TRT Clinic Recommending 4 Week "Cleanse Cycle"

I’ve been working with starting up trt with a clinic, but they are recommending 20 weeks of testosterone cypionate 200mg per week with hcg and ai. Followed by 4 weeks no testosterone but double hcg and introduce chlomid.

I told them this seemed very unusual for trt and he’s going to speak with the physician about it.

Have you guys ever heard of this? A month with no test seems crazy to me knowing what low t feels like. I was 267.

Never heard of anything like this. Usually, they try a restart with clomid and move on to TRT if that does not work, not the other way around. I’m curious to know what the strategy is and why.

Yeah, that’s what I thought.

Rep spoke with the doctor and doc was unwilling to waiver. Said some garbage about not totally destroying my natural T production over time.

I said I thought that was what the HCG was for. Also, he said I’ll go back to my normal T levels… and of course I said, “That’s the problem, my normal T levels aren’t normal”.

I honestly think these guys are used to AAS users wanting weaker cycles as they get older/ not competing. Because it sounds like a very mild steroid cycle with PCT to me.

Your testosterone levels are already in the toilet, it’s already destroyed. 200mg weekly is too much for most men, protocol looks worse than the cure, you need to do more research my friend. SHBG determine injection frequency, there aren’t many men who would consider once weekly injections optimal or ideal.

Looks more like one of those cookie cutter protocols with no thought as to your SHBG level.

I hate these TRT clinics.