Tricks for Hockey Style Street Fights

[quote]Donut62 wrote:
Crap your pants and start crying. They will feel bad and walk away.[/quote]

This usually works for me, but I’ve only used it on girls. Fuckers never knew what hit them.

As soon as he grabs you, you grab his wrist, turn your body and pull forward to have him off balance. At the same time do a baseball slide and the weight will be on his elbow joint and this will break his arm.
Get up very quick, stomp, stomp. take wallet etc.

[quote]nwaff wrote:
Unless you have knowledge ingrained from repeated practice then do not attempt anything new during a street fight.
People let their adrenaline over ride common sense. Have you ever had a knife pulled on you, ever had a 300lb guy show up with a baseball bat and his three buddies who are off duty cops (meaning they know who will show up when called) Street fights are NOT worth it. Try that thai clinch when getting stabbed in the abdominals.


Can we have some more background on this story?

about the knowledge ingrained from repeated practice…this is true. of course of the technique i mentioned…lol it should be done hundreds and hundreds of times…its a VERY simple and effective move though. In 15 trys you will look like a pro. Just put you in a pressure situation is different.

lol about background on that story…you mustve done some fucked up shit if you got a 300lb guy, and his cop friends helping him, in which case if you are in that heap of trouble i suggest FIREARMS lol.

Is that 300 pounds of fat or muscle…cause im sure i can take 300 pounds of fat :stuck_out_tongue:

If that is you in that picture then I don’t know if you could take 300lbs of fat. This is what gets a lot of guys in trouble.
You see a big guy who you think is fat and weak. Next thing you know you wake up. DON’T underestimate the big guy or any other person.


I would throw a double spinning backfist followed by no less than a half dozen roundhouse half-moon crescent kicks. Then proceed to bang the guy’s gf, mom, and twin sisters. All at the same time. While he watches.

[quote]FightinIrish26 wrote:
HangerBaby wrote:
Alain86 wrote:

Sorry forgot to give the backround of the fight. I didn’t actually have a choice to fight…Hence the part where he grabbed me by the shirt and started punching.

BTW don’t be so quick to judge.

Yeah fights are always avoidable. I’ve never been in a street fight, but I’ve been in many fun fights with friends, with gloves. I have been in the shittiest and best parts of any given city, fights ARE AVOIDABLE. Unless they’re fucked up/drunk

Fights are not always avoidable. If you believe that, I’ve got this big bridge in brooklyn that you’ll love.

That being said, they are serious business. And if this guy really floundered you by putting his hand on your shoulder (???) then I suggest you find another line of work, because this one clearly isn’t working for you. [/quote]

Well said fightingirish.

All fights are avoidable? Maybe if you run or try to calm someone down and become their bitch.

[quote]slimjim wrote:
In a street fight I want to be the aggressor…I almost never want to back up and counter if I can help it, generally the guy who goes down first is the one who gets the brunt of the beating so I always try to ensure it isn’t me.

Plus, generally the environment isn’t a flat piece of ground without obstacles, if you get the guy backing up you can usually facilitate a fall on his end.

Other than that, I’d follow earlier recommendations of not getting into fights in the street if you can help it…the benefits are virtually non-existent while the consequences can be severe.[/quote]

uh id totally have to disagree with you on that one, id argue the total opposite is the best, its much more effective letting the aggressor swing away like a mad man at the start and then afew counters they should be on the ground, at least from personal experience and from what iv seen, but this works with unexperienced fighters, if u get guy with fighting experience its not always necessarily a good idea to let him start swinging.

But most street fights and up with 2 idiots randomly swinging away, its better to just time a counter

[quote]believedat wrote:
slimjim wrote:
In a street fight I want to be the aggressor…I almost never want to back up and counter if I can help it, generally the guy who goes down first is the one who gets the brunt of the beating so I always try to ensure it isn’t me.

Plus, generally the environment isn’t a flat piece of ground without obstacles, if you get the guy backing up you can usually facilitate a fall on his end.

Other than that, I’d follow earlier recommendations of not getting into fights in the street if you can help it…the benefits are virtually non-existent while the consequences can be severe.

uh id totally have to disagree with you on that one, id argue the total opposite is the best, its much more effective letting the aggressor swing away like a mad man at the start and then afew counters they should be on the ground, at least from personal experience and from what iv seen, but this works with unexperienced fighters, if u get guy with fighting experience its not always necessarily a good idea to let him start swinging.

But most street fights and up with 2 idiots randomly swinging away, its better to just time a counter[/quote]

I think your streetfight experience has been limited to recess to be honest.

Unfortunately it is more common for a streetfight to include multiple individuals, not just two. If you are backing away from one guy, his friend might be circling in behind you. Moving forward allows you to control where you are going in the fight and hopefully minimize your exposure to being falsed from some guy in the crowd.

It’s all well and good to be in control, I’m not advocating throwing caution to the wind and just throwing haymakers, but at the same time, you don’t want to be staying static - too much can happen while you wait for it.

I have been involved in many altercations, the great majority of which were not simple one on one confrontations, my best asset was rolling in with more people than the other guy.

You should have kicked his balls. The reaction would have opened up a world of attack opportunities to take advantage of.

Get a partner to try this with you. Have him grab your shoulder like this fellow did. If he grabs your left shoulder, use your right hand and grab over it and peel his hand off from the pinky out. have his thumb pointing down and grab the bottom side of his hand, this pretty much creates a (hamburger grip) because you have your hands (buns) on the outside, and his hand (meat) in the middle.

Take a step backwards, duck down a bit few inches, and twist upwards on the HAND, his wrist should be getting pushed down. On your friend do it slowly until he taps, on a real opponent snap his wrist off then proceed to gouge his eyes out and rape the holes.

[quote]Cronk wrote:
It sounds to be like you both had each other in a dirty boxing clinch. I would probably try to throw my second hand behind his head and secure a thai clinch, which would make it pretty difficult for him to throw anything. Then either throw some knees or throw him away from you and leave.[/quote]

damn right lock them up in that throw a couple if not a single knee to the guts n he would of fallen , or headbutt the fuck wit or even better an elbow…game over

fake coming in as a southpaw, (you might me, who knows). the guy will then probably try to tie up your left side, leaving your right free to bang away at him. also shaking your left hand that would have a hold of his jacket or shirt usually distracts a bit. for more reach, hinge your right shoulder back. if you are getting pumped, get in close and try to grab on and get it to the ground. (with you on top of course).

hope you do not have to use this though

break the grip on your shirt and pumel for the underhooks, trip, take mount, pound until he rolls over, RNC.

Or if you are not confident that you can break the grip on your shirt, use it, grab behind his elbow with your outside hand and push his wrist over with your inside hand. Join your hands behind his elbow and Mano de Vaca him (goosewing) In short, break his wrist and walk away!