I’m not sure where to start with this post.
i finished a 14 weeks cycle as shown below:
Test Prop - 100mg M/W/F (300 total PW)
Tren Ace - 50mg M/W/F (150 total PW)
Anavar - 50mg (daily)
Proviron 50mg (daily)
started PCT 10 Days after the last shot as below 6 Weeks:
Nolva 40/40/20/20
Clomid 100/50/50/50
Main main topic that is troubling me is i have no libido at all, difficulty with erections and my balls are still shrunk.
At the last day of my PCT i did a complete blood test however i missed to test my E2 and free test.
All the results were fine except with the below:
FSH - Result 0.89 - Reference value 1.4 to 12.2
LH - Result 0.63 - Reference value 1.6 to 8.5
Testosterone Total - result 3.15 - reference value <50 years : 2.488-8.363
Once i got the results i decided to make my PCT 2 weeks longer (which is where I’m at now).
Am i missing something ? did i mess up my PCT?
some conflicting suggestions that i read online were to use HCG along with clomid but other sources say that this will shut you down even further.
Am i being impatient and i should just wait for my body to recover or should i take any other action plan?
your input are highly appreciated and thanks in advance.
That’s because your HPTA still isn’t functioning properly.
You need this info to justify libido issues.
No you’re not missing anything. Cycling is a crapshoot and a 2 step forward 1.5 step back approach during PCT.
The only thing you appeared to do wrong was run two Serms. However this wouldn’t cause a failed PCT it’s just not necessary. HCG can be used in between your last shot and starting PCT but not during PCT as it’s suppressive.
Slightly impatient. You took a risk taking anabolics and some men struggle to recover. Given time, you should be fine but it could take a few months.
thank you for your inputs!! you put me at ease.
ill go do an E2 test this week and will update accordingly.
any other tests that i should do to be on the safe side?
so i just got my results for the E2 test that i did.
Estradiol E2 - result 49.39 pg/mL - reference Value 10 - 50
As i can see, im at the higher end of the E2 .
Could this be my issue with Libido and erections?
should i be doing anything about it or should I let things sort them selves out?
Just a thought, but Tren reads as e2 on the standard e2 test. In the event you didn’t get ACE but were using a longer ester, it’s possible some is still in your system, esp given your lower TT reading post-PCT.
If I were you, I would get some real Nolva and run that for another 4-6 weeks.
I gotcha. Well if they are real you had zero response to them. You’d expect gonadotropins to be very high while super-dosing two SERMs. Genetic anomaly maybe? IDK
when i did my blood tests it was my fourth week of PCT. Maybe on my next blood tests results will be a little better.
Overall, im feeling good with the exception of lack of libido and erections.
i just need to get back to where i was prior to my cycle.
Hello Sinjones ,
Lets cut it short and get into the real thing . You have done what you did so lets focus on forward now.
Everyone is different and responds differently as well , and obviously that goes same for recovery period and time. But i still see that you have done things in a way where crashing of libido is not surprising. Gear usage obviously comes with sides but this could be mitigated upto a major extent and in some cases wouldn’t even had lead to this.
Your should follow through after posting “I still see that you have done things in a way where crashing of libido is not surprising. this could be mitigated upto a major extent and in some cases wouldn’t even had lead to this.” Otherwise your post is completely unhelpful.
last shot was 8 Weeks ago.
ive been doing PCT, its my 6th Week Nolva 20mg/day and clomid 50mg/day.
Balls have dropped a LITTLE bit, erections are better if i give it effort but libido is non existing.
will finish my 8 week PCT and do some more bloods.