Triple H

I was watching wrestling the other night and saw Triple H for the first time in a while - oh my god has he gotten huge! This guy must juice 365! I think I know who’s going to be at the top of this years dead pool!
Have you guys noticed his recent growth?

I noticed how much bigger he was also. He’s gotta be “on” because you can’t tear a quad, rehab for 8 months and come back about 15 pounds heavier w/ hardly any bodyfat. Not that I see anything wrong, it’s his life and his job to be like that. Don’t get me wrong, HHH is my favorite wrestler and the best in the biz but, yeah, sadly, he’ll move up the DeadPool here shortly.

Triple H was on the Dead Pool last year as “Triple P.” Yes, he is most definitely jacked out of his mind.

I remember when he first came into the professional wrestling scene as Hunter Hurst Helmsley. Then he disappeared for a little bit, came back as a big dude and with the new name. Interesting to see the transformation. For those of use who know, we still call him by the former.

Ok, for “those of us who REALLY know” we just call him Paul. 'Nuff said

The Game is the man, and of course he is on the juice. He will be the leader of the dead pool for 2002, without a doubt. Because he is that damn good!

Well for those of us who really know, who call him Hunter, it is to make fun of him. I’m not a fan of professional wrestling anymore so I say it to make fun of him, but Paul sounds even better.