Test E + Winny Cycle

Hello experienced users, noobie here. I have run one AAS cycle dbol only 8 weeks, with decent results. My experience is around 8 years of training in football, track and field, basketball and boxing occasionally weightlifting on and off throughout the seasons.What i’m trying to do is maximize my potential in the 100m and do well in states (unlike last year this is my senior year) in hopes of getting the attention of college coaches and a scholarship.

My diet is all healthy and sorted out (Wish I had a higher caloric intake). Supplementation is good vitamins, minerals, creatine and omega-3’s. I’ve had bloodwork done, I don’t have it access to it right now but I remember that at the end of my dbol cycle my test was 231 ng/dl and about a month after it was 520 ng/dl estrogen went from 10 ng/dl to 20 ng/dl.

What I have laid out so far is
Test E - 500mg weekly 22 Weeks
Winny - 50m ED Last 8 - 10 weeks of the season
Dbol - 6 weeks when season starts

PCT: HCG, Nolva, Aromasin, DAA, Tribulus

I need help with the timing of this, when to start the test and winny. I just started the test and have been running the hgh for a week. My season starts March, 9th and ends around April, 1st. Should I stop the test and wait? Any help on this would be much appreciated.
Thank you!

Three things jump out at me: Dbol when your season starts is fucking stupid. You’re going to be battling water weight gain and back and calf pumps. It’s a drug for strength and mass, I can’t see it being beneficial for a sprinter.

And HCG is for your cycle, not part of PCT.

Plus you’re 17 or 18.

Okay so take the dbol out, how much hcg am I going to run?
And yes I’m 18 but I’ve made the decision already with all respect…

You don’t know what you are doing, and you are going to screw yourself up for life. Everything you have laid out is wrong. Please do not do this.

Can you explain why? I’m pretty much done with puberty, I feel like my system is young and will be able to recover.
Can you at least tell me what’s wrong with my cycle because I’ve already made my mind up. Appreciate your concern

You are an idiot. You have multiple people telling you that you are making a mistake and because of your ego you won’t even consider it. You don’t need help with a cycle you need to Shir up and listen I sencerly hope if you do this you fuck your self. You obviously have no idea what you are doing or what and how these drugs work. You may now begin with the insults and telling me how you know everything.

I know absolutely nothing about the steroid needs of a sprinter, but googled “what steroids do sprinters take” and found about a dozen cycles, more appropriate and better planned out than yours.

You didn’t even do the most basic research before coming here and posting your BB bulking cycle.

[quote]TripleGGG wrote:
I’m pretty much done with puberty[/quote]


how are you paying for 22 weeks of 5iu HGH every day?

[quote]TripleGGG wrote:
Can you explain why? I’m pretty much done with puberty, I feel like my system is young and will be able to recover. [/quote]

This is absolutely wrong. There is sufficient evidence to prove otherwise.

Thus, you are basing your decision to do this cycle on a flawed premise.


Your mind cannot be made up if the premise is flawed and the potential repercussions to your body may be severe. Unless you’re stupid.

Are you stupid?

If you are not stupid, we can discuss this further.

I’m all ears man, no I’m not “stupid” I would like to have an intelligent conversation about this.

The HGH is certainly a bad idea at your age. If you take nothing else away from this thread, at least drop the HGH. You can’t judge where you are in puberty based on ‘feelings’. That’s utterly ridiculous. Also take into consideration the fact that while yes, you are young, and yes, you are likely to recover just fine, that not everyone does. Be prepared for the consequences of your actions, which could include the need for TRT by the time you’re 20. That fucking sucks. And it happens.

Also, if you don’t already have the attention of coaches, and you’re not already receiving scholarship offers, you’re not good enough at what you do for this to be worthwhile. On the off-chance that steroids do enough for you to get this sort of attention, you’ll have no ‘ace in the hole’ once you get to college. You’ll be tapped out. And then what? I have trouble seeing this ending well.

  1. The brain reaches maturity at age 23-25. While the accuracy of this may be in contention by some, you are 18. You are definitely not done developing.

  2. Do you understand that use of exogenous hormones at ANY AGE can cause irreversible changes to your HPTA and that the risk is HIGHER while you are still developing? No PCT in the world will help you if something really fucks up.

  3. Aside from the potential damage to your endocrine system, do you understand that AAS can cause irreversible changes to your neurological system as well according to more recent studies, especially at your age? (see below)

  4. Your cycle is nonsense. A 22 week cycle with HGH may not even be attempted by an experienced user. This shows you have done no research. This shows you do not know what you are doing. Because if you did, you would understand why you should not be cycling at your age. We’re not the only people telling kids not to cycle.

You are free to go get second opinions from other places. I’m sure you will hear the same thing.

