TRIBEX - please help.

I’m a little confused what to take. I have started bulking recently and want to minimize fat gains. I don’t want to take any hormones and a little confused with all of the different products like MAG-10, Alpha Male, RED KAT, TRIBEX, etc.

I did a lab test on my T level and it is 611 (I’m 32 years old male). TRIBEX sounds good, but should I take it? How does one make a decision between TRIBEX, MAG-10, Alpha Male, RED KAT, etc???

I have been taking HOT-ROX and Methoxy-7. I started at 150 lbs and now about 3 weeks later I’m 157 lbs, but I don’t know if it is an affect of a water weight, creatine or what. I do five day split MAX-OT training.

Any help greatly appreciated.

Here’s my couple cents:

I’ll give you a break down of the products to help you understand a little better.

MAG-10 is a pro-steriod, and since you don’t want to play around with hormones, I’d suggest you shy away from this one right now.

TRIBEX is a combination of the herbs Tribulus Terrestis and Avena Sativa. This product produces a significant increase in your body’s natural production of testosterone.

Red Kat is a combination of the herbs and also produces a large increase in your body’s natural production of testosterone. But, one of it’s benifits with this is that not only does it increase overall testosterone, but, it also increases free testosterone. Thus allowing more testosterone to excert it’s manly effects. :wink:

Now Alpha Male is a hybrid of both TRIBEX (minus the Avena Sativa) and Red Kat. It uses Biotests new liquid nano-dispersion technique to maximize absorption of the active compounds, thus making it much more potent.

For simplicity’s sake, as well as effectiveness, I’d suggest going with Alpha Male. Now, another thing you should, but don’t have to, stack with this would be Biotest’s M. This would be to keep that evil estrogen in check and provide more testosterone support. It would increase the effectivness of the Alpha Male since both would have a synergistic effect on the other.

As far as your weight gain, it could be water weight. Especially if you’re taking creatine, which in a nut-shell fills up your muscle cells with water, providing a more conducive environment to build muscle, yada yada yada. But, some people react to creatine’s effects by also holding subcutenous water (under the skin), making them look bloated. This tends to happen more with people who’s creatine stores are already full, your body can only hold so much. I know I am one of them, so I don’t take it. Plus, if you eat enough meat, you’re already set on creatine stores.

But, more importantly, you can’t go by scale weight alone. Your mirror is your friend! You could be gaining muscle mass and burning fat at the same time, leaving your scale weight the same or even going up. You have to make the assesment based on what you see in the mirror over the period of a couple days.

Hope I’ve been of some help!

[quote]yustas wrote:

First of all how come Tribex-500 isn’t sold here at T-Mag?

Second, I’m a little confused what to take. I have started bulking recently and want to minimize fat gains. I don’t want to take any hormones and a little confused with all of the different products like MAG-10, Alpha Male, Red Kat, Tribex-500, etc.

I did a lab test on my T level and it is 611 (I’m 32 years old male). Tribex-500 sounds good, but should I take it? How does one make a decision between Tribex-500, MAG-10, Alpha Male, Red Kat, etc???

I have been taking HOT-ROX and Methoxy-7. I started at 150 lbs and now about 3 weeks later I’m 157 lbs, but I don’t know if it is an affect of a water weight, creatine or what. I do five day split MAX-OT training.

Any help greatly appreciated.

People were getting very confused with all of the male stimulants so TRIBEX was removed. It is however, still available at GNC.

As for what to use, given what you’ve said above, I’d recommend using Alpha Male with your current supplements.

[quote]Cy Willson wrote:
yustas wrote:

First of all how come TRIBEX isn’t sold here at T-Mag?

Second, I’m a little confused what to take. I have started bulking recently and want to minimize fat gains. I don’t want to take any hormones and a little confused with all of the different products like MAG-10, Alpha Male, Red Kat, TRIBEX, etc.

I did a lab test on my T level and it is 611 (I’m 32 years old male). TRIBEX sounds good, but should I take it? How does one make a decision between TRIBEX, MAG-10, Alpha Male, Red Kat, etc???

I have been taking HOT-ROX and Methoxy-7. I started at 150 lbs and now about 3 weeks later I’m 157 lbs, but I don’t know if it is an affect of a water weight, creatine or what. I do five day split MAX-OT training.

