Tren/Test/EQ Help

Hey everyone I’m gonna be running a cycle next year with eq added just wanna get it right since I’ve never used eq

6’2 260lb 15% bf

I’ve ran a few cycles of tren/ test, test/ dbol, and some when I was younger because of some bad guidance.
Anyway, last cycle was

tren e - 300 mg w 1-12
Test e - 500 mg w 1-12
Mast - 600 mg w 6-12

For my next cycle I wanna try EQ since Im not very lean the mast doesn’t do me too well I had high hopes to lean out out before that one but my diet was shit. Next cycle

Tren e - 300mg maybe 400mg (opinions pls) w 1-14
Test e - 500mg w 1-16
EQ - 600 mg w 1-16
Hcg - 250iu x 2 w (1000iu w last two w)
Arimidex .5mg eod probably starting week 5

PCT 14 days after LI
Nolva 40/20/20/20
Help on clomid dosage

And goal is strength I usually lean out decently on cycle. Also, options on front loading test/tren

Ok it looks good, give or take.

I myself only ran 400 mgs a week the first few EQ runs. With UGLs how they are that dosage of 400 per week might not be enough for your brand. If you tend to respond well to new compounds then maybe you can dial down to 400 and save a few bucks. It’s your choice.

With running the EQ all the way to the last week that means your PCT timing is off. The undeconate ester attached to boldenone has a half life of around 15-16 days. I would either stop the EQ on week 15 OR if you stop on week 16 I would run test out to 17 weeks then wait the two weeks and start PCT.

What I do is I end my cycles with a bottle of test prop. Depending on what I run that cycle I might run something with the prop for the first week of the prop bottle but then for the last two weeks of the prop it is the only thing I inject. Once it is done I can wait 3-4 days then start PCT. All of that is assuming it is a 10cc bottle at 100 mgs per cc then I pin it EOD for 20 days or three weeks.

I myself like tren at 400 per week but that is my brand of UGL and idk how accurate it is. I assume it’s close but do not know for sure. If you do run it at 400 that puts you at 1.5 grams a week of compounds. That is my personal line that I try to stay at or under. You have a mix of compounds, nothing that is a heavy aromatizer and your harsh tren is at a reasonable level (provided you have never had issues at 400 per week). I think either 300 or 400 is fine but 400 is going to make those goals all the easier to reach.

I wouldn’t bother with the clomid. Nolvadex is plenty strong and more than capable of handling most PCTs. But since you are running one of the longest available esters, if your bottle of Nolvadex has a few tablets left then I would run it at 10 mgs a day on week five, really it is not necessary but I like to be careful and cautious.

Tren and EQ are two of my main stays but I have never run them together. You should see some serious strength response.

Not sure about your estrogen or gyno history. Since you are running tren then I would add in vitamin B6 at 600mgs per day. It will help combat progesterone and possible prolactin issues you could possibly run into with tren.

I forgot about the front load.

Officially there is no proof that front loading results in a better cycle. I have run numerous cycles with front loading and numerous without. When I do I definitely feel like I get more out of the cycle.

People talk about an ester taking time to kick in, this is not fully accurate. It takes time for the level to build up. Only after the hormone is released from the ester can it attach to a receptor and then do anything. So the level of free hormone at any given moment has to be high enough to have the benefits of that hormone kick in. The ester is really just a “time release.”

If you take 250 mgs of any enanthate then 125 mgs get used the first 10 days. Now the first 3 days or so the majority of the 125 gets absorbed. Think about it if 60 mgs gets used in the first 3 days that’s only 20 per day average. Not a lot of hormones do a whole lot at 20 mgs per day, plus that 20 mgs still has the ester in that weight. It takes a few shots for the lingering levels to build up enough to add enough to the 20mgs to reach a level where something happens.
That explanation is very basic and uses rough estimated numbers but the concept is sound.

Really all the front load does is get your levels of hormone-free-from-the-ester up to “anabolic threshold” levels sooner. Basically only the hormone detached from the ester can do anything and it takes a certain level of the hormone for the supraphysiologic benefits to work.

I myself just take a full weeks worth of hormone on my first shot, say on Sunday. I usually split my dosage for the week into two equal shots. So my super shot on Sunday then Wednesday I take my usual half week dose and carry on with half week dosage twice a week until I am done.

Having done cycles with and without a front load I now only run cycles with a front load.

Awesome thanks for the help. I’ll cut eq down to 400mg a week and stop Everything at 14 weeks run last 2 weeks of 100mgs test p EOD. Start pct 5 days after. I’m gonna try 400mg of tren I’ve always done 3000mg and gonna try the front load.

Gyno isn’t to crazy for me I was just gonna throw in the clomid to be extra safe but I’ll do the extra week of nolva

I appreciate the help I’m really looking forward to this next cycle with th EQ added