Trough Level at Top of Range, Should I Lower Dose?

Hey, I take 50mg every 3.5 days, this puts me at the following levels on trough.

UK measurements.
Total T - 27.8nmol/L. (8.64-29)
Free T 0.727nmol/L. ( 0.2 - 0.62)
E2 - 95.2pmol/L. (41- 159)

As you can see, my lowest free T measurement is above range, which I assume means my peak level is much higher, should I lower my dosage?

Does this put me into supraphysiological range? any health risks with this level above range long term?


If I was feeling good at those levels I would not change anything.

For a day or two, probably. But I wouldn’t worry as long as CBC, CMP, lipids, BP, etc. all look good. That should be your metric for lowering the dose

Where are you hematocrit and hemoglobin numbers at these levels?

All other numbers are fine but total cholesterol is 200 and LDL around 130, could be diet / stress related tho, it used to be lower before TRT.

My haematocrit is 0.423 L/L ( 0.38 - 0.5)
Haemoglobin - 144g\L ( 130-170)

All my other numbers are normal and within range but my total cholesterol is 190-200 and LDL around 130, could be diet related tho, it used to be lower before TRT.