If you choose not to listen, I wouldn’t waste my time trying to talk sense into someone who doesn’t have the common sense not to fuck with his brain and balls at a crucial stage of his physical developement. Seriously, what else in life are more important than these?

So tell me, are you stupid?

[quote]Androgenic anabolic steroid exposure during adolescence: ramifications for brain development and behavior.

Cunningham RL1, Lumia AR, McGinnis MY.
Author information
Horm Behav. 2013 Jul;64(2):350-6. doi: 10.1016/j.yhbeh.2012.12.009. Epub 2012 Dec 26.

This article is part of a Special Issue “Puberty and Adolescence”. Puberty is a critical period for brain maturation that is highly dependent on gonadal sex hormones. Modifications in the gonadal steroid environment, via the use of anabolic androgenic steroids (AAS), have been shown to affect brain development and behavior. Studies in both humans and animal models indicate that AAS exposure during adolescence alters normal brain remodeling, including structural changes and neurotransmitter function. The most commonly reported behavioral effect is an increase in aggression. Evidence has been presented to identify factors that influence the effect of AAS on the expression of aggression. The chemical composition of the AAS plays a major role in determining whether aggression is displayed, with testosterone being the most effective. The hormonal context, the environmental context, physical provocation and the perceived threat during the social encounter have all been found to influence the expression of aggression and sexual behavior. All of these factors point toward an altered behavioral state that includes an increased readiness to respond to a social encounter with heightened vigilance and enhanced motivation. This AAS-induced state may be defined as emboldenment. The evidence suggests that the use of AAS during this critical period of development may increase the risk for maladaptive behaviors along with neurological disorders. [/quote]

Sorry kid if you already need drugs to do better now, your not gonna make it far.

And for fucks sake your 18. Drop the drugs and do some reading, stop being a typical 18 year old know it all

Wow steroid use can cause aggression, particularly in social situations… What a horrible side effect!
Hmm this sounds familiar like when I ask for advice politely and get flamed and called an idiot by people who have the same background as me (Google) lol… Like all this does is make your forums look like a stereotypical meathead board. Flipcollar, I appreciate your response and civilness, however I think what I’m going to do is just run the HGH alone. It’s a safe hormone I’ve done my research on it. If a 4 year old can take it daily until he’s an adult I consider that safe to run for a couple of months. I have done plenty of research test e has best effects over 16 week periods. I’ll probably do light test throughout the season or forget the test your all right on that, it’s not worth it.
I’m determined to run winny for at least 6-8 weeks, if you guys knew anything about AAS and sprinting you would know that winstrol was Ben Johnson’s weapon of choice and was why he held the 100m world record for so many years. Again, by calling me an “idiot” for making poor choices makes you look like an unintelligent hypocrite, I’m sure you made poor choices when you were a kid too. Ever read up on any studies about the effects of alcohol and marijuana on a developing adolescent? I don’t smoke or drink. I’ll let you know when I get my full ride. Thanks

[quote]TripleGGG wrote:
Wow steroid use can cause aggression, particularly in social situations… What a horrible side effect!
Hmm this sounds familiar like when I ask for advice politely and get flamed and called an idiot by people who have the same background as me (Google) lol… Like all this does is make your forums look like a stereotypical meathead board. Flipcollar, I appreciate your response and civilness, however I think what I’m going to do is just run the HGH alone. It’s a safe hormone I’ve done my research on it. If a 4 year old can take it daily until he’s an adult I consider that safe to run for a couple of months. I have done plenty of research test e has best effects over 16 week periods. I’ll probably do light test throughout the season or forget the test your all right on that, it’s not worth it.
I’m determined to run winny for at least 6-8 weeks, if you guys knew anything about AAS and sprinting you would know that winstrol was Ben Johnson’s weapon of choice and was why he held the 100m world record for so many years. Again, by calling me an “idiot” for making poor choices makes you look like an unintelligent hypocrite, I’m sure you made poor choices when you were a kid too. Ever read up on any studies about the effects of alcohol and marijuana on a developing adolescent? I don’t smoke or drink. I’ll let you know when I get my full ride. Thanks [/quote]


[quote]TripleGGG wrote:
Wow steroid use can cause aggression, particularly in social situations… What a horrible side effect!
Hmm this sounds familiar like when I ask for advice politely and get flamed and called an idiot by people who have the same background as me (Google) lol… Like all this does is make your forums look like a stereotypical meathead board. Flipcollar, I appreciate your response and civilness, however I think what I’m going to do is just run the HGH alone. It’s a safe hormone I’ve done my research on it. If a 4 year old can take it daily until he’s an adult I consider that safe to run for a couple of months. I have done plenty of research test e has best effects over 16 week periods. I’ll probably do light test throughout the season or forget the test your all right on that, it’s not worth it.
I’m determined to run winny for at least 6-8 weeks, if you guys knew anything about AAS and sprinting you would know that winstrol was Ben Johnson’s weapon of choice and was why he held the 100m world record for so many years. Again, by calling me an “idiot” for making poor choices makes you look like an unintelligent hypocrite, I’m sure you made poor choices when you were a kid too. Ever read up on any studies about the effects of alcohol and marijuana on a developing adolescent? I don’t smoke or drink. I’ll let you know when I get my full ride. Thanks [/quote]

Thanks kid, this really made my day.

