Tribex 500

I just got my Tribex 500 today. I am new with this product. Can somebody help me how am i supposed to take this?
I workout on Mon-Wed-Fri-Sun
Should i take this only during workout days or also non workout days?
When to take it? before or after workout? How many hours apart?

Are you sure you’re old enough to take this stuff? I mean, not knowing how to read the label and all? Okay, okay- I take 6 in the morning, 6 around 3 in the afternoon with a little food. Take on non-training days too. Doesn’t really matter if you time it with workouts or not.

:slight_smile: :slight_smile: hehehehehe

Hey, i am old enough to read the labels :slight_smile: Just that i don;t understand that some people take it 2 caps bid (2x a day) and some people took it 3 to 4 even 6 caps bid.

Which is right?

Does it cause any hair loss problem or gynecomastia at all?

I prefer the max dose (12). No, it can’t cause anything like gyno. Go to the Biotest store section and click on the bottle. This usually leads to detailed info on the product. Good luck! Hope you don’t mind spontaneous woodies! (Tribex does that, to me at least.)

I used 3 caps twice a day for the first few cycles. But I never noticed much. I got a slight increase of acne on my upper back.

About two weeks ago, I upped my does to four caps twice a day. I usually take it at 8-9am and then again at 3-4pm. That’s what Biotest recommends. You can either do the 3-4 weeks straight and then take a week or two off, or you can do the five days on, two days off.

Just to add to what TEKster and the Dogg have said…in an previous issue of T-mag in the interview with Dr. Serrano, he mentioned that he took one of his doses prior to training and noticed good results–I’m not sure of the amount he used or his cycle, you may want to do a search; also, I remember Tim saying that dosage depend basically on what you can afford. If you can dish out the dough for 6 caps, 2x/day, by all means, do so as it will produce the best results; As far as any negative side effects, there should be none, as the exact mechanisms of Tribulus aren’t certain, but it primarily works with the anterior pituitary increase LH production and therefore, “natural” T production.

Has anybody tried splitting to three times a day with better, worse or same results?

How would you take this after a cycle of roids to help get your natural T production up? Post cycle I plan to use HCG 5000iu for two weeks and clomid during the cycle and for 2-3 weeks after. I think tribex would also benifit. Any have a few cents they want to throw at me?