I know there are many ways to overcome a stall.
Oftentimes whenever I see a beginner routine (i.e. starting strength or stronglifts, GSLP…) I see “deloads”, which means that when you can’t progress anymore, you deload the weight by a 10% or so and ramp back up adding a Little Wright each workout. However, while for sure It works, you end up having many light, not challenging workouts…
I also read about triple progression from Thibaudeau. Here Is the link
It’s basically a *periodized autoregulated double progression
Select a range of 3 reps, like 8 to 10 reps. Start with a weight that’s close to your max for the top of the range (in this example, close to your 10RM). Use that same weight for all of your work sets. The goal is to complete all of the work sets with the same weight, getting all your reps in (10 reps).
If you don’t get all of your reps in, keep the same weight at your next session. For example, if you get…
Set 1: 10 reps using 200 pounds
Set 2: 9 reps using 200 pounds
Set 3: 8 reps using 200 pounds
…it means at your next workout, you stay with 200 pounds.
If at your second workout, you get…
Set 1: 10 reps using 200 pounds
Set 2: 10 reps using 200 pounds
Set 3: 9 reps using 200 pounds
…there’s progression because you were able to get more reps. But the progression is not large enough to justify adding weight, so your sets are not all complete.
If at the next session you get…
Set 1: 10 reps using 200 pounds
Set 2: 10 reps using 200 pounds
Set 3: 10 reps using 200 pounds
…you’re allowed to add 5-10 pounds at the next workout. Start the progression over.
You keep up with this process until you can’t progress at all. This means that for 3 consecutive workouts you can’t add any reps or weight. When that happens, you move down one rep range.
Your three rep ranges are:
First: 8-10
Second: 6-8
Third: 4-6
Let’s say that you start with 8 to 10 reps, and you can progress for 12 workouts, after which you hit a wall for 3 consecutive workouts. You’d move on to the second zone (6 to 8 reps), starting with 10 pounds more than your last workout with the preceding zone.
Now, maybe you can keep progressing in that second zone for 6 more workouts, then have 3 consecutive sessions where you can’t add a rep. You’d move on to the third zone (4 to 6 reps) and start the double progression process with 10 pounds more than your last workout in the preceding zone and keep going until you hit the wall.
After hitting the wall in the third zone, you can either start over with the "same movements in the first zone* or use different exercises, starting in zone 1. In both cases, take a week off from the big lifts before starting a new cycle.
Maybe this Is not a priority for a beginner but I also like the Idea of getting stronger across a wider spectrum of rep ranges