Any help greatly appreciated.

People were getting very confused with all of the male stimulants so TRIBEX was removed. It is however, still available at GNC.

As for what to use, given what you’ve said above, I’d recommend using Alpha Male with your current supplements.[/quote]

Didnt Tim Patterson just do an article not too long ago about a great improvement in TRIBEX? Are those advancements being utilized in Alpha Male?

[quote]atmosphere wrote:
…Hope I’ve been of some help![/quote]

You have, thank you so much, now the picture is more clear…Some more questions if I may.

I have said that I don’t want to play around with hormones, but testosterone is a hormone, right? And Alpha Male would “play” with it…but in the completely natural way…am I understanding this correctly?

From the products you’ve mentioned have you had a personal experience with any of them? If you have which ones and what were your results? Have you had any side effects?


[quote]Cy Willson wrote:
As for what to use, given what you’ve said above, I’d recommend using Alpha Male with your current supplements.[/quote]

Cy, what are the possible side effect from using Alpha Male? Is Taking Alpha Male with Maximum Strength HOT- ROX and Methoxy-7 is recommended? I also take Surge, Power Drive and Creatine and drink coffe sometimes. Would Alpha Male cause any side effects with those products?
What should I realistically expect from using Alpha Male and how soon?

And the last question is if Alpha Male should be cycled and how. Thanks a lot.

P.S. Side effects question with regard to Alpha Male is very important to me please elaborate on it if you can.

[quote]yustas wrote:
atmosphere wrote:
…Hope I’ve been of some help!

You have, thank you so much, now the picture is more clear…Some more questions if I may.

I have said that I don’t want to play around with hormones, but testosterone is a hormone, right? And Alpha Male would “play” with it…but in the completely natural way…am I understanding this correctly?

From the products you’ve mentioned have you had a personal experience with any of them? If you have which ones and what were your results? Have you had any side effects?



By taking the Alpha Male you woudn’t be “playing” with hormones in the same way you would be with MAG-10 or steroids. See, MAG-10 is a pro-hormone/steroid which is actually supressive to your natural testosterone production. When you take MAG-10 you’re adding in to your body extraneous anabolic hormones, but supressing your own testosterone production, to a degree, while you’re on it.

But, when you take products such as Alpha Male/TRIBEX/RED KAT, you are increasing your body’s own production of testosterone, not adding any in from the outside world.

I hope this makes sense and answers your question. Apha Male would be perfectly safe for you, and provide you with a substancial boost in natural testosterone production.

I’ve tried basically everything in the Biotest line-up, minus MAG-10 and 4-AD. Not really out of need (I’m 19 and my testosterone is already flying), but more out of curiosity and willingness to try. I’ve never encountered any problems with any of them. I’ve had nothing but positive results in the gym, in mood, and in the bedroom. :stuck_out_tongue: :wink:

I strongly recommend adding Alpha Male, with M, to what you’re taking now. You’ll definaletly be pleased. :wink:

If you have any more questions, shoot. :wink:

[quote]DA MAN wrote:
Cy Willson wrote:
yustas wrote:

First of all how come TRIBEX isn’t sold here at T-Mag?

Second, I’m a little confused what to take. I have started bulking recently and want to minimize fat gains. I don’t want to take any hormones and a little confused with all of the different products like MAG-10, Alpha Male, Red Kat, TRIBEX, etc.

I did a lab test on my T level and it is 611 (I’m 32 years old male). TRIBEX sounds good, but should I take it? How does one make a decision between TRIBEX, MAG-10, Alpha Male, Red Kat, etc???

I have been taking HOT-ROX and Methoxy-7. I started at 150 lbs and now about 3 weeks later I’m 157 lbs, but I don’t know if it is an affect of a water weight, creatine or what. I do five day split MAX-OT training.

Any help greatly appreciated.

People were getting very confused with all of the male stimulants so TRIBEX was removed. It is however, still available at GNC.

As for what to use, given what you’ve said above, I’d recommend using Alpha Male with your current supplements.

Didnt Tim Patterson just do an article not too long ago about a great improvement in TRIBEX? Are those advancements being utilized in Alpha Male? [/quote]

Yes, that same extract is in Alpha Male and another obvious difference is the delivery system.

