Hello fellow T-Men and Vixens! just checked out this movie and OMG! sTILLER WAS HYOOOGE!!1!~ Just wondering if anyone knows his diet/program id kill to have arms like his!!THANKS!
[quote]Split wrote:
id kill to have arms like his![/quote]
that’s the program.
kill 3 days a week, it’s total body training.
This thread is hi-larious.
I’m so happy I opened it.
he’s a cheater. no way he can get that big naturally
Oh, poor Ben Stiller…you all know he’s just sitting here reading this and crying…That is until he realizes he’s a big movie start and gets to bang Christine Taylor every day.
[quote]matsm21 wrote:
he’s a cheater. no way he can get that big naturally
I figured as much, or steroids for sure!
Stiller had a bicep transplant especially for this movie. In fact, there was a separate budget allocated to his gunz. Things didn’t end well. It was a bit like the movie Body Parts: a guy loses his arm in a car accident, and the arm of an executed death row inmate is grafted on in its place. Problem is, the arm was still controlled by the dead prisoner (probably muscle memory) and it tries to kill its new owner.
That’s what happened to Stiller, except his biceps came from a frat boy, not a murderer. He couldn’t stop doing curls and they had to remove his biceps. Now he hasn’t got any. Next time you see him in a movie his biceps will be CGI. True story.
Oh, and he did use steroids, as well as make up, synthol, creatine and NO explode.
[quote]roybot wrote:
Stiller had a bicep transplant especially for this movie. In fact, there was a separate budget allocated to his gunz. Things didn’t end well. It was a bit like the movie Body Parts. A guy loses his arm in a car accident, and the arm of an executed death row inmate is grafted on in its place. Problem is, the arm was still controllled by the prisoner (probably muscle memory) and it tries to kill its new owner.
That’s what happened to Stiller, except his biceps came from a frat boy, not a murderer. He couldn’t stop doing curls and they had to remove his biceps. Now he hasn’t got any. Next time you see him in a movie his biceps will be CGI. True story.
Oh, and he did use steroids, as well as make up, synthol, creatine and NO explode. [/quote]
thats y u need 2 switch up your workouts cuz the muscle memory and it can kill ppl.
[quote]LiveFromThe781 wrote:
thats y u need 2 switch up your workouts cuz the muscle memory and it can kill ppl.[/quote]
His biceps were under 24 hour guard as well. Not because they were dangerous (although they were). It was for their own protection 'coz the ladies loved them so much.
Lots of bicep curls in the squat rack.
I am not a real regular here, so I am kind of having a hard time telling if you guys are kidding or not.
Seriously… steroids? for arms like that?
Unbelievable? I know. That’s why he had a bicep transplant
[quote]Zack Nelson wrote:
I am not a real regular here, so I am kind of having a hard time telling if you guys are kidding or not.
Seriously… steroids? for arms like that?[/quote]
We’re dead fucking serious.
Just because youre a drug abusing cheater with amazing genetics doesn;t mean we all are as well.
Some of us NEED to use combat pyramids and climb trees on a daily basis to see any progress.
[quote]Zack Nelson wrote:
I am not a real regular here, so I am kind of having a hard time telling if you guys are kidding or not.
Seriously… steroids? for arms like that?[/quote]
I’m glad we got away from those weaklings in Predator. These guys are fucking hoooooge
Yep. Stiller didn’t need to bulk up or do compound moves, and he still got jacked.
I agree with Tribunaldude, though - he must have used combat pyramids to get that size.
[quote]Zack Nelson wrote:
I am not a real regular here, so I am kind of having a hard time telling if you guys are kidding or not.
Seriously… steroids? for arms like that?[/quote]
If you think Ben stillers transformation isnt impressive i think you will certaintly find Robert Downey Jr’s very impressive!!
[quote]ShaneM686 wrote:
I’m glad we got away from those weaklings in Predator. These guys are fucking hoooooge[/quote]
you forgot the y…