Is anyone else on the Tribex and ZMA stack? I would have to say that this stuff is remarkable when it comes to increasing testosterone levels. Lately my sex drive has been completely off the meter. I mean don’t get me wrong, I always have puss on the brain, but, this is absolutely ridiculous. I get “excited” by almost anything female that moves. Also, even when I’m in a good mood, It’s like I always have anger just bubbling below the surface. I’m not walking around slapping cops or anything, it just seems as if I’m a lot more aggressive lately. I’m also on the Anabolic Diet which is supposed to help increase T levels naturally. I’m killing in the gym and making good gains,but, I feel like a horny 16 year old who’s mad at the world because he’s not getting any. I think it’s bothering me because I’m nowhere near a novice, I’m 6’4" 265 at 9% and have been lifting for over 10 years…
Hmmm . . How long have you been taking this stack, when did you start to notice results AND what’s your dosage? I’ve been taking ZMA a long time and started Tribex about 3 weeks ago. I have started noticing some mild improvement in overall agressiveness/etc already.