TRT-- High Estrogen possibly

I need to do bloodwork soon but I am pretty sure it is elevated estrogen. I am a 32 year old male and I have been taking between 100-125mg weekly of test cyp for about a year now spread out between 2 shots subq. I have never had high estrogen side effects in my life especially in my 20s but now it looks like thats changing woke up one morning with a sore lump on left nipple took .5mg arimidex went away literally that day and I dropped like 8lbs of water that week just thought it was a one off thing. I stopped taking arimidex just that one thats all I took 4 weeks later right nipple is slightly sore and my weight has gone up 8lbs since I stopped the arimidex. Libido is good but my orgasms have been a little on the weaker side and not getting as hard as I usually do. So I went ahead and took .25mg of arimidex so I don’t crash it. My last blood test when I was on 100mg was 820 total free T about 5 points over normal and the dang doctor forgot to run the estradiol.

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I would not take the AI without checking e2 first, but since you’ve started, the best bet would be to pick a dose, say .25mg weekly, and stay on that for a couple weeks and get labs. see how it looks. adjust up or down from there.

Yeah I’m going to get it checked this week I don’t really like taking AIs but .25mg weekly shouldn’t tank my estrogen at least not in the danger zone.