I already did a lot research on this issue. Since my case is a little bit different I am kindly asking you for help.
After seen my blood count the doctor said it will heal over time. Nothing was prescribed.
Long story short
Age 28
Over 3 years of Testo-E 300mg/e5d; Last half year with Tren-E 150mg/e5d
Loss of libido/erections after I got testo fakes, 3 months without Testo: Cold break up of cycle
After switching to real testo again and some shots of HCG libido got better again, but never as good as it was before
When taking tren libido steadily declined again
Low libido made me break up the cycle eventually
Followed by 6 weeks PCT with Clomid/Tamoxifen (usual doses)
Now over 3 month gone after last PCT pill: Libido still gone, hard to archive/keep erections - Viagra/Cialis doesn’t really help
Blood counts
This is the blood count in the last week of my cycle when I was still On but nevertheless I already had no libido. Due to high estrogen I believe?
17-beta-Estradiol (E2) 106 (10-40) ng/l
Prolaktin 145 (60-390) mlU/I
Testosterone Total bigger than 15.00 (2.80-8.80) ug/l
Testosterone bio available bigger than 12.74 (1.4-4.3) ug/l
SHBG 12 (10-40) nmol/l
DHEA-S 4930 (1600-4490) ug/l
This is my blood count 2,5 weeks after PCT. It seems my blood levels have normalised again. Why do I still have this problem when almost everything is at normal level?
Current state
Libido completly shutdown. Hard to archive/keep erections.
At the moment I take everything naturally which could stimulate my natural testo production:
Tribulus, Vitamin D, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Fenugreek, Resveratrol, Zinc, D-aspartic
What to do next?
I have researched some possible solutions:
1.) Power PCT with HCG
2.) HMG
3.) Again PCT with Clomid/Tamoxifen
4.) Proviron
5.) Start again with Testo then again PCT
6.) Wait until it gets better
Is your libido completely shut down? You say libido, but it kind of sounds like you have some sex drive, just not the physical ability to perform. A drastic measure would be to experiment with trimix to cure only the physical part. You can browse around. It’s extremely important to be careful and ideally get a doctor to prescribe oversee, but alprostadil(caverject) and other similar methods would be a temp fix for only the physical part of your issue. Hope this helps!
Yea try and lower your estrogen guy it’s 2.5x the range you yourself listed. It could definitely be a culprit, you don’t seem to have taken an AI during all this. My vote us for some aromasin
My desire for sex is almost completly gone. It is nothing compared to before and at the beginning of the cycle.
Sometimes I achieve an erection anyhow but I cannot keep it up and eventually I lose my erection during sex.
I have never heared about trimix. Thanks for that comment I will research it.
You are right my estrogen was 2.5x bigger while I was on the last part of my cycle. And I also think this might have caused bad libidio already in the last part of my cycle. But when you look at the 2nd blood works I have done after the PCT you can see that my estrogen got in normal range again. So at the moment this is not the culprit for my bad libido.
Hmmm, well your shbg is on the high end of the spectrum and that can gobble up your free trstosterone, dhea is on the high end but not sure what ill effects that can cause
Add a greens supplement into your diet to naturally bring down estrogen, and nettle root to bring down SHBG. They work, almost brought my levels too low so I had to ease off. Libido is nothing crazy, but erections at full strength.
Another 2 months have passed. I didn’t take anything in that time. Since it still didn’t get better I started with proviron 25mg ed last week. Still I am stuggling with my libido and I don’t see any improvement. That makes me frustrated.
I am playing with the idea to go back on and make a really powerful PCT with HCG.
Every help is much appreciated!
[quote]br3akdown wrote:
Another 2 months have passed. I didn’t take anything in that time. Since it still didn’t get better I started with proviron 25mg ed last week. Still I am stuggling with my libido and I don’t see any improvement. That makes me frustrated.
I am playing with the idea to go back on and make a really powerful PCT with HCG.
Every help is much appreciated![/quote]
are you still taking all this: Tribulus, Vitamin D, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Fenugreek, Resveratrol, Zinc, D-aspartic?
i suspect if you lowered your prolactin a bit, it will help with the side effects…
The doctors I have seen so far have less experience than me. I have already an appointment at a very good endocrinologist end of February. Waiting time is about half a year if you have german compulsory insurance.
For 2 months I am not taking anything anymore. Just started with proviron now.
When you look at my Prolactin levels during and after cycle you can see that it was always low. Due to that fact I don’t think cabergolin will help.
You are right it was unwise to use tren when I already had libido probs. I read a lot about tren before using it. But it didn’t say anywhere that it would shut down your libido that hard.
My advice is to bring your lab work over to the T-replacement section. Ksman and a few others are very, very knowledgeable and have been studying this stuff for years.
Look at the “Advice for new guys sticky” and open up your thread with the questionnaire they posted.
What was your PCT like, can you lay it out for me? I’m not sure it matters a ton, since we have blood work already, I’m just interested in the fact that you were on gear for 3 years and still able to recover to somewhat ok levels.
Doc was also surprised. He said seems no permanent damage has happened.
PCT was how it is recommanded over the web:
Clomid @ 50mg and Tamox @ 20mg for 6 weeks with double dosage front load the first days.
I have found someone on this forum who has gone through the same problem. It seems I have found the root cause for my bad libido. It is psychological but very complex. Anyway I have an appointment with best endchrinologist in my vicinity end of this month. I will keep you guys updated.
[quote]br3akdown wrote:
Doc was also surprised. He said seems no permanent damage has happened.
PCT was how it is recommanded over the web:
Clomid @ 50mg and Tamox @ 20mg for 6 weeks with double dosage front load the first days.
I have found someone on this forum who has gone through the same problem. It seems I have found the root cause for my bad libido. It is psychological but very complex. Anyway I have an appointment with best endchrinologist in my vicinity end of this month. I will keep you guys updated. [/quote]
Since my libido is still off I went to the doc to check my Testo again.
Test total 2.31 ug/l, reference 2.80-8.80
Test free 10.8 pg/l, reference 8.8-27
As you can see my Testo went down again even though I didn’t take nothing anymore over the last months.
All I know is that my Testo levels are very low and my stress hormones (dhea, progesterone and cortisol) are above reference level.
At the end of this month I am finally able to have an appointment with a specialist. For the moment I am idealism. I don’t want to speculate about anything that will lead people who are in same situation into the wrong direction.
Thanks for all the info… I did a 12 week test e only cycle at 500mg/week and hcg from 3rd to 14th at 500iu/week …with pct of nolva and clomid at 40/40/20/20 and 100/100/50/50 from week 15 for 4 weeks…got my blood work done …test 6.86 ng/ml
Estrodiol 35.3pg/ml…lh 6.04 miu/ml…fsh 5.28 miu/ml…low sex drive…any help? Thanks alot
I think this is not the answer that you and most people are looking for but this is what I found out by myself after trying literally everything. Just leave all the drugs away and let the body fully recover. Avoid stress, get your sleep right, eat and live as healthy as possible and the problem will solve over time surely.
Don’t lose any time with steroids that throw your hormones off balance again. Start today, and write me back when you are fine again.
I would use p5p to lower your prolactin and use cialis daily, and then wait after a couple more months if things don’t get better I would look into trt