[quote]atmosphere wrote:
…When you take MAG-10 you’re adding in to your body extraneous anabolic hormones, but supressing your own testosterone production, to a degree, while you’re on it.

But, when you take products such as Alpha Male/TRIBEX/RED KAT, you are increasing your body’s own production of testosterone, not adding any in from the outside world.[/quote]

This is exactly what I needed to hear. Now I’m clear on the difference.

[quote]I hope this makes sense and answers your question.[/quote}

Makes totall sense.

Ok, this I don’t understand yet. Why do I need M with it?

P.S. Does Alpha Male stimulate cardiovascular system? Will it make my heart racing or anything like this?

Thank you so much for your answers you’re helping me a lot to understand all this.

[quote]yustas wrote:
Cy Willson wrote:
As for what to use, given what you’ve said above, I’d recommend using Alpha Male with your current supplements.

Cy, what are the possible side effect from using Alpha Male? Is Taking Alpha Male with Maximum Strength HOT- ROX and Methoxy-7 is recommended? I also take Surge, Power Drive and Creatine and drink coffe sometimes. Would Alpha Male cause any side effects with those products?
What should I realistically expect from using Alpha Male and how soon?

And the last question is if Alpha Male should be cycled and how. Thanks a lot.

P.S. Side effects question with regard to Alpha Male is very important to me please elaborate on it if you can.


Atmosphere answered some of your questions already. As for “side effects” well it depends on how you look at it. Some signs of increased endogenous testosterone can be (not exclusively nor are these absolute) insomnia, increased sebaceous gland activity (i.e., oily skin), increased sex drive, increased muscle, decreased fat mass over a longer period of time. You may notice some effects within a week and others it may take a month or a bit longer, it’s difficult to give exact figures. I’m not psychic. :slight_smile:

Alpha Male is fine to take with everything you’ve mentioned and is entirely safe.

As for how to use it and cycle it, follow the label directions. I personally prefer to use it for around 12 weeks at a time followed by a 2-3 week break.

I’m recommending the M to be taken with it because the Alpha Male will increase your testosterone levels (good!), but as a physiological response, once they get too high, your body will convert some of that testosterone to estrogen (very bad!). Your body does this to maintain a balance, it thinks that since your testosterone is high that your estrogen must be low (the two are negetively correlated) and will go through the process of raising estrogen, and more often than not, to an extreme level.

This is bad, since, we all know high estrogen leads to fat gain, inability to gain muscle, low sex drive, and believing what Dr. Phil says. :wink:

This is where M comes in. . . it blocks estrogen at the recepter sites and also keeps it in check, at a low/normal level. It’s not neccessary, but strongly recommened.

Plus, like I said, it will help Alpha Male excert more of it’s effects, without the dreaded estrogen backlash.

If you’re leary about taking more supplements, just reevaluate your goals and determine which is best. But from the sounds of it, these two will definately aid in getting you to where you want to be!

I’ve got to jet to class, but I’ll check back if you have any more questions.

Always glad to be of assistance!

[quote]atmosphere wrote:
I’m recommending the M to be taken with it because the Alpha Male will increase your testosterone levels (good!), but as a physiological response, once they get too high, your body will convert some of that testosterone to estrogen (very bad!)…[/quote]

Ok, I just placed an order for Alpha Male and M, but when should I start taking M? Should I start taking it right away together with Alpha Male? If not, how do I know when it is time to take M?

Also, what is your opinion on Methoxy-7?
I’m about to finish my first bottle of it, given that I will start taking Alpha Male should I continue with Methoxy-7?

[quote]yustas wrote: Ok, I just placed an order for Alpha Male and M, but when should I start taking M? Should I start taking it right away together with Alpha Male? If not, how do I know when it is time to take M?

Also, what is your opinion on Methoxy-7?
I’m about to finish my first bottle of it, given that I will start taking Alpha Male should I continue with Methoxy-7?

I’d start taking the M when you start taking the Alpha Male. There’s no need to wait or start taking it early. Just decide what day you wish to start taking them, and start taking both of them, as per the label directions.