[quote]TripleGGG wrote:
Wow steroid use can cause aggression, particularly in social situations… What a horrible side effect!
Hmm this sounds familiar like when I ask for advice politely and get flamed and called an idiot by people who have the same background as me (Google) lol… Like all this does is make your forums look like a stereotypical meathead board. Flipcollar, I appreciate your response and civilness, however I think what I’m going to do is just run the HGH alone. It’s a safe hormone I’ve done my research on it. If a 4 year old can take it daily until he’s an adult I consider that safe to run for a couple of months. I have done plenty of research test e has best effects over 16 week periods. I’ll probably do light test throughout the season or forget the test your all right on that, it’s not worth it.
I’m determined to run winny for at least 6-8 weeks, if you guys knew anything about AAS and sprinting you would know that winstrol was Ben Johnson’s weapon of choice and was why he held the 100m world record for so many years. Again, by calling me an “idiot” for making poor choices makes you look like an unintelligent hypocrite, I’m sure you made poor choices when you were a kid too. Ever read up on any studies about the effects of alcohol and marijuana on a developing adolescent? I don’t smoke or drink. I’ll let you know when I get my full ride. Thanks [/quote]
#1 How old was Ben Johnson when he held that record? Right, he was 26. Good thing you used that example to prove your point.
#2 You are not world class. Hate to break it to you kid. See how useful that (maybe)full ride is when you are fucked beyond medical help.
#3 These other guys care a lot about people not hurting themselves. You’ve been given great advice and you have ignored it. If you choose not to listen and fuck yourself up, I won’t give a shit. I might even get a kick out of it. 1 less dumbfuck on my way to work

[quote]TripleGGG wrote:
Wow steroid use can cause aggression, particularly in social situations… What a horrible side effect![/quote]

Oh, you failed to comphrehend that aggression is but one of many things that can manifest as a RESULT of permanent alteration of normal brain remodeling, including structural changes and neurotransmittor function?

Actually, some of us have old friends in real life that happen to be endocrinologists and seasoned bodybuilding coaches. You jumping to such conclusions shows how small your world is.

That is in the event of an actual DEFICIENCY and/or the need for quality of life outweighs the risks.

Find me a physician who will prescribe HGH to a healthy young male. Go on. Do it.

This is bullshit.

Ok that’s good. Light test is rubbish unless you have hypogonadism. Scrap the idea of test altogether.

I didn’t know Ben Johnson was 18 when he set the record. Was he?

I didn’t know you were training for the olympics either. Are you?

When I made poor choices as a kid, I had no idea they were poor choices. Therefore, I was ignorant.

If you are intending to make a poor choice despite knowing it’s a poor choice, that makes you an idiot.

So your logic is that if other people are doing stupid shit in one area, it’s fine for you to do equally stupid shit in another.

That’s such a… meathead way of thinking lol.

[quote]dt79 wrote:

[quote]TripleGGG wrote:
Wow steroid use can cause aggression, particularly in social situations… What a horrible side effect![/quote]

Oh, you failed to comphrehend that aggression is but one of many things that can manifest as a RESULT of permanent alteration of normal brain remodeling, including structural changes and neurotransmittor function?

Actually, some of us have old friends in real life that happen to be endocrinologists and seasoned bodybuilding coaches. You jumping to such conclusions shows how small your world is.

That is in the event of an actual DEFICIENCY and/or the need for quality of life outweighs the risks.

Find me a physician who will prescribe HGH to a healthy young male. Go on. Do it.

This is bullshit.

Ok that’s good. Light test is rubbish unless you have hypogonadism. Scrap the idea of test altogether.

I didn’t know Ben Johnson was 18 when he set the record. Was he?

I didn’t know you were training for the olympics either. Are you?

When I made poor choices as a kid, I had no idea they were poor choices. Therefore, I was ignorant.

If you are intending to make a poor choice despite knowing it’s a poor choice, that makes you an idiot.

So your logic is that if other people are doing stupid shit in one area, it’s fine for you to do equally stupid shit in another.

That’s such a… meathead way of thinking lol.


Another great post dt

Don’t even compare yourself to Ben Johnson kid, he was already world class before he got caught, you on the other hand are not. Having to use drugs just to get to college your probably not gonna go far, what are you gonna do when you need to take it to the next level???