Ok where to begin.
Yes this is a public forum. Yes anyone can ask any question.
However, in turn you must respect anyone else to give any other answer to your questions.
You will find here in the TNation Gear forum there are several members that have earned the title “very respected opinion”. Rainjack without question or doubt is one such member. Frequently you will also find the guys with the most knowledge are also the most responsible with that knowledge [thanks be to God for that fact].
Often, I personally choose not to supply information to guys I deem too young and under trained to be proper gear heads. At 20, you more or less fall into this catergory. Your body is not ready to receive the gear.
It is clear at the present moment that you are also grossly under-educated in terms of injecting foreign chemicals into your body.
Having said that, as a sign of good faith and from a purely educational standpoint I am going to share some knowledge with you regarding your Test and Tren question.
Before I do I genuinely plead with you to absorb this information and use it wisely to possibly plan cycles years from now and not this or even next year. Years from now you and your body will be thankful if you wait a couple more years.
OK addressing blueescalation’s OP:
Test or Tren or anything should never be selected if one’s primary goal is bodyfat reduction. Truth be told no gear product should be relied upon as the main catalyst for this goal.
Diet first and exercise second exceed what can be achieved by the most renowned of “fat loss agents”.
Now many people do experience fat loss on Tren in the presence of a good diet and exercise program.
By and large most people’s first starter cycle do not include Tren. Tren can be amazingly effective for whatever fitness pursuits you have be they fat loss, size gain and most especially massive strength increases. However, the potential side effects are not to be taken lightly.
Speaking as the veteran of five or six gear cycles ranging from 6-14 weeks myself and speaking as someone who has tried Test, Deca, Dbol, Tren, OT, Drol, Var, Masteron and EQ, Tren is by far the harshest product on my system.
Irritability, Night Sweats, Heart Palpitations and the like were worse on Tren than anything else I’ve ever had in my body.
For this reason and countless other reasons most people are often steered towards 500mg of Test as their first starter cycle. Test allows you to gauge how you will do on synthetic hormones flowing thru your system.
Also Test is the most natural in that it is the closest re-creation of what is already in your body.
Make no mistake that Test and Tren are a wonderful combo. My next cycle this fall will be Test and Tren, probably with a dbol kickstart. But there’s another reason not to cycle yet; you probably don’t know what a kickstart is or why to do it.
Its often been said “drink no wine for its time.” I concede that your body is your own and you can choose to put whatever you want in it. However, if you goals are in anyway long term. I assure you that longer you wait and the more you develop your own body naturally the better you will respond to the gear once you try it.
I was 29 and weighed 220lbs at a height of about 5’9" and had squated 450+ and benched 350+ before I ever tried the gear.
I sincerely hope I have accomplished two points here: [1] the increase in the knowledge base of blueescalation on gear [2] the persuasion of blueescalation not to gear up yet
We are here to help, we are here to answer questions. Sometimes you might not like the answers but they are our attempt at being truly helpful.