I’m actually taking Methoxy-7 right now to add lbm. I took the old version, and this new version blows it away! I’m constatnly pumped, my strenght and size are making jumps daily, and I’m not seeing a bit of fat gain from the extra calories (I’m going heavy Massive Eating style).

There’s no problem what-so-ever with using Alpha Male and M with Methoxy-7, since Methoxy-7 is non-hormonal.

With the sups your running, you’ll see plenty of results (lbm gain, fat loss), as long as your diet and training are thoughtout as well.

Thanks Cy.

Got my Alpha Male and M today.
Question. Since Alpha Male needs to be cycled and the recommendation is to take M with it at the same time, does it mean that on the off days for Alpha Male I shouldn’t take M as well? Is this correct?

Also, does it matter when to take Alpha Male and M? I mean I already take HOT-ROX and Methoxy-7 upon waking would it be ok to take Alpha Male and M at the same time? Does it matter if M and Alpha Male are taking together at the same time or is it ok to take M at the different time of the day, but on the same day?


[quote]yustas wrote:
Got my Alpha Male and M today.
Question. Since Alpha Male needs to be cycled and the recommendation is to take M with it at the same time, does it mean that on the off days for Alpha Male I shouldn’t take M as well? Is this correct?

Also, does it matter when to take Alpha Male and M? I mean I already take HOT-ROX and Methoxy-7 upon waking would it be ok to take Alpha Male and M at the same time? Does it matter if M and Alpha Male are taking together at the same time or is it ok to take M at the different time of the day, but on the same day?


You can take M every day of the week. It’s perfectly fine to take all of them at the same time. It doesn’t matter whether you take them at the same time or at different times during the day.

[quote]Cy Willson wrote:
You can take M every day of the week.[/quote]

M has a lot less servings per a bottle then Alpha Male, so I’d like to know if I can take M every day or I should take M every day. In other words is it necessary to take M every day or should I match M cycle with Alpha Make cycle?

So, let’s see…I take Surge and Power Drive post/before workout and I also take Maximum Strength HOT-ROX and Methoxy-7 and now I’m adding Alpha Male and M.

Because of the cost associated with all this supplementation, but more importantly from the goal/health perspective I’d like to ask you Cy and others if they think what I’m doing is a sound and a safe thing to do. I feel I need that assurance to move forward.

My goal is to gain as much lean muscle as possible. I’m 32 years old, male, 6"0, currently around 157lbs (used to be 150 a few weeks ago), but I feel a good part of my recent weight gain is from water retention and creatine, because I feel a little bloated. I follow 5 day split MAX-OT workout and eat about 1.5g of protein for my weight, staying on moderate carbs (around 100g) and moderate fat that I mostly get from fish oil and dairy. I eat full fat cheese, cottage cheese and yogurt made mostly from goat and sheep milk.

P.S. Cy, I’m on the 3rd bottle of HOT-ROX (first bottle was a regular version) and on the 2nd bottle of Methoxy-7 (just started that yesterday). When and do I need to cycle HOT-ROX and or Methoxy-7?

Thank you so much for your help.

As I said before, take M every day.

It’s perfectly fine to use those supplements concurrently and your supplement regimen is something that many people could identify with. We designed Biotest supplements so that they can be used together.

I’d take a 1-3 week break from both after you’ve been using them for around 12 weeks.

My suggestion, if your want to put on mass now, perhaps lose the HOT-ROX, since they increase your metabolism?

This will save you abit of money too.

I’m currently using HOT-ROX and Methoxy-7 with great results (no pack to a 4 pack in 1 1/2 weeks)I have some Alpha Male but am going to wait until after i finishing cutting for that.

I think you might worry abit too much over details, relax abit man :slight_smile:

[quote]Tricep wrote:
My suggestion, if your want to put on mass now, perhaps lose the HOT-ROX, since they increase your metabolism?

This will save you abit of money too.

I’m currently using HOT-ROX and Methoxy-7 with great results (no pack to a 4 pack in 1 1/2 weeks)I have some Alpha Male but am going to wait until after i finishing cutting for that.

I think you might worry abit too much over details, relax abit man :)[/quote]

Yes, Hot-Rox does increase your metabolism, but it also increases your body’s nitrogen retention. Hence, a gain in LBM and all the testimonies about losing fat and gaining muscle.