats: 31 y/o male, 6’2, been lifting for 15 years, 215lb + low body fat (clearly visible 6 pack when flexed). I live in the USA.
TRT/HRT: 210mg test, 70mg deca, 1mg anastrozole, 0.5ml gonadorelin twice per week
Diet: high protein/fats (beef, chicken, eggs, protein shakes, peanut butter). Low carbish; mostly oatmeal and rice (100g per day or so, with a cheat meal 2-3 times per week).
Done a ton of cycles in the past + blast and cruise for a long time (5 years B&C - mostly test and mast). I’ve had ED issues in the past but used Cialis successfully (many times it did not work but I have a feeling this could be psychological because this would usually happen with new women. Once I was comfortable with a girl (exgf of 4 years and before that an exgf of 1 year) I had no trouble getting hard while using about 10mg Cialis (although I would need oral most times before). There’s definitely some psychological issues going on as I was able to have regular sex with my ex, but a few weeks after we broke up I couldn’t perform with two other girls I met, but then my ex and I met up for casual sex and I felt back to normal (again - using around 10mg Cialis). I’ve had zero issues w/ the breakup so I know it’s not emotionally related, I want to think it’s more of a confidence issue w/ new women but I want to make sure. I was starting to think that maybe I had bunk gear so I decided to get bloodwork and jump on the TRT regiment described above.
Moreover, I do masturbate and watch a lot of porn (at least twice per day, sometimes 3-4) which I think may be a culprit (quit porn today and considering quitting masturbation too).
Fast fwd to today:
I am currently taking testosterone tri blend (210 total {70mg prop, cyp, enan per week}) + 70mg deca per week for joint support. Dosing schedule is subq ED injections of 30mg test (10/10/10) and 10mg deca. I’ve been on the test for a month and deca for two weeks, I hesitated a bit on the deca because of potential ‘deca dick’ issues but I do a lot of weight lifting and BJJ and my joints/tendons have taken a beating and deca seems to be starting to help in that department and it is highly welcomed. Moreover, I am also taking 1mg adex once a week + gonadorelin 2x per week. My doctor also prescribed 10mg Cialis for when I need. I train HARD almost everyday, take a rest day every 7-8 days when I feel my body is destroyed.
I’ve had two sexual encounters recently (last night and 1 week ago) and my dick wasn’t all there. However, I do wake up with morning wood or very horny almost everyday (when I’m not overtrained) and I am able to sustain an erection while masturbating and watching porn. The worst part is that both times before these encounters I ‘checked’ to make sure everything was in order and I would get easily hard, but at the time to do the deed I find myself just thinking about not performing and ‘boom’ my erection starts dying. After it does there is no way back as the thoughts start consuming me.
Last night I also took 40mg Cialis before I met up, and 30mg while watching a movie as the thoughts of not performing were consuming me. This brings me up to a total of 70mg which pretty much numbed me. The girl gave me oral and I could barely feel anything from all the Cialis. Is taking too much Cialis actually detrimental for ED as it causes severe numbness (say 10-20mg vs. 70mg)? I remember for a second I stopped thinking about ED and thought about this chick and got solid hard for like a minute, but the moment penetration came around it died immediately (my thoughts came back). How can I get rid of these thoughts?!?! (BTW this morning I woke up hard again, but I do have a ton of Cialis coursing through my body).
Now to the real questions:
I really don’t want to give up deca as I feel it’s helping with my joints (knees, ankles, wrist and fingers are really messed up). If deca was part of the culprit, would I still be able to get morning wood and masturbate (with porn) with no issues, or would deca dick not let me do any of this at all?
Can arimidex be a culprit (doctor prescribed 1mg once a week)? From what I’ve read when doing ED dosages of testosterone many people will no longer need an AI because of lower test/estro spikes and further estrogenic suppression can lead to ED. Should I stop arimidex given the current dosages / dosing schedule I am following?
Can it be overtraining? Overtraining raises cortisol which lowers test and from what I’ve read can cause some ED issues. [last night I was at 9 days training straight and my body was feeling somewhat beat up, but this same thing has happened when I am feeling ‘healthy’].
My next bloodwork is scheduled in 6 weeks so I won’t know anytime soon where my levels are at which I know is clutch for determining these situations, however, should I stop adex now or wait till my next bloodwork (6weeks) before making any decisions?
As of this morning I decided to quit watching porn and possibly masturbation. Moreover I am thinking of adding 2 rest days during the week and severely drop down on my weight lifting regimen (if I have to choose between BJJ and weightlifting I would rather do BJJ).
Any and all recommendations are highly welcome, and again, sorry for the lengthy post.