Gyno or Fatty Lumps?

Evening chaps. I’m on sustanon 175mg/week trt (UK prescription) and since starting I have had super sensitive nipples. No itching just sensitive. 8 weeks blood showed easteogen at 57.

I train 4 times a week, 220lb/100kg, prob 18-20% bf.

I noticed that on my pecs I have some hard lumps and bumps that I suspected was gyno and have been on tamoxafin 20mg daily for 2 weeks with no reduction.

I have no hard lump directly behind my nipple, just above it and 3 or 5 other small harder lumps under the skin up the top half of my pecs towards the top 1/3rd. They’re not particularly uncomfortable to grab at and I can just see them under bright light if I pull the skin taught/scrunch up.

Does this sound like gyno, or could it be fatty tissue? I’m cleaning up my diet but it’s slow weight drop as trying to keep the training improvements on the same tragectory.

I’m due a follow up call with drs next week but wanted to canvass wider options.

Thanks guys

I’ve had a small pea size lump in my left nipple since puberty. I started TRT and had sensitive nipples, never gyno.

If you never had gyno earlier in life, odds are you likely never will.

I think your fear of gyno is playing with your head.

That’s a tell tale sign this isn’t gyno.

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Thanks for the response. They are definite, solid lumps that I can consistently find that are harder than the fat around the rest of my pecs. I can locate them each day the same and match all the description of what I’d expect gyno to be… If it was right behind my nipple. Odd, right?

So are mine. Those lumps may have always been there, and starting hormone therapy caused sensitivity in the nipples leading to the discovery of what’s always been there.

That’s exactly how it played out for me.

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Sounds sensible. Thanks for the feedback, I’ll try and relax a little!

Well a follow up call with my case manager seems too think that it is, indeed gyno.

Here’s a Google image (not me) that I’ve circled roughly where the lumps are. Top one is a bit high.

I have seen many pictures of gyno, the nipples are pointy in the middle of the nipple. I think these lumps are something else and the tell tale sign is tamoxifen did nothing.

I agree that it seems odd tamoxafin did absolutely nothing but I can’t see any other evidence online of what else it could be!

Was hoping to start my first cycle @ 300/week in Jan but now very nervous in case I make it worse… However at least I’m aware of the tell tale signs of high E2 in my own body I guess.