TRT and hard painful lump under nipple

I started TRT a little over two years ago at 200mg cyp once a week. Got labs done 4 months later and total test went from 250ng/dl to 1300ng/dl the day before my shot. Estrogen went from <15 to around 30. I had itchy nips so I started on .5mg adex eod and cut the dose back to 120mg once a week test cyp. Nipple itchiness went away.

Had labs done 6 months later and total test was about 900ng/dl but my doctor didn’t have my estrogen checked. He suggested it might be okay to drop the adex so I did. 4 months later I ended up with a pea sized hard lump under my right nipple that was painful to the touch.

Started back on adex and dropped test to 100mg per week and I’ve worked my way down to 80mg per week. The right side nipple lump is just about gone but the left is now flaring up. Hard bump in my areola that is painful to the touch. Is it normal for this to go through some sort of cycle? The left one didn’t bother me until the right one was almost gone. Seems strange.

No ED issues, sex drive still good, energy is solid, and no other real issues to speak of. Really wish my doc had run my E2 the second time. Going to get some bloodwork done and see if maybe it’s my prolactin? I started 100mg p5p last week and no real improvements as of yet. Anyone else ever have issues similar to this?

Only bloods are gonna tell but if your taking 80mg test a week and having gyno issues I would look into surgery. Your gonna be battling this constantly. If it hurts you most insurance will approve the surgery. I had it done years ago and glad i did.